First post, hope you enjoy
1: They love it
50 shades of grey didn't sell so many copies for nothing.
2: It improves other aspects of your dating life
This is the biggest one. I consider the bedroom my arena. In it, I can be as animalistic as I want. I show her who's the boss. This has the knock-on effect of her becoming more submissive in the relationship. The happiest I've ever seen a girl is after a good session. It's as if her entire organism is screaming out with joy.
3: Sex is important
Sex is the whole point of life. Everything we do relates back to it. So start treating it a little more seriously. Remember that women hold the cards in the current sexual marketplace. You are very replaceable, so don't give her a reason to.
4: She will be more attracted to you
Thousands of years ago, the strongest man was often the best provider, hence, women evolved to value that in their partners. In today's world, this isn't necessarily the case, but the female ID hasn't caught up yet. Thus women are still attracted to those men with dominant traits, despite the fact that these traits have a diminishing importance in today's society.
Part of the reason that so many get divorced in the West is due to the pacification of men and their energy. This is done is numerous ways, such as the condemnation of "toxic masculinity" and through the media. Just listen to this song:
The lyrics say "I should have bought you flowers, shoulda held your hand" and "now my baby's dancing with another man"
Seems like the author got replaced by a more dominant man. Don't let that be you!
Thus, millions of guys around the world have been subliminally lied to that by doing all these things for women, they'll love them more. Women never liked this beta male behaviour.
5: It feels good to do so
Part of the man's ID is about conquering and leading. When you dominate your girl, it feels good to do so. This is just our animalistic male ID coming out from within.