In this episode I’m joined by Courtney Garner, she’s a certified tantrika with training in the Tibetan 5 Element Healing system taught by one of my heroines and previous podcast guests Devi Ward. She shares her story of transcendence from an unsatisfactory relationship and talks about her professional integration of East and West, having a background as a nurse practitioner before becoming a sexual and spiritual healer and educator.
She shares some heart warming success stories of working with clients who have been able to radically improve their love, sex, and spiritual lives with her help.
We discuss the how and why of semen retention and get into some edgy territory around female empowerment, spiritual sisterhood, and the ways men will need to “man up” on a new level to catch up with the rapid rate of sexual consciousness evolution among independent women who are claiming their power.
Please visit her website at:
About Courtney:
I’m a fun-loving Practitioner who’s great at laying it out so you get it! Helping clients find practical ways to integrate the practice and make it work, is my priority. I frequently work with men on issues like porn addiction, sexual dysfunction, and disconnection. I’m also a huge meditation advocate, teaching kids and adults the foundation of a spiritual practice.
As a nurse, fitness advocate, and Tibetan 5 Element Healing Practitioner, I have a holistic view of health and an expanded approach to healing. Using my Western medical training and Eastern healing practices, I provide a fresh voice, for ancient practices that give results now. My mission is to support the growth of free minds; free from fear, judgment, pain… I work everyday to change the world, one mind at a time.
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