The Seven Day Beer Challenge #1 La Goudale

My first day on the beer challenge by @trumpman and was a very good reason to drink and eat in the quiet and the beauty of the counrtyside!! (Actually was in the backyard of @rouketas home!!..)I took two glasses, The Beer, the food , a makeshift table and that's all!!The beer journey begins!! ( @ruth-girl I drunk a whole glass of beer!Haha..The rest you kwow who did!.. It was a bottle with 750ml! and alchohol 7,5% !, not a light one @trumpman!)
Thank you @ruth-girl for the nomination!! ❤️🍻

La Goudale, a beer, brewed in the north of France, with a deep gold clear color and an attractive bottle shape,which reminds a refined wine more than a beer!But its just only in appearance..Because when you open the impressive foaming head, a strong smell of malt mixed with spicy and fruity aromas comes out from the bottle!
The independent family brewery was founded in 1919 in Douai, by Brasseurs de Gayant and this beer made from a recipe dating from the Middle-Ages! The label write : " In the 14th century, the Great Beers were named Goudale, Goudalle or Good Ale".
La Goudale has a strong, sweet caramel flavor! Also you can taste the orange and grapefruit flavor mixed with bitter cardamom and dried herbs.








These are the rules to be taken into account:

  • You have to try a new beer every day, for 7 days
  • The beer must be something you have never tasted before
  • You must put a photo of the beer and write a few words about it
  • Nominate someone every day
  • If you are a social outcast with no friends to invite you just join the fun. You have every excuse to drink!
  • Use the tag "#sevendaybeerchallenge" as one of your five tags.

My today nominee is @anna89 !!

Thank you!!❣️❣️

Edit by @Rouketas This beer 750ml La Goudale is stolen from my beerchallenge stash !!!

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xaxaxaxa!! se blepw na sou menei i sinithia tis mpiras!!! :PPPPPPPPP

Χαχαχα! Άσε, λες να μου μείνει?! Να δω πως θα το μαζέψω μετά!!!
Σε έχει προτείνει ο @rouketas εδώ και δυο μέρες για το beer challenge!Δεν θα ξεκινήσεις και εσύ τις μπύρες?!🍺

xaxaxaax!!! thelw poli!!! alla de prolavenw na paw na parw!!!! pisteuw na to ksekinisw se merikes meres!!!!

Χαχα!Άντε άντε να το ξεκινήσεις!! Περιμένουμεεε!!!

Auton ton kairo pizw sti doulia... an deis pos postarw kai pws psifizw tha gelas mia zwi...😀

Χαχαχα!Μα είναι καλό να γελάμε, χρειάζεται τόσο πολύ στην ζωή μας !😀
Δεν πειράζει, όταν ευκαιρήσεις εννοείται!!(καταλαβαίνω με την δουλειά!)

xaxa nai.. simera imoun ligo free to proi... alla de ta katafera!!!!

I love your artistic presentation!

@rouketas, it's not stolen if you drank too :P

Thank you l!!😘 😘
You are right!! I said exactly the same!! It's not stolen!

Men! They always like to play victim :P

Haha!! Always!!( πες τα χρυσόστομη!!)

Beautiful pictures. I’m drooling over this beer.

Thank you @cryptictruth for your comment!

What an amazing photo collection girl 😀!!!
I wish you BEST OF LUCK in it 😘 😘 😘!!!!

Ohhh thank you beautiful girl!!! 😊😊
Have a very beautiful and creative day!!💗💗😘

το greek trail δινει το καλο παραδειγμα :p χαχαχα υπαρχει κανεις που να μην ειναι σε αυτο το challenge??? οσο για το ποστ,οντως οι φωτογραφιες ειναι για διαφημιση και πανω

Χαχαχα!! Όλο το greek-trail!!Λες να μας παρεξηγήσουν?!Αλλά μια μπυρίτσα πίνουμε..🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺
Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ! Χαίρομαι που σου αρέσουν οι φωτό!😊

hahahaahohohoho :)
One of the funniest things I have read the last few (weeks, months.. :P)

Hahaha!!Thanks thanks!😀😀😀❣️

Είχε δεν είχε σε έριξε στο ποτό ο @rouketas !!!!

Χαχαχα! Άσε την πάτησα τώρα με τον @rouketas!! Δυο δυο οι μπύρες την μέρα!!!😂

Καλύτερα μπύρες παρά αμινοξέα,ηλεκτρολύτες και άλλα συναφή !!! χαχαχαχα