9 rules for marketing content

in seo •  6 years ago  (edited)
  1. First, think of an interesting idea and don't melt too much on your target audience, zoom in as much as possible and make the content interesting and focused
  2. Try to think like a surfer entering a website searching for content with added value.
  3. Consider an attractive headline that gives the reader a brief overview of the main idea of ​​the article.
  4. Use simple language and short phrases and language users like use questions and turn your readers into interlocutors, always try to be focused and not overload users.
  5. Every SEO article should consist of at least 350 words and up to 80 words per paragraph. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the rules and also to say to Google.
  6. Itis is important that each paragraph creates curiosity and added value to continue reading the article that will not be too long and informs the surfers.
  7. Turn to the surfer's emotion and give him a response that he needs and thus the content will cause identification and stay on the site.
  8. Combine important keywords and phrases from Google's search of your site.
    Use anchor text and of course combine a call to action for the surfer.
  9. Try to interact with your surfers by contacting them directly.
    Combine tutorials with screenshots and examples, images and visuals from the colony worlds.
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Best practic is always mention the source of your pictures and photos ;-)