How To Get An Std Without Having 'Sex'

in sex •  7 years ago 


Last night, I hung out with a few girlfriends and I was SHOCKED to find out how poorly they handled their sexual life.


Like seriously, it was SO easy for them to sleep with someone that they barely know without a condom. Even when they are not on the pill.
So they potentially could get an STD and/or get pregnant!

Now, I am not judging their behaviour whatsoever.

But what I am worried about is their own (sexual) health.

Because they REALLY don't realize the potentially life-threatening nasty ass diseases they can get from being so lackadaisical in their condom usage.

Like they really don't know the ins and outs of STD's, and I realized that most of the human population is pretty much unaware of the stuff you can get from being sexually active.

So this spurred me on to start writing more about this topic.
Because really there needs to be more education.

So here's the first post.

Let me make this LOUD and CLEAR for you!

Yes, You Can Get An Std Without Having 'Sex

I put the word sex in apostrophes because A LOT of people don't consider fellatio or cunnilingus or a whole range of sexual acts as sex. When in reality, this actually is sex!

So how can you get an STD without having 'sex'?


Yup, that's right. From having a bit of a cheeky snog with someone, you can actually get an STD. And it's all down to swapping spit. From saliva, you can get the so-called 'kissing disease', Mononucleosis, but also Herpes. And although people assume that if you get a cold sore on your lip, you cannot get it on your genitals, but this is NOT true. If you have the herpes virus, it can manifest itself ANYWHERE in your body. Including your beloved private parts!

Now, I am going to say right off the bat that this is HIGHLY UNLIKELY in our extremely clean hospitals nowadays because apparently every unit of blood is tested for HIV antibodies. But there's a VERY high chance of getting HIV if you get a blood transfusion with HIV-contaminated blood.

If you happen to use someone's else razor who tests positive for HIV and/or has hepatitis A,B,C or D, you run the risk of catching these disease. By breaking the skin and mixing blood, you could potentially get one of the diseases! This is why you should NEVER use someone else's razor!

Now let's settle this once and for all.
From chlamydia to gonorrhea to genital herpes to syphillis to HIV to hepatitis to quite a few more!
So wrap that shit up with a condom or use a dental dam if you want to enjoy yourself without risking any of these 'lovely' diseases to be your temporary or possibly permanent friend.

Yup, it's true.
If someone with hepatitis A didn't wash their hands after visiting the loo, and then prepared your wonderful meal that you enjoyed so much, there's a chance that you got hepatitis A.


Just by skin-to-skin contact, you can catch HPV or Herpes. Now this may seem way extreme and the chances are pretty slim, but it all depends on the condition of the skin and how progressive the infection is!

You can get Trichomaniasis from hand-to-genital contact or even from using an unwashed sex toy!

From sharing towels, clothes or even bed sheets, you can get a few diseases. The Trichomaniasis parasite loves to hang out in damp places (like towels) just waiting to infect you. Not forgetting our wonderful little creepies, pubic lice. They'd love to jump on your genitals while you are using your friend's towel that they had just so kindly let you use.

From skin-to-tanbed-to-skin contact, you could get Molluscum contagiosum or it's nickname water warts! You can also get this from sharing stuff and indirect contact!

Right, so there we have it.
A few ways how to get an STD without having 'sex'.

Did you know about any of these ways?

The source I used as evidence can be found HERE
The cover photo was made by me in Canva and the other two photos come from the amazing site!
BIG love,


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I will now wrap myself in Saran Wrap, lock myself in my house, and not come out till 2078. Say no to STDs and yes to hermit living. Thx for the article @ashleykalila :)

Say yes to NOT living ;)

Thanks for sharing, good post and important common knowledge indeed that is not as widespread as needed!

:) thanks for reading!

Thanks for sharing, good post and important common knowledge indeed that is not as widespread as needed!

Yesss thank you 😊

nastyness to the max!
Good you re educating your friends, before you end up going to the clinic with one of them crying!

I know right? :)


Incredible article.
this article can educate my friends in steemit. @ashleykalila

Greetings from me @doyanphotography

Thank you!

man i never knew one could get STD thru saliva.. how innocent of me.. haha anyways thanks for the enlightenment ashley! keep on posting! :)

I know right??

Definitely makes you think twice before even kissing someone!

haha definitely makes one paranoid to kiss someone. the next time im gonna kiss a girl, i better ask for her std results first haha

A most excellent Public Service Announcement! star.gif

HIhihi thank you!