One of the most amazing and rewarding studies in the Bible with major prophetic implications is investigating the seven feasts of God; as outlined in Leviticus 23. “The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, “these are the appointed feasts of the Lord that you shall proclaim as holy convocations; they are my appointed feasts.” Lev. 23:1. Notice it does not say these are Israel’s appointed feasts, no they are “appointed feasts of the Lord”. Why is this important? I believe God established these feasts as a PROPHETIC CALENDAR…each set up as a sign post, as a dress rehearsal for a greater fulfillment (or perfect fulfillment of their intended purposes) that would culminate profoundly through His eternal SON JESUS!
I will not go into great detail regarding the Sabbath (the first appointed convocation) even though it is extremely important and again has ultimate fulfillment in Jesus as our “Sabbath Rest”. Jesus once again is confronted and challenged by religious leaders of an unknown Synagogue and some Pharisee’s for healing a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath. Jesus as He marvelously does over and over again corrects the religious leaders for not interpreting the Law correctly. Matt. 12: 9-14
Jesus states two very important truths; first as the Messiah He has absolute authority to declare the accurate meaning of the entire Torah and Bible, since He Himself is the Author! Therefore Jesus stated, “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”. Matt. 12:8
Second, Jesus states, “So it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath”, wow now that is a novel concept! Truthfully, we all need to guard our hearts against being or becoming religious and falling into the ditch of legalism; driven by rules, do’s and don’ts while we ignore the real needs of people around us and worse yet hardening our hearts against God. The Lord has personally corrected me many times over this very sin in my walk with Him and thankfully I have repented!
The final point comes from Hebrews chapter 4:1-11 regarding “Entering His Rest” which relates to God’s Sabbath rest that He ordained at the beginning of creation for man to follow and enjoy (Gen. 2:1-3). To be very real with you, this has been very challenging and difficult for me to fully experience for much of my walk with Jesus of nearly 40 years. I have had a deep seeded false belief in my heart that constant performance and doing stuff for God was a major part of my identity as a Christian. It has taken me a very long time to realize that God is more concerned about me as a person, and me learning to rest as one of His adopted sons. Romans 8:12-16, 28-30 & Gal. 3:26 & Eph. 1:4-5. My true identify is based on son-ship that Jesus purchased through His death on the cross. In fact the Lord desires to impart this revelation to all believers. He is looking for sons and daughters that will Love Him first, and who desire to daily fellowship with Him of most importance. Then out of that intimate relationship, He will directs us what we are to do each day or some days to to do nothing. Jesus modeled this perfectly as the SON of GOD.
So Hebrews 4:9-10 tells us there is a “Sabbath Rest for the People of God” and it can only be accessed through the Lord of the Sabbath (Jesus). As we daily surrender our lives to Him, with love, faith and dependency we can experience His Sabbath Rest. But I can also identify with the author of Hebrews who said, “Let us therefore strive to enter that rest”. It has taken me a long time to allow this truth to penetrate my heart of entering God’s Sabbath Rest, and by His grace I am beginning to experience it and I hope this is true for your life!
One final very interesting fact about the Sabbath (the actual seventh day of rest) it will be practiced once God establishes the New Heaven and Earth as described in Revelation 21 and Isaiah the Prophet declared in chapter 66: 22-23…check it out…it will be a holy day of worship in all of eternity! It maybe a great idea to weekly practice this now!
Passover or Pesach in Hebrew, Exodus 12: This is the first spring feast that was to be celebrated in the first month and on the 14th day in commemoration of the incredible deliverance Israel experienced through Moses leadership out of Egypt. God had brought a series of 9 epic judgments against Pharaoh King of Egypt and his people due to their severe treatment of Israel. Pharaoh hardened his heart and disobeyed God until the 10th and final judgement. This was the first Passover (a perfect male lamb was slaughtered by each Israeli household) and then they were instructed to roast the lamb in the fire and eat in haste. God then directed His people to apply the blood from the slain lamb to ever person’s door posts before bedtime (the top post and two side posts).
