Does your business content strategy include whitepaper marketing? If not, you should definitely consider indulging in producing one. Whitepaper marketing can make a great impact on the amount of traffic you generate for your website and the amount of leads you capture. Your whitepaper must be approached from a perspective of it being helpful to readers and not just being pitchy to try and get leads. An informative and resourceful one can do wonders to add value to your marketing efforts.
Blog Posts
Use social media and newsletters to promote your blogs along with your whitepaper and make sure they get enough traction. Homepage real estate should be used optimally to provide visibility to the content you want to promote. Also, a good SEO practice always includes some form of call-to-action in your headers. Here is an example how Oracle does their white paper landing page promotion:
Use Infographics
Convert the more complex aspects of your whitepaper into infographics for a better reader experience. Infographics done right can improve your viewership by over 95%. Tweet This! Search engines have given preference to more user-friendly infographics; Google Trends data shows an increase in visitor engagement for content that includes infographics. A great way to promote your whitepaper would be to include your infographics as the advertisement template to garner more clicks and downloads. Here are some examples of infographics that can increase the visibility of your website.
Landing Pages
Create gripping and user-friendly landing pages with customized texts including targeted keywords. Use these pages to understand your reader. Have simple not intrusive forms to ask for general information. Based on the data collected you can then analyze your keyword lists to cater to your niche audience. Make sure the internal linking of these landing pages are properly mapped out for better indexing and include external links like other relevant industry whitepapers and social media share buttons to improve authority. Here is how Deck 7 does landing pages.
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