William Brockbraders Sexual Charges

in sexual •  8 years ago  (edited)

I'm going to do my best to share the details regarding the sexual abuse charges and the TRUTH that has been hidden by the UCMJ controlled under different laws of Evidence.
For civilians it's important to grasp that the laws of evidence in UCMJ are controlled and changed in order to preserve security clearance.
Further the definitions of charges are different then civil charges.
William was diagnosed at his Court martial as 'HYPER SEXUAL" and with zero risk of reoffense by a forensic sexologist in 1998.
The lead NCIS officer made OFFICIAL statements that William was not ok, not being treated properly, and that his 2 confessions were strange and he was not read his rights.
This is similar to the treatment of those we see in treatment of James Holmes or the Columbine situation.
-William's victim Janalyn's original abuser is her Uncle Bruce Taylor and is still free.
-WIlliam's second wife Sylvia Marzkova was abused by her father (unknown fathers name) and he also abused her daughter Britney.
-Willliam is still fighting to get this out in the open because his sons are in proximity and at risk.
-William was 26 when his charges were filed in 1998. He has never been charged with another sexual offence since.
-WIlliam was then examined by 3 other Dr and diagnosed as zero risk for reoffense.
-William was specifically diagnosed as NOT A PEDOPHILE.
-William was called a pedophile by Don Shipley to detract from his ability to get his message about SEAL team 9, Zero point Energy, the dangers of Drones, Erik Prince of Black waters ties to 9/11, Columbine, USS Cole bombing.

  • The clinical definition of a Pedophile, Pedophilia or paedophilia: is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or EXCLUSIVE sexual attraction to prepubescent children.
  • I am working off of the discovery from his original court martial in 1998, and verbal conversations with William. I was not in Williams life at the time of these events.
    -I write this with the greatest respect to all parties mentioned here and with compassion as they say the truth will set you free.
    -The Navy has intervened repeatedly including in his 2012 trial in Boise Idaho when (Navy) Casey Hammer took over and gave closing arguments to the Jury.
    -I am concerned the sexual abuser of William's first wife Tana, her sister Janalyn & Clint Taylor. Bruce is free uncontrolled and may still be perpetrating to the next generation. That is Clint Taylor's father Bruce Taylor.
    -William's wife was also sexually abused by Bruce Taylor.
    -William has been driven to uncover and bring these truths to light and has refused to be silenced.
    -William entered the Navy and married his first wife Tana.
    -William and Tana went to high school together.
    -In High school Tana his wife was bi sexual.
    -Once married and had their two children Tana decided that she identified as gay.
    -During William's early 20's he was not the most enlightened or kind person.
    -William was living in the basement wife's family after they married.
    -Janalyn was often found in William's room with her cousin Clint playing "DR".
  • William then found Janalyn in his bed masturbating.
  • Janalyn had soaked his bed from ejaculation.
  • Upon entering his room and seeing her in his bed he was moved to have a conversation with her about the realities of Sex from his perspective, because of her reaction and statements regarding her guilt and shame of being caught.
    In his 2012 testimony in Boise Idaho the prosecution asked him when was the first time you had any "Sexual interaction" this phrase was not defined ... but William answered "when she was 12."
    this conversation after finding her in his bed was the sexual interaction he was speaking of although his lawyer did not allow for this to come to light because she declined to cross examine William leaving him with audio testimony that was implying something other then the truth.
    -THIS WAS THE SEXUAL interaction that William testified to happening at 12. A conversation about masturbating and finding her in his bed.
  • Janalyn stated that she was "Broken" and that "she didn't want to tell the Bishop", and "William was her focus of imagination during her masturbation.
  • William replied " Your not broken, everyone masturbates even if they say they don't and I'm not going to tell the Bishop."
    -Next interaction Between Janalyn and William was in San Diego she was there for the summer to get away from her uncle and the abuse.
    -Janalyn gave William back rubs when he got home from SEAL school.
  • At some point there was a funeral and some sort of kiss or touching happened.
  • After William started to deploy his wife moved her female lover in to their home to live under the guise of a room mate.
    -In Mormon culture being gay is frowned upon and that was not to be made known to the community.
  • Tana's girlfriend was also in the Navy, would have been charged with adultery, striped of her benefits and Court martialed.
  • William "fell on his sword" as he put it and made no mention of his wife's lover in his Court martial.
  • At 15 or one month before her 16th birthday William had sex with Janalyn at one month before 16.
  • William then learns that Janalyn's WEALTHY Uncle Bruce Taylor was video taping her have sex with her cousin Clint, and taught how to ejaculate at a young age of 7.
    -William was also a victim of childhood sexual abuse at age 4, by his neighbor. William's family moved shortly after the abuse happened.
  • William in fact was involved with Janalyn romantically although he is very resistant about saying this from the guilt.
    -It took William 3 years to admit to ME he was in fact in love with Janalyn but that he was young and his version of love was limited and she deserved better treatment.
    -William admitted that he did not handle the news of Janalyn being made to have sex with her cousin and Uncle well and may have had a negative impact on Janalyn and made her feel like he thought less of her.
    -William started to become more enraged as these truths sunk in and he threatened to hurt her uncle if the abuse did not stop.
    -William deploys and at some point reaches a crisis and diverts a late second missile from its trajectory causing an intentional political event.
    -William returns home and is confronted with the realities that his father in law has actions to enlist the Navy to prevent a confrontation with Bruce Taylor.
    -The combination of Williams inability to express his protective nature towards JanaLyn combined with his training and the threats of harm to her Uncle Bruce Taylor caused Janalyn to panic and tell her father on June 21, 22 1997.
    -Janalyn's father Dale Spaulding goes to County sherif and then NCIS in order to start a charge before William can follow through with his threats. NCIS then contacts XO ship July 2, 1997. NCIS AGAIN stated " she was concerned that the accused was not being handled properly and she was concerned about the accused health as well that accused was not informed of his rights and no has interviewed him from the Navy."
    -William writes 3 letters: 1)to Tanna his wife 2)to Williams XO 3)A News paper
    -William is called in to the office of his XO and from what I was told he blacked out or /may have been injected with something.
    -William wakes up in the Navy medical ward with bandaged on his writs and is met by a NCIS investigator.
    -William signs a statement written by the NCIS investigator and letter is not in his hand writing.
    -NCIS officer makes statements that something is wrong with the story and is concerned with how William is being treated.
    -NCIS officer says " It is unusual for an accused to give 2 detailed statements admitting the offense. Most deny or do not give all information. In her experience, no one has ever offered to give more information - in her experience, no one has ever offered to give more information - especially after seeing an attorney."
    -Moreover NCIS states " After her conversation with XO she became concerned with the accused health. The XO seemed INSENSITIVE and she was AFRAID the XO might do something or say something that might adversely affect the accused health. She was also concerned that if it was not handled properly that the accused would not make any statements.. Up to that point NO ONE in the NAVY had interviewed him.
    -Janalyn is video recorded before trial and video played in court .
    -William is given a script to read and follows it in court Martial.
    -William is prevented from exposing the abuse of Janalyn's Uncle.
    -Janalyn's Uncle is still to this day free to abuse

