Black hat SEO vs White hat SEO

in seo •  3 years ago 

The names Black Hat and White Hat are derived from popular Western Western movies where heroes and villains were often identified by the color of their hats.

As you may have guessed, the heroes wore white hats while the villains wore black hats. Since then, the word has been used interchangeably to describe good and bad, good and bad.

The SEO industry has adopted the term to distinguish between permitted and degraded SEO practices, naming them:

White hat SEO.
Black hat SEO.


1). White hat SEO

White hat SEO simply refers to practices that conform to the rules and guidelines of the SEO community. Some practices are considered moral and others are not, those under the rules of conduct are called white hat SEO.

For example, following the guidelines of the Webmaster Guidelines is a white hat given that Google is the ultimate governing body of SEO.

According to Google, this is considered an ‘’ ethical ‘’ or white hat.

First of all, White Hat SEO should focus on your audience, which means that instead of doing SEO to search engine optimization, your most important thing is to satisfy your audience and give them value.

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Instead of focusing on actions that will improve your page, focus on things that will give users a better experience on Google. While this is easier said than done, what Google sees as moral SEO.

Second, White Hat SEO takes a more realistic approach to long-term growth, the importance of this, authority, credibility, and ultimately position added to the benefits you get by providing high-quality content over and over to users.

It takes time, hard work, and commitment to achieve all of this and build a lasting impact. According to Google, anything that focuses on immediate results doesn’t follow.


White Hat SEO strategies are always intended to produce past results and are considered an investment.

In short, White Hat / SEO ethics is deceptive and never has a bad motive.

2). Black hat SEO

The black hat SEO is a do-it-yourself strategy that captures search engines and gets results without getting a job done.

They are quick, dangerous, contrary to Google’s guidelines, and understand the consequences. Needless to say, Black hat SEO is very popular and punished by Google.

While it is the polar opposite of White Hat SEO, it produces results instantly making it more visible to many people especially the beginners of SEO. As mentioned earlier, black hat SEO is very dangerous, it works magically but Google can pull the plug at any time.


Here are some common misconceptions.

Anything that violates Google Webmaster’s guidelines is a black hat by default.

The tricks that came out to deceive search engine results fall into this category, possibly flooding the internet with backlinks, paying for external links, and installing anything that directly Google algorithm to improve the quality.

Black Hat SEO tactics focus on quick gains, it’s all about here and now, such tactics find gaps in search engines and exploit them a lot. The idea here is to trick the Google algorithm into believing that your site offers more value than it does or that it is popular if not.


Although Black Hat SEO works and produces results faster than White Hat SEO, your website can be found and penalized at any time, which is very common.

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