Most activists in the gender identity sphere either don't know who John Money was, or they only have a glossed-over understanding of who he was.

in sex •  2 years ago 


The deeply relevant component of Money's beliefs was the idea that children are born gender neutral. He believed that gender was effectively all nurture and almost no nature. Since gender-reveal parties have become a thing and large numbers of people are starting to refuse to refer to their own children with gendered pronouns, it seems like cast numbers of people are buying into Money's thesis.

To Money's dying day, he insisted that his most invasive, in-depth, longest-term experiment proved his point. The problem is that Money was wrong, he was a liar, he was probably a sexual deviant, and his immoral, disgusting study actually proved him wrong.

Bruce Peter Reimer was a victim from the day of his birth. He was born with a twin brother named Brian. Unfortunately for Bruce, he was the twin who had a botched circumcision which almost completely removed his penis.

This would ultimately be horrible for Bruce; but, it seems as if Money saw this as a juicy opportunity. Money recommended to the crestfallen parents that Bruce be castrated, raised as a girl, and never told that he was born as a boy.

At this point, most people who possess the conventional wisdom about Money and nothing more is probably starting to learn something.

The parents followed Money's advice. Bruce was castrated. Bruce was given hormones. Bruce was raised as Brenda.

The thing is that Bruce was never Brenda. If anything, Money created Bruce's gender dysphoria. Bruce was always a boy despite every effort to convince him otherwise.

Money went so far as to have the twins strip naked together and pose in sexual positions. Before Bruce was finally told that he was born a girl, Money attempted to cajole the boy, who was only thirteen, to have a vagina constructed by bringing in a trans-woman to council him.

It was only at this point that the parents told him the truth. Bruce decided start living life as a boy. He had some reconstructive surgery done to his penis. He eventually changed his name to David.

When David, as an adult, became aware that Money was still using his case to claim success, David spent the remainder of his life trying to push back.

Both brothers, who were subjected to Money's horrifying, and immoral experiment, eventually committed suicide.

The thing is, we are still running this experiment. We should know that the hypothesis has already been proven false; but, we don't.

Maybe the activists can say that it's good to raise children as gender-neutral in case the kids turn out to be gender dysphoric; but, that's incompatible with the idea that "non-binary" is a gender. I mean, if I'm a bigot for saying that non-binary people are simply saying that they're "nots" and never saying what they "are" (as I've been accused of), then non-binary must be a positive declaration of one's gender identity, no matter how nonsensical that is as a matter of language. If that's true, then anybody raising his or her children as non-binary is, in fact, running the highest possible risk of misgendering his or her children.

All that said, we know that we're not blank slates. The only reason that I can think of, regarding why people would go to such lengths to prove that gender is almost all nurture and not nature, is because they find the idea to be incredibly attractive.

If somebody thought that we could train children to want to play with snakes and be afraid of puppies, we'd know that that's a dumb thought. We know that we aren't blank slates. We know that we don't have perfect free will the moment that we emerge from the birth canal. An experiment attempting to train kids to play with snakes instead of puppies would be stupid and immoral.

That's the experiment that we're running with gender on a mass scale.

This isn't to say that gender dysphoria isn't a thing. Anybody reading this as a hate rant against the trans community is a fucking moron. This is about behaviors exhibited by way too many people, that are directly connected to a moral monster, that are directed against children and rapidly being normalized and accepted.

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