
in septictank •  3 years ago 

Build Back Better means they collapse the world and then takes over on top of our ashes. Boris Johnson betrayed England. Five-year-old boys and girls are shown BEX at schools in books they force the children to stare at, they teach kids how to basterbate, I would get banned just for mentioning these things, and yet we let them baaaaarrrape future generations or lack therein. Mark Zuckerberg bought land all around other properties in Hawaii. After that, he blocked them as if to starve them to death as if they were a castle as he was preparing to steal the land and build a giant house on it. That is just one of many many stories out there of things that are happening which we need to continue sharing with each other. It is crucial we know who is who and what they are doing. Knowledge is power. You would be surprised what people do NOT know. You will not know until you ask them questions. Most of the time, people don't know that they don't know most things most of the time. That is why we have to continue to ask people many things because they do NOT even know that they do not know. Too many people are sleeping while they're walking around. Most people can be ten times more dead like zombies more so than even Joe Freaking Biden himself or itself or whatever, who knows, please tell me I'm wrong.

Connecting The World
I have a dream. If they bridge Russia and Alaska, then I will drive my car to Vietnam. They put up signs at swimming pools reminding people to take off masks because too many people are drowning to death. This is after they told people they have to wear masks and EXHALE UNDERWATER. This means THEY ARE MURDERING PEOPLE. After they kill a bunch of people, then they run around telling people not to do what they told them a few months earlier to do. They hope you don't remember what they said a few months earlier. They hope you only remember the last bit of things they say at any given time.

1990s - Random Movies

1999 - Random Movies include Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

The Real G7 Party, but the cat is missing, crazy video, Trump appears

Infowars Alex Jones Prediction Videos

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-12 - Saturday | Published in June of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-06-12 23:45:58 Bio-Septic Pro.png

Put Bio-Septic Pro in your septic-tank.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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I was just in a group discussing bugs and a person told me about a tick that causes you to not like meat anymore. He said it was weaponized veganism. It makes complete sense.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

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09:20 PM
Five-year-old boys and girls are shown BEX at schools in books they force the children to stare at, they teach kids how to basterbate, I would get banned just for mentioning these things, and yet we let them baaaaarrrape future generations or lack therein.

09:48 PM
Mark Zuckerberg bought land all around other properties in Hawaii. After that, he blocked them as if to starve them to death as if they were a castle as he was preparing to steal the land and build a giant house on it. That is just one of many many stories out there of things that are happening which we need to continue sharing with each other. It is crucial we know who is who and what they are doing. Knowledge is power. You would be surprised what people do NOT know. You will not know until you ask them questions. Most of the time, people don't know that they don't know most things most of the time. That is why we have to continue to ask people many things because they do NOT even know that they do not know. Too many people are sleeping while they're walking around. Most people can be ten times more dead like zombies more so than even Joe Freaking Biden himself or itself or whatever, who knows, please tell me I'm wrong.

10:04 PM
They don't want you taking HCQ,not because it cures the flu ! They don't want you taking HCQ because it helps with radiation toxicity..5G!⬇️

On Twitter
The Bill & Hillary Clinton Crime Family MURDERED Christopher Sign recently. They are at it again. This is trending on Twitter right now.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

10:00 PM
Tesla said this in 1926, that is 95 years ago, he said we would have what we have right now minus a few things we may not have right now. But we could have had them a lot sooner. But they stole his work from him. So, cell phones, computers, Internet, cameras, wireless technology, etc, were delayed many decades and also slowly rolled-out in increments. Most of the time, what the general public gets is 50-year-old tech and sometimes even older than that depending on the different levels, factors, etc.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

10:49 AM
I was watching Batman. Somebody looked at a painting of Batman's great grandfather on the wall and said something about it. The lady looked at him and said he founded Skull & Bones.

Big companies have to replace thousands and thousands of staff because their current staff will be dead in the next THREE years because of the C0oVV1DDDDD FF4CCCC1NNNNES. They know it and are preparing to hire new people because they know.

10:57 AM
I was just in a group discussing bugs and a person told me about a tick that causes you to not like meat anymore. He said it was weaponized veganism. It makes complete sense.

10:48 PM
I have a dream. If they bridge Russia and Alaska, then I will drive my car to Vietnam.

11:17 PM
They put up signs at swimming pools reminding people to take off masks because too many people are drowning to death. This is after they told people they have to wear masks and EXHALE UNDERWATER. This means THEY ARE MURDERING PEOPLE. After they kill a bunch of people, then they run around telling people not to do what they told them a few months earlier to do. They hope you don't remember what they said a few months earlier. They hope you only remember the last bit of things they say at any given time.

Bio-Septic Pro

2021-06-12 - Saturday - 11:42 PM - Freedom Log - Gab

If you have a septic-tank, you must buy Bio-Septic Pro at TheBioPros.com because it has microorganisms that eat up the junk which in turn can save you a lot of money. Think of it like yogurt with the live culture. Instead having chemicals and minerals, you should have good bacteria and such swimming around in your septic-tank. Steal this idea and share it with your friends. You don't have to give us credit. We don't want credit. You can make a lot of money or a lot of friends sharing these ideas with people all around you. You can go ahead and say you came up with this idea. People will be thanking you for years to come. This is your golden goose of ideas.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Betty 101

2021-06-12 - Saturday - 02:13 AM - 02:43 AM - Betty 101

New York City. Skaters. Key party. Learning to skate. Creepy men. Teenagers or young adults. Skate park. It rains. They lose their phones and keys. Man stole the yellow backpack. They use an app. Leads them to a mall. But they can't find it. They see the robber on the video they recorded. They get the bag. They get high. It rains again. Girl goes into party alone. Others were not invited.

