The citios Blockchain technology ecosystem will mostly use a utility called ERC20 which is called RoboAi Coin which is denoted as the R2R . To elaborate more, ERC20 is one of the most used tokens. ERC-20 emerged as the most technical used token for the majority of smart contracts; especially it was mostly used on the Ethereum Blockchain Technology Ecosystem for the implementation of tokens. More than 180,000 ERC-20 compatible tokens were utilized on Ethereum by April 2019. And since the citios Blockchain technology project is based on the Ethereum platform then this is why it uses this token, ERC20. The digitalized currency will be used to carry out and facilitate all the international settlements especially countries from the Third World Countries and probably from Africa. This will be among the organization of countries areas such as African development.ERC20 is also being in a position to be set a one of the major facilitators for entrepreneurs, businessmen and investors who will be participating in the entire citios Blockchain technology project. The (R2R) token will be made available for all the investors participating in the entire project.
RoboAi coin R2R will be the token name, the ERC20 will be the standard of the token.R2R will be the token symbol; the token features will be Etheruem Blockchain. Estimation shows that the total amount of RoboAi coin in circulation is around one billion (1,000,000,000) where the price is ranging from 0.4 dollars to 1.0 dollars with the soft cap being around 30 million dollars and hard cap is 180 million dollars.
Citios ICO Token Sale
Citios is targeting an approximation of 180 million dollars from the token sales. This sale shall be conducted through ICO (Initial Coin Offering).this means it will be a bit clear and easy to sell them. The circulation of the tokens in the market will be determined by the number of token users and also the market itself. We shall try to meet the demanded services by the clients and try to ensure there is healthy liquidity of the tokens in circulation in the token market. This is why we decided to be using a pool, lock-up, which we mainly use it for referring the scheduling the amount of tokens to release in the token market and for reward attribution. For the one billion available tokens shall be distributed differently as follows; 30 percent will be allocated for reserve, 5 percent will be allocated for partners, 50 percent will go for sales, 7 percent for marketing another 7 percent will be allocated for team and finally Airdrop will be allocated only 1 percent. This, therefore, shows that only 50 percent will be for ICO token sale out of the total citios available tokens.
In conclusion, it's now clear that any Blockchain project launched, it is meant to solve a certain problem in society and across the globe. We can, therefore, see that Blockchain is aimed at solving very many challenges. This is why the world is now adopting the use of a project based on the Blockchain Technology Ecosystem. Citios being one of the projects based on Blockchain Technology it's like it has brought the solutions to environmental problems and the energy-related problems. We can hence conclude that in the coming years, Blockchain technology will be the solution to anything we face. This will take the whole world into another level of development.
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