The Almighty God has placed us in this world with diverse responsibilities. Some people are called to be givers, some pastors,some evangelist, some helpers, some stewards, some motivators, etc. It's important to know what we are called to do, but it's more important to do it till the end. The end might be rapture or when it's time to physically leave this world through death. On this note, Jesus, the Master expressed how blessed we are if we do the master's assignment to the end.
Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Matthew24:45-46
My beloved brethren, the world is full of troubles, distractions, hindrances and chaos. We are constantly faced with reasons to abandon the master's business, but through it all, He still expect us to be faithful to the end. Are you discouraged, persecuted, or weakened by the issues of life? The Lord says look at how blessed you are if I return to see you doing your Divine assignment. You have been given charge over something in God's household and the grace to be faithful to the end is sufficient.
There are great rewards awaiting the faithful servants. Don't blow it! You have gone too far to let go. The world has nothing eternal to offer. Jesus has an eternity of blessings for all that shall be faithful to the end. Arise and be encouraged, for God is too faithful to forget your labor of love. You are blessed, if you shall do your part till the end.
Let's pray together.
Abba Father, thank you for your assignment to me. I'm sorry for failing you before now, please help me to be faithful till the end, in Jesus name. Amen.