At what age does a person's life hang by a thread?

in senility •  7 years ago 

People have long paid attention to a certain pattern in the course of human life. And according to the ancient teachings of all human life is divided into seven years, each of which corresponds to one of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Thus, every seven years we go through a full cycle and live life in miniature, dying and reviving again. And according to these calculations, we have 84 years of existence on Earth. It is clear that science has not taken the calculations of astrologers seriously for a long time. However, it turns out there is no smoke without fire.


Scientists have compiled a table of "peaks in mortality", that is, the periods of life most dangerous to humans. Scientists have concluded that the periods of increased vitality of the body inevitably follow the stages when life literally is uncertain.

Critical age

It began with the fact that in the laboratory population of mice, scientists accidentally found a male with a growth delay caused by hereditary mutation. He was crossed with a normal female, and they had offspring. Parts of the cubs anomaly was not transmitted, and they developed normally, while others who received the gene mutations from their parents, aged 15-30 days significantly behind in development.

This period of stunting was critical: a third of rodents died from 25 to 35 days of age for one reason or another.
The scientists decided to see what will happen to these offspring and whether similar bursts of mortality will appear later. It turned out that on the 270-400-th day of life, as well as on the 520-670-th day there were another critical periods, although less clearly expressed.

Interested in this trend, observed in mice with gene mutation, scientists decided to continue their research and study the dangerous periods of life in conventional rodents. It turned out that this pattern also applies to them, although it is not so clearly tracked.

Is this hypothesis true in relation to a person?

Scientists note that the fundamental differences between the rhythms of life in humans and other species there.
Thus, the first peak of mortality of the rodents in terms of the age of Homo sapiens is accounted for 12-19 years.

Another critical period was approximately equivalent to the human 60 years. It is possible that such peaks in increased mortality may be associated with a weakening of the protective mechanisms of the body. Because, like puberty, fetal bearing and other physiological processes, mortality peaks are age-related, scientists have suggested that they too can be programmed.


Wheel of life

But is the duration of life really a program written by someone? It is interesting that in the answer to this question, the opinions of representatives of official science and "non-systemists" are not so much at odds. It is interesting, for example, that confirmation of the theory of death peaks can be found in the annals of official medicine.

"12-19 years is the age of a significant increase in mortality associated with human change and the transition from one state to another: from girl to girl, from boy to boy, — say scientists. During this period, the overall resistance of the body is changing dramatically, there is a restructuring of the psychological attitudes of a growing person.
By the age of 12-14 years, a number of parameters of the body (for example, the rate of its development, the power of the immune system), reaching the highest values, begin to decline."

Some patterns of relationship between age and death can also be found in the statistics of hospitalized patients.
"If we do not take into account accidents, and see the overall picture, we can distinguish the following critical age periods: 22-27 years, 37-43 and 56-62, — say scientists. Mostly people at this age get to the clinic through emergency hospitalization.

Of course, most of the applicants do not die — they are provided with the necessary assistance, but if this did not happen, the lethal outcome would be inevitable. Usually, we are talking about the sharp deterioration of chronic disease or advanced cases of disease of an infectious nature".

How to explain such a cycle? Doctors tend to believe that the whole fault physiological reasons for which the body with a certain periodicity "unclenching his fists." But esotericists are convinced that such a principle rotates Samsara — the wheel of life.

And science today just gradually begins to realize what was known to the ancient sages. For example, for a long time the idea of a seven-year cycle of human life seemed to us fabulous stories.
However, it has already been proved that in about seven years the cells of our body are completely updated — and the next life cycle begins. The main differences in the question of the cyclicity of life are only in detail. Indeed, some esoteric say about 7-year age cycles, while others believe that human life consists of 9-year cycles. But regardless of whether 7 or 9 years last for one life period, each transition to the next cycle is critical, accompanied by serious shocks and a review of values.


The energy of human experience with each new life cycle accumulates, and at the same time accumulate and its negative actions. By the end of each cycle, the physical condition can really deteriorate, exacerbate chronic diseases. At this time, a person gets into a life-changing situation.

At the same time, the end of the next cycle is a sign to the person that he has already worked this period, that it is necessary to move on. At this point, you should think about how to change something in your life: for example, to go to another job or move to a new place of residence. It is very important to notice what is happening and be able to take this chance.

It is still unclear, perhaps, the main thing: why are the most critical periods in human life fall on the age of 12-19 and 60 years?

Esotericists explain it this way: at the age of 12-19 years, a person begins to take control of their lives in their own hands, which is a very important task. In these years, a person is already intelligent and trained enough to solve many issues on their own, but he is still young and not aware of many things, allows himself to get involved in karma, which would try to avoid as an adult. Not everyone manages to pass through this test.

And 60 years is the age of reassessment. A person begins to think about the completion of their Affairs. Most people at this age decide for themselves that they have lived enough, and stop holding on to life.


What will science answer to this? "Our goal for the near future — search patterns associated with the peaks of mortality," the researchers say. The researchers believe that these periods of life is not programmed death itself, and changes in the sensitivity of the body to some destructive effects of the environment. Understanding how this mechanism works can open up prospects for life programming in the very near future. If we know in advance about the approach of the black bands, we can prepare for them to move to the next level with minimal losses — the light band. And scientists have no doubt that the new knowledge will provide a chance to extend human life to the species maximum - about 105 years. Shall we see?

Of course, the relationship between age and mortality is present, but to talk about some regularity of these values is not yet necessary. Rather, mortality may be associated with an exacerbation of chronic diseases, which tend to occur by a certain age. I believe that the theory of certain life cycles, including the cycle of possible death, closer to esoteric rather than traditional medicine. To talk about the scientific justification of such theories seems to me premature.

Such studies may be of some interest from the point of view of science, but from the point of view of psychology will be a time bomb. It is possible that people, aware of some peaks of death, approaching a dangerous period, subconsciously will wait for her. It is very important to recognize such negative fantasies and try to get rid of them, because it is known that by insistently introducing certain images into our own consciousness, we in one way or another contribute to their implementation in reality. This happens because a person is formed a certain image of himself, and approaching this peak of mortality, he will begin to self-program on the negative. After all, if you believe that something should happen, you consciously or unconsciously contribute to the implementation of the expected event.

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