It is my understanding that in Mormon context there is a history of sister wives and child brides around the age of 15 Younger men are pushed out of the community. It is my impression the Dale Spaulding would rather had William stay married to Tana and in privet have a relation to Janalyn then expose Tana was gay. This is what I feel was a factor and that Janalyn's father was in fact complicit and aware of if not encouraging of William and Janalyn but further more of her UNCLE and this abuse and may have financially benefited her father from the abuse that was done to Janalyn.

There is a second matter that has not as of yet been made public and that is that William's second wife Sylvia whom he met after he was released from the BRIG. It could be that there was interference and this was manipulated or staged. William confided in me that his second wife was still having sex with her own father and that her father was also sexually abusing her daughter Britney (not Williams daughter) as well.
William was not aware of this when he married and not until after the birth of his first son Colton and at that point she confided it.
William made it clear it was not ok and he wanted it to stop.
Sylvia was not able to stop the abuse and then became pregnant with a second child.
-William was then targeted by Sylvia's father and his employment was effected when her father contacted everyone on Williams work contact and told of his Navy charge.
-William reported and went to court to try to secure his children away from and protect them from their Grandfather.
-William lost
-Janalyn lives in Las Vegas.
-William moved to Las Vegas and began his own investigations in Las Vegas and was arrested and then released because of Nevada Injunction that was in place however Las Vegas was still taking Federal grant monies.
-William moved to Boise Idaho and was arrested for failing to register on purpose in order to fight back against laws that are being used to set precedent to strip all and restrain interstate travel like the Nazi list.
-October 2015 Janalyn is maid of honour at Clint's wedding.
-Im not sure as I was not raised Mormon however from what I have seen they are very willing to do the right thing and go out of their way to do so. If Janalyn is still being used as a sex slave I don't know that she would know there might be help for her.

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