That night God would send His Angel of Death to kill the first born of every household in Egypt and the livestock in all the land; but those who had the blood applied to their door posts would be spared from this judgement…the Angel would Passover these homes and no death would occur. This is the brief history of the Passover, which most Jews worldwide celebrate annually in the spring in obedience to God’s command.
The parallels between the Passover celebration and Jesus life and death are completely amazing. One day John the Baptist was standing with a couple of his disciples, and Jesus just happened to walk by. Then John makes a profound prophetic declaration concerning Jesus “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” John 1:29, 35. The Holy Spirit revealed to John not only who Jesus was, but also His main purpose as to why He came to the earth as a man. Jesus was to be a sacrifice, that would pay for the sins of the entire human race!
Now let us expand the picture as the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church “For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed”. I Cor. 5: 7-8. In the time when Jesus was alive, the High Priest would walk down to Bethlehem a few miles south of Jerusalem a few days before the Passover feast; and he and his entourage would select a male lamb that had no physical blemishes or defects. This perfect lamb would be sacrificed on the day of Passover and once again remind the Jewish Nation of their great deliverance from Egypt.
• Jesus the Lamb of God was born in Bethlehem and Micah the Prophet foretold the Messiah would come from this little obscure town. Micah 5: 2 & Matt. 2:1
The Lamb for the Passover could not have any broken bones Exodus 12:46 & Ps. 34:20
• John 19: 31-34 tells us that the Roman soldiers were intending to break Jesus legs, but because Jesus had already died they decided not to do it and intend put a spear into His side to validate He was dead. Again Passover prophecy fulfilled in Jesus as no bones of His were broken!
As mentioned, the Passover lamb was carefully inspected to ensure it had not defects.
• Jesus was carefully inspected by the Roman Governor Pilate and declared, “I find no guilt in this man”. Pilate’s wife had a very disturbing dream and told her husband to “have nothing to do with that righteous men”. Luke 23:4, 22 & Matt. 27:18-19 Jesus the Lamb of God was found spotless!
After the mock trial and Herod’s shameful mocking and taunting of the TRUE King of Israel; Jesus is brutally flogged and lead away to the Place of the Skull just outside of Jerusalem which is part of Mount Moriah. This is the very place that Abraham bound his son Isaac for sacrifice, yet God spared his son and provided a ram in his place. Gen. 22:2. However this time God would NOT spare His only Son, but He would be sacrificed on the cross out of God’s eternal love for humanity to pay for our sins.
The parallels continue, at exactly 9 am in the morning the lamb is bound in the Temple for final inspection.
• Precisely at 9 am, Jesus is nailed to the cross and he would hang there in excruciating pain for 6 hours until He would die.
In the days of the Temple the evening sacrifice would happen at 3 pm in the afternoon, and this is when the Passover Lamb would also be slain. Once completing the sacrifice the High Priest would ascend the steps to the top of the Temple to the south-east corner; and he would blow the shofar in a series of blasts. This would notify the people the Lamb was sacrificed and the Feast was over.
• The Gospels record that Jesus died at 3 pm and most likely Jesus heard the final shofar blast, and then He declares “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” Matt. 27:46 and John records “It is finished” and he bowed His head and gave up His spirit. John 19:30.
In Bible times when a Jewish father would lose his first born son, he would tear his robe as a sign of great loss and grief.
• God the Fathers response to the death of His only Son was immediate. He tore the Temple curtain from top to bottom, and He shock the earth in His pain! Matt. 27:51
The Apostle Paul accurately wrote, “For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed” I Cor. 5:6 b. Just as in the first Passover, the sacrificed lamb’s blood needed to be applied to each family or individual’s doorposts for their lives to be spared. An extremely important question, have you personally asked for the Lamb of God’s blood to cover your heart and life and forgive your sins?
Next week we will continue in this series and look at a couple more feasts and the profound prophetic significance fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ in His first coming.
From a friend, Bill W…if you have found these studies insightful and encouraging pass them on to a friend!