Learn how to improve your sexual performance

in sex •  3 years ago 

Do you find yourself struggling to have a satisfying sex life? read to the end to transform your dull & boring sex-life into a never-ending joy.


Sexual dysfunction is an unforeseen disaster that can arrive at any moment in your life.

                         Some sexual facts 

➔ One in 10 men in the world suffer
from performance anxiety
➔ Vitamin C, an antioxidant, reduces
sperm DNA damage according to the
Journal of fertility and Sterility
➔ The penis contains 2 “inflatable rods”
called the corpora cavernosa and the
stronger the blood circulation, the
quicker & harder you can get it up

Natural supplements have been a quick remedy for many men in the past, but with time, the potency of these supplements diminished.

The chemical drugs like Viagra, tadalafil, etc. can save you but not for a long time.rather they make your sexual system so weak so weak that it won't perform naturally unless you take any of the aforementioned drugy

This concern led to the rise of Viasil, which is an herbal supplement that can alleviate sexual weakness like its chemical counterparts or maybe better.

In this post, we will discuss this product and see if it is worth purchasing.

Viasil is a male enhancement pill from the Swiss Research Labs based in Nottingham, UK. Viasil uses 100% natural ingredients for a safe and clinically tested
erectile dysfunction formula. Revolutionising bedroom
performance, Viasil increases energy levels, reawakens sexual
desire, supports hard powerful erections and extra stamina and

How does Viasil work?
There are four mechanisms employed by this product to help you enjoy the uber-fun in bed.

The first one is the nitric oxide (NO) activity, which is aided by some of the NO precursors in the list of ingredients.

The vasodilation caused by this effect leads to the widening of the blood vessels, which let more blood flow into the penis and gives you a strong erection.

The second activity is by increasing the ATP production, which results in enhanced stamina and endurance

The advertised benefits of Viasil include its ability to:

Restore an active, fulfilling sex life
Promote the health and function of blood vessels
Boost testosterone secretion in the body
Increase nitric oxide levels in the bloodstream
Improve sex drive and libido
How Does It Work?

Like many other male enhancement formulas, Viasil  stimulates the production of testosterone by the testes. As your testosterone level rises, it regulates your sex drive, promotes optimal fat distribution, and increases red blood cells and sperm production. Testosterone also promotes the development of lean muscle mass and bone mass.

The increased blood flow resulting from higher testosterone also improves sexual function in several ways. As your blood vessels open, the blood supply to the erectile tissue increases, making it easier for you to sustain erections.


The Viasil formula contains proven ingredients that are safe for older men. The most notable ingredients in this product include: .

Horny Goat Weed

One of the world’s potent aphrodisiacs, horny goat weed contains an active compound known as icariin that prevents the release of PDE5(phosphodiesterase) PDE5 is a protein reduces blood flow in your body, thus leading to low testosterone levels and cause erectile dysfunction. By inhibiting this enzyme, horny goat weed allows for increased blood circulation, allowing you to have firmer and healthier erections. It also leads to improved sexual desire and heightened arousal.

Ginkgo Biloba

This powerful herb affect the sex drive and increase the blood
Ginkgo promotes blood flow to the penile chambers through its ability to produce nitric oxide and dilate blood vessels.
It also has a positive effect on all 4 phases of sexual response, cycle, desire excitement (reaction and lubrication), orgasm and resolution (afterglow)

Tribulus Terrestris

This powerful aphrodisiac helps improve your sexual desire and boosting testosterone libido by decreasing blood sugar and cholesterol levels in your body. it protect the kidney from oxidative damage and exert anti-stress effects confirming it's adaptogenic status

Panax Ginseng
It can lower stress drive and increase blood flow and improve your sexual performance. The herb is powerful due to the healthy levels of ginsenosides that enhance alertness, sex drive, concentration, and endurance while also kicking the stress of performance at bay.

The mineral compound helps with protein synthesis, thus allowing you to achieve healthy hormone levels, which influence fertility and reproduction. Moreover, zinc is known to support sperm production, cell recovery, normal cognitive development, powerful ejaculations, and long-lasting erections.

Citrus Sinensis:
This plant enhances the ATP production by blocking the proton leakage from mitochondria and also by increasing the respiration ability.


The fruit extract is rich in polyphenols vital in nitric oxide production, leading to increased testosterone levels. Pomegranate[2] is also famous for its antioxidant properties, which play a crucial role in improving one’s energy levels for an unforgettable sexual experience.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Viasil https://bit.ly/3SHGisy

How Do Natural Male Enhancement Pills Work?

Each male supplement has a unique formula to address a specific sexual health-related concern. However, the most popular supplements work by triggering the release of testosterone by the Leydig cells in the testes and the adrenal glands. Increasing testosterone in the bloodstream goes a long way towards promoting sexual function.

Click Here for the Lowest Price on Viasil https://bit.ly/3SHGisy

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