Do you remember when the music videos stopped being relevant? Maybe reading that's going to cause resistance, but think about it. The music videos evolved in two ways: they were transformed into full on quasi-film projects (we're watching you Lemonade) or they were reduced to GIFs sources and instagram clips. And wow, it's not that I'm complaining, but we have to admit that our threshold of attention has been reduced to a few seconds (15 if we use a snap as a measurement reference).
But at the same time that the music video wants to be a film, the film must stop being a film and become something else, I think this is the case of mother! First I think I have to put aside the review: mother! is an excellent film, which confuses you and you don't know what you're looking at until you look for the wikipedia page (link to the wikipedia page) and you have a remote idea of what I'm dealing with what you saw.
I love that I think this is the strength of mother!, the buzz and everything the whole community said about her was so important (or more important) than watching the film. Reading the reviews was an enriching activity of the community experience of seeing something in 2018, and reading the wiki dimensioned the hour and a half of wtf-uckery. Maybe this is the direction the massive film is going in. Already Marvel is turning his films into almost episodes of a series, where you can't skip one because you lose track of one of the most important cultural conversations of modernity. Probably the next step for art-house is that meta-film is more important than film. The director's tweets should be as relevant as the story, and the press release and interview should be the best performance. For the record, I'm not complaining, this is a move that I find incredibly interesting.