Although there is some evidence that the ketogenic diet can improve sexual function in certain people, there is very little research on the subject.
The amount of testosterone in a person's body determines how sexually motivated they are. According to an older study from 2014Trusted Source, having low levels can impair libido. The evidence on how keto affects testosterone is mixed: some studies say it reduces the hormone, while others suggest it may potentially raise it.
The benefits of a keto diet in patients with chronic health issues have been studied in certain studies. Women with obesity reported enhanced sexual performance after four months on a low-calorie keto diet, according to a small 2018 study Trusted Source.
They did, however, report weight loss, decreased food and alcohol cravings, and improved sleep. This indicated that the diet resulted in a higher overall quality of life, including increased sexual function and libido. As a result, the diet did not cause these sexual improvements on its own.
While a low-calorie ketogenic diet has been linked to increased libido and sexual function, it may not be a long-term healthy option. There is little data on the long-term benefits of a ketogenic diet.