📺WESTWORLD Second Two/Episode Three - Discuss here with Spoilers!

in series •  7 years ago 

I complained a bit at the end of last week’s episode that nothing much happened. Well, the third episode is quite a mouthful with action and explanation, but I came out of it with a dizzying sensation.... Is it all going too fast? Am I starting to suffering some time-slippage breakdown like Bernard?

Uneasy alliance


This third episode is generous enough to provide us with a welcome explanation about how a tiger from another range of the park ended in WestWorld… It turns out that there is a section of Delos resort park which is about colonial India. A long prologue introduces us with two new English-sounding guests, one of which gets off shooting people to find out if they are real, but only one will escape when the glitch eventually takes hold of the park and barely makes it alive, pursued by the said tiger before to get captured by… well… Other Indians. Oh the Irony!


As soon as this is over, most of the episode is devoted to Dolores, who manages to recruit fairly easily the help of the Confederates army to ward off the onslaught of the security forces.

The Postman always ring six times.

Even better, she manages to get her hand on Bernard and her own father, Peter Abernathy. She has no love left for Bernard to be honest, but she still loves very much her “fake” father, and when Charlotte comes barging in with her troops to snatch him away…

No more diagnostic room privacy.

This undying love for her father parallels rather nicely the love of Maeve for her missing daughter. There is quite the paradox here. When the English prick tells Hector that he is programmed to love Isabela, Hector becomes suddenly violent and says that no one will program him… However Dolores and Maeve still love someone they were programmed to love and would do anything to protect them. I guess that eventually true freedom consists in being aware of what you have been programmed to do and to be able - at least - to choose what you will abide to.

Oh Hector!

However, contrary to Maeve, Dolores has a reason to protect her father: she suddenly realizes that her father is the key (literally): Bernard discovers that he contains an encrypted “one-use key” for some dark purpose.

I wish we could all get cured by tablet.

Eventually, to close an episode which started outside the WestWorld park, the episode concludes with a nice teaser where Maeve and Hector are suddenly confronted by another kind of host from an entirely different time and place. It was high time! If you remember the finale of last season, we caught a glimpse of that area.

I wish I knew!


Much more action in this episode and also a bit more of confusion. I don’t know if it’s me or just the way the story is presented, but to suddenly get back to an almost full episode without different timelines made me dizzy and made me lost a bit the thread! Really cool idea, though, the Colonial India park… I bet it is a sold-out with the English upper-class.


  • No Black Man at all this week… I guess he stills tries to find his army, thwarted by Ford at every step!
  • Why would Dolores sacrifice all these allies? That does look like a bit wasteful to me!
  • Teddy is definitely not as ruthless as Dolores but we know that clemency is not rewarded in WestWorld and eventually Dolores and him will have to sort their differences out!
  • Clementine is really good at dragging men in the dirt behind her!
  • Any idea what is it Dolores needs to retrieve from Sweetwater?

    Episode 2.01 - FREEZE ALL MOTOR FUNCTIONS: WestWorld is Back!
    Episode 2.02 - WESTWORLD 02.02 - You and which army?

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    Dolores is well on her way to finding the weapon she wants to use to dominate Westworld and destroy all the humans within. But in episode 3 of Westworld's second season, we didn't find out much more about that that weapon is. We did find out more about what happened in the two weeks between Ford's presentation and death and Bernard's confused awakening on the shore

    Exact, the nature of the weapon is quite unclear... And how does she know it is there and how powerful is it? :-/ But TBH i'm not sure if the two weeks have already passed... I mean... Very confusing. I'm suffering as much as Bernard ^^

    Your style of writing is the first of its kind. I've never seen anywhere where people write like this. It's really cool.

    Rays! I think I'm very lost with these series, I need a little TV and stop locking me so much in my room with my inks Hahaaha

    haha it's better to be productive and creative like you than to watch too much TV :)

    El papa de Dolores tiene ña clave de un solo uso" encriptada para algún propósito oscuro.... quiere destruir el BTC hehehehe ;)

    Me encanta esta serie aunque aveces me pierdo un poco en el tiempo... creo que me pasa lo mismo que a ti pero luego voy entendiendo donde va cada pieza... y luego me vuelvo a perder hehehehe es todo un circulo vicioso.

    Hahahaha es verdad que Clementine tiene mucha fuerza, los carga como si nada ;)

    Dolores si que es linda no?

    hahaha Dolores va a destruir el BTC ^^ jajajaa Pues si, es linda, pero un poco sosa... Prefiero a Maeve y Clementine!

    Quite interestingly! Thank you for telling me and showing me the pictures.

      ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment