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Kristallnacht was a false flag , incitement , attack by COJA ( Cult Of Judah Agents/Affiliates ) from the beginning of it at Germany , when Germany was one of the most peaceful countries in the world . COJA in Germany incited Germans publicly on the streets outside outdoors against 'jews' citizens residents locals communities in Germany During that false flag attack . The German authorities were ordered to protect the ' jews ' residents citizens at Germany during that false flag . The German police and Party officials where generally on the side of the ' jews ' locals citizens residents communities who were attacked during that false flag attack . The ' jews ' citizens at Germany who were attacked during that false flag attack when the 'jews' citizens residents locals's property at Germany was destroyed by coja infiltrators , agitators , and some random NON-"jews" Germans protestors demonstrators locals at Germany who were ' agents provocateur , inciting agents ' , incited and were led astray by coja infiltrators and agitators to attack 'jews' , and coja assaulted the ' jews ' locals residents and violently vandalized and smashed and burned their property and with rocks and Molotov cocktails fires etc . P.S. the USA Pittsburgh synagogue " Massacre " never happened , there was a ' drill ' there earlier this Year of a mass shooting event over there . P.S. , The apparently real message , text of coja from since apparently centuries ago , which is added in THIS illustration video , summarizes THAT TROONATNOOR ( The Realities Of Our Natures And The Nature Of Our Realities ) TRUTH and everything TROONATNOOR does NOT stand for , except maybe eventual mandatory veganism . End Loxism now . Save and preserve the White Europeans folks Aryans race people , good innocent , subjected and targeted by Loxism and also save all of others of humans worldwide , humanity from COJA , NOW . P.S. was the 1908 'Tunguska event ' a man made collision meteor type of weapon targeted Tsarist who they tried so many times to assassinate end eventually did assassinate him with a coj ritual murder sacrifice . The tsarist empire of Russia , the biggest enemy of coj world order at that period who had made the ANTI COJ law " may laws" " pale of settlement " law , to protect " jews " citizens of the Russian empire and to protect White Europeans Russian empire citizens from clashing and massacring each others and coj blood ritual occult murders of whites by loxists , rather than as propaganda banksters MSM media back then portrayed that as purging the ' jews ' as at there in the late 19th century because there were coja loxists " jews " at there and who also did blood libels , ritual murders , and committed murders at there ( there still are , they still do , like the 2018 March Kemerovo city mall fire , where more than children 40 " disappeared " , abducted days before the cursed passover fest ) ( " jack the ripper " , the London serial killer murderer who murdered a dozen British women in the late 19th century was a loxist " jew " confirmed by DNA and admitted by DNA who emigrated from Russia after those fierce anti loxists anti coj reprisal clashes in tsarist Russia in the 19th century , Russian empire citizens in Eastern Europe , geo-terror like the hurricanes in the USA and the Far east Asia , man made hurricanes accelerator technology used in the USA on USA regularly , was the event to weaken Russia , pressure Russia to send a threatening message to Russia , mess with its economic prosperity to smash their prosperous economy be destroying millions of trees in Russian Siberia on that meteor terror attack to cause total damage of woods , goods resources to make Russia have a bank , ( it's known that in the 1900s , 1910s international bankers tried to pressure tsarist Russia to get open its country to host international banking trade system when it Russia repeatedly refused to do , and Russia was the only , back at that time , big powerful , military opposition outpost which actively had enforced laws regarding practical legal lawful restriction of protection of from " jews / coj " until the Russian bolsheviks communists freemasons coj takeover of 1917 at Russia . there were later two more countries to protect themselves and their local citizens " jews " briefly in the 1930s , in the 1930s and 1940s , the nationalist Germany in 1934 A.K.A. The Third Reich and nationalist Italy in 1938, by the Nuremberg laws until 1939 when ww2 broke out ) ( German 1935 Nuremberg Laws = Russian 1882 " may laws " = Italy 1938 " Italian racial laws , Leggi razziali } USA American 1862 General Order No. 11 { cancelled by the " jew " abraham lincoln } more or less the same laws more or less for the same reasons , the 3 countries are equal as to why they did it { America almost did it , expulsions deportations , or separation , isolations, anti coja segregations or these laws and enforced actions of these laws , or basically only the actions regardless without official legal laws enfored about this , because of coj , coja are guilty its coja's fault the citizens of the Russian tsarist empire were defending themselves in the 19th century } more or less the same on the same coj atrocities on white counties } ) . , banks to join the Bank industry which it the Tsars refused to do ? 1908 it was right before china and all the World powers countries empires in Europe and Asia started to collapse and shrink in sizes and turned communist ( the old world order , kingdoms , empires , tsars , emperors , dual monarchy Austria Hungary and kaisers , Reichs . " We will always hide the divine truth from them ( humans beings ), that we are all one. This they must never know ! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will takeover their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. " ( those humans beings who kill { homicides , murders , murderers , genocides } another human(s) and those who give orders to other humans { and who let animals and insects and germs and drones and robots and computers and electronic programs and bioweapons and anything man made designed to kill and to trap and kill humans also in the nature e.g. quick sand } devour / kill /poison to kill other humans } to kill humans (s) and those humans who give any orders to other humans to kill humans by leaving them abandoned alone in an empty of any caring civilization person to save them ,{ only themselves in danger who can't at such certain dangerous physically ,' communicatively to outside rescuers ' limited to them soft of situations save themselves and can't reach certain others who would get to do what would save them and to know the complete detailed dangerous situation , location and method and right way strategy , technique to save them and their lives } stranded ( especially without telling them , alarming , warning them they are , and or will about to be unable to be able to live long more and why and what will happen to them next and what will happen where they are at / in , what they've gotten into , how is it at it and how will it be , what is it and what will it be changed by /to , nothing at all useful to stay alive to make use of , being provided with suitable gear to those specific dangerous situations long term specific life threatening survival tools , equipment , food , water , vegetation , organism to consume for the long term , unheard , unseen , without option to communicate to someone who could save them and their lives , abandoned , banned from anyone to rescue them to dangerous occurring / nearing weather ,environment , temperature conditions they are placed in at contact on , precipitation by air , sky , being electrocuted from somehow by something / drowning by deep water , ground earth deep quicksand , deep holes impact craters holes , fires , any dangerous smoke , gas , magma , laba , volcano eruptions , earthquakes , dangerous avalanches of any sort , sandstorms , , dangerous toxic natural / man made gas / toxic oil spills eruptions , on sea and on land / gaiser eruptins , any natural or man , bioweapones , microscopic / nano bioweapons , electronic EMP killer , any low/high technology killer , HAARP earthquakes , chemtrails any high tech progams killers , RFIED chips killers/ 5g mind controll killers . killer drones / killer robots bots , radioactive / bioweapons/killer drones /killer robots/ dangerous substances to certain humans or all human beings , asteroids , meteors { whether these falling particles even really actually do exist or not } , something as what happened , I believe , on purpose to , the 1908 " Tunguska event" , total devastation , it was a conspiracy to attempt to collapse the tsarist Russia using some kind of extraterrestrial beings or hi tech biological weapon substance apparently , I believe , their desperation to not be exposed was at all time high , to many blood libels , growing press media coverages of blood libels ramping up , " coja " expelled from Moscow at the time , no federal reserve yet in 1908 which began at 1913 , no banks in Russia , china , yet they were at total panic that they will be exposed , especially , and they almost were , until ww1 , and now they were exposed worldwide as parasites , one of their worst periods , in terms of being almost totally exposed as genocidal occultists parasites : " They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know. But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then . THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. "

