REVERSE SPEECH - #RememberSethRich Part V - Skippy Dukes It Out

in sethrich •  7 years ago 

Speaking of Podesta, he has it out for the 'free owl' that is sharing opposite speech. This is obvious with a little COINTELPRO of shutting down the YouTube channel and reactivating it, which he mentions.

This is difficult to comprehend for a lot of folks. There seems to be no mystery as to whether the "owls", "wolves", "spiders" etc speak in opposite. A fun hobby with no more of a political bias than other shows that people enjoy like Hard Bastard, H.A. Goodman, Sgt Report etc This guy John (AKA Skippy) Podesta seems to have it out for CivJo publishing these. The main reason being because it slows down their communications.

I suppose some may see that as flattering that a whopping 4000 + views had an impact. But if you saw the Stelter Meltdown and Meme Magic, then you would see how my numbers were surpressed (shadow-banned).

Well when will ENOUGH be ENOUGH, this John Podesta needs to be put behind bars. He is a clear and present danger to National Security and the owls for blabbing about it "I'm an owl" and the interviewer even calls him an asshole for mentioning it....

If this a "gift", it should have been used to persuade mankind to a peaceful and almost evolved (even though persuaded) outcome. Instead it has been used for Elites to use opposite news, marginalize, detract, criminalize, murder, blackmail, communicate illegal activity, to be shared with pedophiles, human trafficking and the list goes on and on.

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