Is Sex a Basic Need?

in sex •  5 years ago 

Perhaps a very unconventional question to ask, but I am very curious to hear what most of you think.

I had a pretty heated conversation this afternoon and this particular person seemed adamant that it actually is a basic need.

To me, there are 3 basic needs, Food, Shelter & Clothing, without which, one could possibly die or have an un-bearable life.

A life without sex doesn't in anyway put your life in danger does it?

Which begs my point, Sex is definitely not a basic need! And I'm not sure why majority of men treat it like it is. Perhaps because men are sexual beings most of the time, but without it they won't certainly die.

So, What do you think?

Is Sex a Basic Need?

Feel free to argue your point in the comment section, I think it's an interesting question and I'd like to know what majority of men on here feel about it. But most importantly, what do the ladies in the house feel about this? Maybe I am wrong, I'm willing to un-learn.

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I agree with you, but I think that it isn't like this for every men 😂for me it isn't something I look for everyday, so it isn't a basic need

Lol, glad to hear that I am not alone in this thinking.

Well for me it's far away from basic need, sure it's fun but i would never change my food or home against it... It's basically just the inner nature of us that tells us that it's important to save our species... if no one is interested anymore, humans will go extinct, unless we have a major boost in the cloning tech :)

That's great reasoning. I certainly wouldn't trade my basic needs for it either :)

It's a basic need for the human race to continue to exist. Yup, our basic needs are food, shelter and clothing. But we can't keep sex out of it. We need it to keep our specie alive. So it's as important as others. Case closed.

Chuckles softly 😂

[My opinion]

Posted using Partiko Android

This is definitely thinking about the question from a different angle. I didn't even think of it this way, but very true.

Hahaha. How smartly put. Well, I guess if we are preserving a race then I can see how it could be a basic need :D But with 7B and more of us, I don't think we're going extinct anytime soon.

Lol. I'd want my own DNA to be part of those that survived 🤗

It is one type of human demand.Lust is the biological need of people.Its depend on hormone.People can live life without sex.But that is tricky for human.

I certainly agree it's possible :)

You won't individually die without sex, so no it is not a basic need. I do not know the context but you may be dealing with a man trying to get sex or a man trying to convince you he is more manly than he really is.

Lmao. Hold Up, it had nothing to do with a man. It was just a curiosity question.

My answer is a no @elsiekjay.

Glad we are on the same page :D

Not at all.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to hear so :)

I say yes sex is a basic need for life. Even though we won’t die from not having sex, we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for sex.

But along with that. I think love is a more important part of a sexual relationship that might take years off of our lives over time.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Love Wins :)