The American ' jevvish ' Harold . Wallace Rosenthal Interview ( confession ) by interviewer Walter White Jr. ( in a single day in July , 1976) audiobook . Rosenthal was murdered 30 days after this interview Mr. ' jevvish ' Rosenthal, age 29, the administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York was killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, August 12, 1976 on his way to Israel, in what Walter White describes as a Mossad arranged hijacking show, blamed on the Palestinian PLO, designed to take out Rosenthal for revealing too much . This writer and editor is not easily shocked but as this egotist Harold W. Rosenthal raved on and on I found so much of what he said actually horrifying -- the actual betrayal of which he admittedly was a part -- and he appeared to gloat over the apparent success of a Jewish World Conspiracy. This, mind you, comes from an "administrative assistant" to one of our ranking Senators, ' jew ' Jacob K. Javits of New York.

What you are about to read should act as a WARNING to all sentient naturally born humans beings throughout the world , ' Gentile ' and ' jevv ' alike who were and or who are born from out of their all naturally born humans beings parents ( not clones / robots A.I. maybe even some G.M.O. / unnatural etc. ), and also a Warning to all others naturally born and naturally being born sentient beings throughout the world such as Animals .
It would appear that Mr. Rosenthal might have "talked too freely" because although four people were killed and some 30 injured during the sky-jacking attempt, Rosenthal was not killed by a random bullet as were the others. From reports secured at the time, it seems amazing and strange that of all the people involved in this incident Mr. Rosenthal should have been fatally wounded. Meanwhile, I Walter White who conducted this confidential interview, can now state after much investigation, expense and travel, that Harold Rosenthal was undoubtedly murdered at the Istanbul Airport, in what was to appear as a hijacking probably by his own people . This was an earlier text version of " the most blatantly criminal racial vilification and incitement to genocide ever captured on camera film " ( Loxism ) . This booklet contains the text of a most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew by the name of Harold Rosenthal, which was conducted in 1976, by a concerned patriot, a Walter White, Jr.. Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems we face today.

Rosenthal, in exposing certain aspects of the 'inner invisible world of Jewry', revealed the modes and tactics Jews have used in destroying Christian civilization and covertly attaining control over our lives and governments. The result has been a 'hidden tyranny' upon us like the tyranny waged against the Saints by the red beast system of Revelation referred to as 'Mystery Babylon'.

