Photoshop Tutorial: Transform
While working in Photoshop, you need to move any layer of image or image from one place to another, big or small, rotate etc. How to do the work in this tutorial.
Here is a layer image, another layer logo and two layer text used.
# Move the layer
To move the layer, there is a tool called Move Tool (right at the beginning) in the toolbox. Besides, using any other tool can be used by pressing the Ctrl key at any time.
. To keep the logo layer from the current place in the selected place, select the layer panel layer.
. Select the toolbox and drag it to the logo.
. Select any tool and press the Ctrl key on the keyboard while moving the logo.
# Make the layer bigger
. It may be necessary to make bigger or smaller layers to fit the layer. For this, enter the Edit - Transform - Scale command from the menu.
. Handlers can be found around the layer. Large or small using handlers.
. Hold down Shift on the keyboard to maximize or minimize the length-width ratio.
# Rotate the layer
. To change the layers, turn on the Edit - Transform - Rotate command.
. Use the handler to rotate.
. By pressing Shift on the keyboard, you can rotate exactly 15 degrees angle.
. For rotating 180 degrees, edit the Transform - Rotate 180 command from the menu.
. For rotating 90 degree clockwise, edit - Transform - Rotate 90 CW.
. Turn around the clockwise Edit - Transform - Rotate 90 CCW.
# Layer boken
Sometimes the layer may need to be fixed on the other side with one hand.
. Edit the command from the menu - Transform - Skew.
. Use the handler on where you want to bake.
# Flip the layer
Sometimes the layer needs to be flipped alongside or upside down.
. To turn the layer aside, edit - Transform - Flip Horizontal command.
. To turn the layer upside down, give the Edit - Transform - Flip Vertical command.
In the example image the FLIP VERTICAL layer has been duplicated, flipped, and changed colors.
# Do the same change again
. To change the changes that have been made from this menu, add the Edit - Tansform - Again command from the menu.
. After switching to one layer, the same change is very useful for other layers.
# Perspective is left to the right
. Some objects look bigger, they appear smaller in the distance. To provide these types of interactive effects, give the Edit - Transform - Perspective command from the menu.
. Try using the handler.
# Warp
The bitmap image can be changed by moving it anyway by clicking anywhere. Adjust the adjacent places to change and adapt.
. Edit - Transform - Warp command from the menu. A grid can be found.
. Notice the changes by dragging in different places in the grid.
# Free Transform
. Use the slider around the layer to make a big or small rotation using the Edit - Free Transform command.
. Notice that if the pointer is over the handler, it can be maximized.
. If the pointer is placed outside the handler, it can be rotated.