I recently discovered that on the fifth day of creation God created the great sea serpents. Don’t believe me, check the Hebrew of Genesis 1:21. הַתַּנִּינִם (HaTaniNim) often translated as “The whales” which is the very same word used in Exodus 7:9. This is when Aaron was directed to cast down his staff so that it would become a לְתַנִּין (LeTanin), a serpent.
So why are there so many translations of Genesis 1:21 which do not translate this word as serpents? If fact, I have yet to find a single translation which translates this as literally, “The great serpents”. The following is a sample of translations of Genesis 1:21:
This is not every translation but enough to show the obscurity of the translation. The one exception I found was in the Jubilee Bible 2000 translation, “and God created the dragons”. Of course this is just one translation example among others that I ponder in the Bible.
The translation of, “Great Sea Serpents” rings true to me. What do you think? What other truths would this understanding lead us into? Does this relate to the Serpent in the Garden? If anyone knows of a translation which uses ‘Great Sea Serpents” please share below.
Blessings and Keep Ceeking Truth!