Pornhub Gives You Free Premium Access When You're On Your Period

in sex •  7 years ago  (edited)

Pornhub… have you heard of it? ;)

Yes, you probably have- along with 80 million other visitors to the site every day. Some of those are… women - and they’re not just browsing the “Porn for Women” category...

Women, in general, obviously have an interest in sex that breeches the sitcom trope of begrudgingly “letting” it happen to them; an inconveniencing act which takes them away from other things they’d rather be doing. Like folding laundry. Or making you dinner.

Sex while menstruating is a complex situation to navigate for some people. Many women just feel gross, shameful, and don’t even try initiating sex- while others are aggressively hyper sexual during that time. Regardless, there is a proven surge in sexual desire that many women experience while on their periods. Whether it be with partners or alone, there are multiple benefits of having orgasms during this time. The pain and stress relief that orgasms provide is undeniable. Whether it be for lessening cramps or the desire to rip the jugular out of an annoying co-worker, orgasms can help.

gif here


However, it's still somewhat taboo of a subject, this bloody time of the month. It can be confusing for partners to try and figure out how to talk about it.

“Do you think it’s gross?”
“Will it hurt you?”
“Is it messy?”
“I’m nervous about it going everywhere!”


So- we need to destigmatize menstruation and normalize sex while on periods- because it can help bring relief, and some women want it- a lot.

That’s not to discount the many people who don’t identify as women, and still menstruate. I’m glad Pornhub realizes this too.

They are offering to ALL menstruators:

Free Pornhub Premium access during their periods


This is a new initiative of the adult video giant to help encourage women to embrace their sexual desires during that time of the month that many consider “un-sexy”. This is what they have to say:

“It’s a chance for us to help take some of the bite out of shark week by providing you with the perfect motivational material for some much needed sexual healing: Pornhub Premium. Because an orgasm a day keeps the Midol away.”

Their program is intended to be the first of many catered more towards their growing female viewers. It’s aptly called, “F*ck Your Period”.

Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 1.05.44 PM.png

The campaign site states that they will give you free access to the service during your next few periods. They have a few questions in an attempt to calculate when this will happen:

Then they promise to send you an email at the estimated beginning of your next cycle with login access to their Premium service. There, a "Pornucopia" awaits.

Go to if you'd like to sign up.

Also, check out another recent Steemit piece I wrote:
Ten Female Masturbation Methods You Might Not Know About (Written By A Woman)

I write about sex a lot.

You can't take me anywhere. ;)


Lily Campbell

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this is awesome and hilarious, that cherry lube gif is much win

that gif cracks me up too :)

I actually love that actress and show... really hoping for a season three!

Im not sure what premium access means and i know it cant take thd place of midol but well why the hell not?!

That show is pretty funny. That gif is from a whole song about period sex :)

well done! well presented and also cheers to pornhub for their effort, even if it's kind of advertising-freebies-disguised-as-good-will. Thanks for spreading the word.

I am continuously saddened and frustrated by how many people (women especially) are ashamed/disgusted by their bodies and its natural processes. I've been more than happy to help my lovers with their cramps for as long as I've had lovers, and I was a first for too many of them.

Thanks! Yeah the campaign is what I think is cool too. The visibility of Pornhub means they are able to reach a lot of menstruators and encourage them to feel less ashamed, hopefully.

Also- am impressed with men who have no qualms about period sex! Thank you!

I was thinking of a hilarious porn parody the other day, to have porn watching porn... Like a hat on a hat? Anyway, we could call it Porn Hubris...


Doesn't everyone just watch the free stuff?

Sadly, a lot of people do. I know too many good producers whose revenue has been essentially stolen- thus aren't able to make more quality content. About Pornhub Premium- here's this review that might shed some light on it for you-

Although I approve of a campaign destigmatising sex during your period, I can't get on board with porn hub which has so much stolen content on it. They are just too problematic for me to support them.

Thank you for recognizing that stolen content is a GIGANTIC issue that small businesses/porn producers face. As a porn producer myself with so many videos on tube sites: the adult tube site situation is complex. When "user-uploaded" content gets put up on tube sites and then not taken down fast enough- that is such a killer. However, there are also ways that producers work with the tube sites for revenue- I have a lot of videos that were consensually put up on tube sites. So, it's complicated. I totally get where you are coming from, and appreciate the "Pay For Your Porn" sentiment- we need more people like you <3 Thanks!