in seven •  2 years ago 

The Seal of the Mystical Lamb, where the 7 eyes represent the Elohim

The Elohim, Exousiai or Powers, are the angels of the third chorus of the second hierarchy. They are the true entities behind the “God” of Genesis. Elohim is a plural word which expresses the totality of action of 7 specific Eloahs, the 7 Spirits of the Planets. Elohim possess a central consciousness in the Sun, they act as a unity, and yet they are sevenfold. Each of the seven Elohim is like a member of a single higher-order spiritual being called Elohim. Their spiritual home is the Sun, and from there they send their impulses to all the planets in the cosmos.


They are also called Spirits of Form because from their spiritual activity, in opposition to the corresponding fallen spirits, derives the form of the objects of the material world and their manifestation. Because of this ability to shape what their spiritual gaze rests on, they are also known as the “Seven Eyes of God”. In the metamorphosis of the Earth-Mars, the human I was born from the sacrifice of their spiritual substance. They are entities mostly connected to the destiny of humanity on Earth.

The word “Elohim” is a masculine plural noun used as a singular, while its singular is the feminine “Eloah”. In turn Elohim is used as the plural of “El”, i.e. God, considered as masculine singular. Consequently Elohim comes from the union of a feminine singular and a masculine plural name, indicating that the assembly of Elohim was bringing together gods and goddesses, being these the Seven Spirits of the Planets: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun represent the gods; Venus and Moon the goddesses; Mercury the androgynous. This is evident from the separation of the sexes of Adam and Eve on, substituting Elohim with the word “God” as normally used:

Then Elohim said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So Elohim created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:26-27


Consequently, both Adam and Eve are image of the Elohim, both having a divine spark which represents the offspring of the I coming from the Elohim. It is worth noting the use of “our image and our likeness”, as the Elohim represent an assembly of seven gods operating in unison: this multiple entity and yet one is called “Sobornic Entity”. If a god alone can be indicated as masculine (El), a sobornic entity is indicated as feminine (Elohim), since this is also the state of the Future Venus in which the I’s, united in the new Adam Kadmon in the Future Jupiter, will become able to cooperate and share tsks such as organs and tissues in an organism.

Their individual occult constitution, at the beginning of their evolution, is:


Vital Spirit

Spiritual Self


Since the I is their lowest spiritual limb, they are able to make of it their vehicle, as it is for us today the physical body. For this reason in the metamorphosis of the Earth-Mars, they were able to sacrifice it: from the sacrifice of their spiritual substance the human I was born. For this reason they are entities particularly connected to the destiny of humanity on Earth.


The Elohim were the men of the Ancient Saturn, and some of them remained behind and became Asura. Since the Elohim generated man by sacrificing the substance of their I, we can properly affirm that man is an Elohim in the making. However, since this is true, from the point of view of the Elohim, man will also be an Eloah left behind when he was expelled from the Heaven in which he was placed. By accepting the Luciferic impulse in the Lemurian Age mankind disobeyed the Law administered by Jehovah, but this was necessary for man’s future evolution as a free being. In fact, a new Law had to arise, under Christ, Love, and under the redeemed Lucifer, Freedom. ...



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