in sex •  7 years ago 


From the ancient times till date, sex offences have been a major challenge to many societies around the world. But in recent times, due to evolution of culture and lifestyle, sex offences have skyrocketed.

Surprisingly to most people, majority of sex offender are always people who are least expected, considering their status and position in life, and worst still, their relationship with their victims.

The clergy, pastors, priests, imams, nuns, teachers, uncles, aunties, cousins, fathers, mothers, siblings and friends alike have been caught in countless sex scandals.

Children, the elderly, and even strong able men and women have suffered one sexual abuse or the other. People who are physically or mentally challenged have as well received a fare share of these abuses. And even in rarer cases, dead bodies have been found to be sexually violated.

Nonetheless, some of these abuses are as a result of bad emotional or mental well-being of people who appear to be OK, while others could be attributed to some sinister cult or religious sexual rituals, like in the case of sexually abusing dwarfs, insane people, the elderly or dead people.

In as much the rest of us might tend to be too quick to condemn these sex offenders with the harshest of judgements, we all have in one way or the other abused someone sexually without knowing it, or worst still, knows it but prefers to act like guiltless angels.

More on this coming soon.
-Izu Chigbolumogu

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