But how could such a small number of Jews enslave so many people and gain such an overwhelming control over their governments, especially without their being aware of it? The answer to this may be found in Christ's parable of the unjust steward, which represents Jewry. They are able to prevail in the world despite their ungodly ways because of their cunning and shrewd ways. As Christ said "For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." (Luke 16:8) When questioned about the ways in which the Jews have gained power, Mr. Rosenthal said:

"Our power has been created through the manipulation of the national monetary system. We authored the quotation. 'Money is power.' As revealed in our master plan, it was essential for us to establish a private national bank. The Federal Reserve system fitted our plan nicely since it is owned by us, but the name implies that it is a government institution. From the very outset, our purpose was to confiscate all the gold and silver, replacing them with worthless non-redeemable paper notes. This we have done!"

Let us also highlight the other key quotes remarks of Mr. Rosenthal:
•That the American people have no guts and the Jews sneer at their stupidity. quote from that GENUINE REAL interview of the American white interviewer Walter White and the American " jevvish " Harlod Rosenthal in a mixed in order quotes of their quotes , slightly edited by Smoloko ( confession of Harold Rosenthal ) are added here ,There are also 2 links to the full text interview added here in a original quotes order . the full interview is in this video audiobook is also added here ( W. is White and R. is Rosenthal ) : R. " On the first and fundamental lie, the purpose of which is to make people believe that we { Cult of Judah COJ } are not a nation but a religion, other lies are subsequently based. Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it (It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still. Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.) It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America. We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo. However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it. " R. : " We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication. This, we fear, is a sign of a coming pogrom that will take place in America soon. The American public has realized that we are in control, which is a fatal mistake on our part. This nation could never be the land of the free as long as it is the land of the Jew. (This is a concept most patriots cannot understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media, Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the Jew now uses against the detestable 'goyim'. The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it.) This is the revelation that will be our undoing. " / R. " There is in America an "unthinking majority." / " R : I don't care: what you do -- as I said, few have the guts to speak out . We would all have better understanding between each other -- Jews and gentiles -- if we spoke out more openly. Your people don't have guts (Whites / USA WASP whites Americans / Christians /gentiles ) . We establish your thinking -- we even place within you a 'guilt complex' making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly . " / W. : " You are masters of deceit and this cunning practice of yours has allowed your people to infiltrate the governments throughout the world. "

/ R. : " Why not? Why shouldn't we take over the banks, the universities, the church and the government if the gentiles are not intelligent enough to run them? I could not have talked this way a few years ago but now it is different. There is nothing to undo our strategy in the world today so I can speak much more freely. What I've disclosed may help other Jews to speak out if they have any guts. We are not a pusillanimous race. " / W. : " I can see that it is you and your kind who try to get Christ out of Christmas. I feel sorry for you... to which he quickly replied: " R. : "Don't give me that shit. I don't want your pity. I don't need it! Too many Jews do not have the guts to tell you how we live and plan, but I am not intimidated by anyone or anything. I know where I'm going." / W. : " There is so much of what you have said, that as an individual, people may not believe you -- they may not believe this interview " . / R. : " That is why we have the control today. One of the reasons. Your people did not believe that it was possible for any people or race to accomplish what we have within a couple of hundred years. The gentile is stupid. WE are intelligent. I am going to be a very important person in and around Washington and soon. I intend to become nationally prominent. You are going to hear and read about me in the future. I'm young and have had the guts to tell you more than any other Jew would ever dare to tell you -- at least publicly. I've stuck my neck out White. Some of what I have told you is part of the inner, invisible world of Jewry. " / W. : " So long as you are truthful with me -- but you still haven't answered that question I posed long back -- do you believe that Jesus Christ was a Jew?

/ R.: " As I said, Jake could give you a really intelligent answer. I know that most of our friends, kids and people I grew up with -- in fact all of our friends -- I'd say all of them, don't believe Christ was a Jew. He was an impostor and millions of people all over the world now believe that Christianity was founded on untruth and deliberate incorrect translations of your Bible. Christ was a fraud. Even the National Council of Churches agree that there were false translations of the book your people respect. It's built on lies. (This comment can hardly be regarded as coming from a true Christian source since the National Council of Churches was organized by Jews and its theology is controlled by them.) " / W. : " I find so many things that you have said as being repulsive and your arrogant manner in boasting, as it were, to admittedly being a part of this gigantic . . . this heinous plot against mankind -- and at times, you attempt to brush things off by saying 'what difference does it make'. So much of what you have admitted staggers me, in fact, I lack the words . . . (Mr. R. interrupts here). "

/ R.: " That's because you're a gentile. You don't understand. You never will! Until it's too late and my hope, personally, is that the American people do not... (Mr. R. paused here). "

/ W.: " There is so much of what you have said, that as an individual, people may not believe you -- they may not believe this interview...(Mr. R. interrupts). "
/ R. " Maybe to your way of thinking. I've told you -- you and I are different. We are different people. Our beliefs are entirely different. We have been raised that way for many centuries so it is not a sin for us to take any oath and break it. It's our teaching. (This point on the difference of character has been made by many other Jewish writers and statesmen, and is well supported in history and science. Yet, ironically, Christians continue to believe the Jewish lie that " we are all the same " or "equal.") . "