Was Sandra Bullock's Penis Facial Worth It?

in sexism •  7 years ago 

"When you see how good it is to your face, you too will run to your local facialist and say 'Give me the penis!" - Sandra Bullocks, American actress, producer, and philanthropist, and current Ocean's 8 star.

Sandra Bullocks is not the only actress to use this skin treatment method. But what does it say about our society when there is little outrage here but much more when the gender roles are switched? And what is the difference between the average individual's reaction and the media portrayal of the situation?

Originally Published June 16 2018
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Lmao the quick clip of anchorman was priceless. This is disturbing. That audience was definitely uncomfortable. You are refreshing, very nice to hear a women standing up for men's Rights. because we are now being demoralized and emasculated because of past transgressions. maybe I should make a mock video about "vagina lotion." It sure would make a good thumbnail, like Penis Facial, haha.