Big Shot 109

2021-06-12 - Saturday - 02:47 AM - 03:31 AM - Big Shot 109

Coach gets offer for a college coaching position. He goes in to check it out. He accidentally leaks it on a live feed. A girl knows she was adopted. There is jealousy between 2 girls. Mom wants her to move back and go to a school. Coach thinks about leaving and having Holly take his place. It ends with a Shakespeare play, Beth Macbeth. His daughter and his GF's daughters had the lead rolls. His daughter takes her head but looks right at her dad because she knows he wants to leave the school to work in college basketball again. The actors of this show are beautiful. This show has great lighting, cinematography. The actors they use are well-defined for unique characters. Each character is well defined. I felt like this with Scorpion. I feel like that with some shows. I don't want to see him leave the girls.

Big companies have to replace thousands and thousands of staff because their current staff will be dead in the next THREE years because of the C0oVV1DDDDD FF4CCCC1NNNNES. They know it and are preparing to hire new people because they know.

On The Fringe


so many trump votes were not counted and many fake biden votes were counted, many of the fake votes were missing meaning the fraud is higher than what they count

because they are still trying to cover up the election theft meaning the fraud is much bigger than what we see, we catch some of the crimes but only some of it and it was so big that trump wins even without going through each fake biden vote

Ron Gibson


Build Back Better means they collapse the world and then takes over on top of our ashes. Boris Johnson betrayed England,

Five-year-old boys and girls are shown BEX at schools in books they force the children to stare at, they teach kids how to basterbate, I would get banned just for mentioning these things, and yet we let them baaaaarrrape future generations or lack therein.

Mark Zuckerberg bought land all around other properties in Hawaii. After that, he blocked them as if to starve them to death as if they were a castle as he was preparing to steal the land and build a giant house on it. That is just one of many many stories out there of things that are happening which we need to continue sharing with each other. It is crucial we know who is who and what they are doing. Knowledge is power. You would be surprised what people do NOT know. You will not know until you ask them questions. Most of the time, people don't know that they don't know most things most of the time. That is why we have to continue to ask people many things because they do NOT even know that they do not know. Too many people are sleeping while they're walking around. Most people can be ten times more dead like zombies more so than even Joe Freaking Biden himself or itself or whatever, who knows, please tell me I'm wrong.

Some of the best words closest to God own heart are smaller words like I being the individual and the word no comes from the individual, the I, no can stop bad things from happening.

11:17 PM
They put up signs at swimming pools reminding people to take off masks because too many people are drowning to death. This is after they told people they have to wear masks and EXHALE UNDERWATER. This means THEY ARE MURDERING PEOPLE. After they kill a bunch of people, then they run around telling people not to do what they told them a few months earlier to do. They hope you don't remember what they said a few months earlier. They hope you only remember the last bit of things they say at any given time.

If you have a septic-tank, you must buy Bio-Septic Pro at TheBioPros.com because it has microorganisms that eat up the junk which in turn can save you a lot of money. Think of it like yogurt with the live culture. Instead having chemicals and minerals, you should have good bacteria and such swimming around in your septic-tank. Steal this idea and share it with your friends. You don't have to give us credit. We don't want credit. You can make a lot of money or a lot of friends sharing these ideas with people all around you. You can go ahead and say you came up with this idea. People will be thanking you for years to come. This is your golden goose of ideas.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

On The Fringe


Ron Gibson


Dear diary, got up at 10:30 AM. Sunny. Dishes. Boxes. Get rid of the older ones. Compost. Orange peels. Kitchen sweep. Rag. Morning. Now, it's 12:47 PM now. I got a call. Nap around 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM, around an hour. Off to a clam, arrival at or after 03:00 PM. Truck. Garage. Pick up. Fridge. Oven. Dishwasher. Couch thing. Boxes. Yummy homemade peanut-butter cookie. Over to Snow White. Trimming car trail again. Did good. Also, organizing in garage. Moved portable wall over to the new empty corner. Well, part empty. He can put things there. House stuff in this one area towards the giant freezer. 3 coolers near that. Also, tools stuff in separate place or places. Turn off light ok. Back home after like 07:30 PM. I said I've been in those conversations many times the past 20 years or longer. I mentioned Amber. I was at Camp Kuratli. I talked to her a few times in 2008 that summer. We were probably just friends but I did like her and perhaps should have taken her out on a date. Not to say we didn't that one time if it was a date or maybe it was not. I can't say. Would you rather is a better kind of question in regards to who you might marry. A list of a thousand people dead or alive. So, thousands of factors. We should have common things on our lists of what we want in a partner. But then down the list, item 201 could be unique for each individual. Starting to rain. No mail or somebody else got it. Green house closed. Didn't get to the raspberry weeding. Dishes for a second. Shower. Hot and then cold shower. The hot felt good. The cold water felt good but it also almost gave me a headache. No migraine but headache for a second. Cold water for only 30 seconds or not a long time. But felt pretty long. Hot water fogs up bathroom mirror. But the cold water unfogs it. Mirror clear. Now it is 08:30 PM. Alex Jones special. Banana bread. Whether or not a person has kids or not can be a symptom or problem but not always and it depends. Could be a red flag or maybe not.But you should not put that on your list. Well maybe you should. But it depends.

Food log
Breakfast: apple, orange, 10:42 AM.
Lunch: 2 potatoes, 1 egg, on soup, 12:48 PM.
Dinner: lentil soup, shepherd's pie, around 06:00 PM. Banana bread, 08:30 PM.


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