Have a Super Sepia Saturday!!!

in sepiasaturday •  6 years ago 

An old timey sign lend this shot the feeling a bit older than it is!


Happy Sepia Saturday!!!

An old hydrant with some weathered paint. Probably is pretty old!


I am willing to be this old brick wall has been around for a while...


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites. Now I must add that some of the shots I steal from my son Ben @silver314 , but I feed him so he can sue me lol.



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Happy Sepia Saturday!

These can really challenge your eye, old or not? I really like the old hydrant and yes! You cannot make that one up! I hope you are having a great day and wow! You got your challenge up early!

Stop scaring me like that!

Upped and Steemed


Well I am trying to copy your good habits of course.

Yeah sadly Sepia Saturday never really caught on, but that is ok, I enjoy it.

Hope your weekend goes well.

Very nice! Simple things that look really precious!

Amazing pictures and I love how beautiful pictures can be edited so you get that older feeling 😉 loved the first shot a lot, beautiful.
But the one with the brick wall is really cool.
Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend. Cheers! 🤗🌹


Posted using Partiko Android

Very nice trees! Really work very well giving very warm effect and nostalgia!

🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!

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Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Maybe you are going to find gold with your miner on those pictures. ;)

Awesome sepia shots, @old-guy-photos! I agree, that first one with the sign really adds to the old-timey feel.

And thanks for hosting this tag - I've done my first one today, and it was wicked fun!