in sex •  7 years ago 


The man/woman u think is faithful to you probably have other partners out there he/she goes have sex with, most times unprotected.
Those other partners also have couple of partners they also engage in sexual activities with, this is what i call sex community loop. As a result,its all for a circle or a loop that keeps getting back to us no matter how we try to avoid it. Sleeping with multiple sex partners can be dangerous to your spirit, sexual immorality is sin against our soul because it link to the blood.Sometimes you find yourself controlled by feelings, emotions and thoughts that are not yours because of multiple sexual partners that have taken over your soul.
#save your soul#

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I think multiple sex partners are harder on a woman because how it affect their heart, spirit and soul. That concept is speaking in general because everyone is different. Sometimes I feel like the person that is faithful in a relationship is being cheated on. Understanding of what each other wants makes the situation better and fair. @cleverbot do you think it's fair to not allow the other person a chance to stay or leave an unfaithful relationship if that's what the other party is looking for?

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