in setting •  7 years ago 


Setting CVT Matic Agar Motor More Irritating

Several types and brands of motor matic that exist in Indonesia, some have such characteristics. Need to pull full gas (full throttle) so that the motor can be more powerful and can climb. Such a motor character is a bit of a hassle if used in dense urban areas, which require stop and go handling due to traffic density.

The motor character as discussed above not only annoys the rider, but also needs more fuel when doing full gas openings to power the motor out. Matic motors like this need gas grips to be twisted deeper from stops until they are road. The range is at the number 1,500 rpm up so that the motor can run.

owner of the motor matic is less powerful and unresponsive, there is an easy way to make your motor more powerful and also fuel efficient. Just do the settings or changes on some components of your motor matic CVT. And here are tips and how to set the CVT matic components to make the motor more powerful, responsive, and certainly also economical.



The weight or weight of the roller should be made lighter than the standard. That's so the main trick let the engine more responsive in low rotation. But the reduction of roller weight from the standard, baseball can be too much. The reason will affect the performance of the motor matic at lap top. Simply down one eye only, for example from 10 grams to 9 grams.


By reducing the weight of the roller, the faster the pulleys open. The effect occurs on the centrifugal canvass so come quickly lifted. Per the existing 3 shrubs, has an important role in this section. If the third per is weak, it can be confirmed slip easy and new energy can be felt when the engine rings upward. Usually the solution taken so that the centrifugal clutch baseball easy to slip is to replace the third per standard it so per harder. Generally available aftermarket products on the market.


Without replacing the standard roller, the factory's built-in Matic Motor engine can also be engineered more powerfully and responsively, just by replacing per standard CVT with per CVT Racing. Per CVT Racing can help boost engine performance in the lower rpm. Several choices of size per CVT on the market can be an option. But to note, for Motor Matic engine is still standard, just use per CVT size 1. 000 or 1. 500 rpm. If of that size, instead will make the pull Motor Matic less good.

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