Acclaimed environmentalist and sustainable development pro Dr Nirmal Shah has no solution to conservation’s budget crisis in the COVID-19 era. And no-one else appears to have any answers either. In this “Good Tourism” Insight, the Nature Seychelles chief offers a brief history of ecotourism in Africa’s most prosperous nation and lets us in on the quandary he’s facing.
In Seychelles, we have always known that tourism has a dark side. Tourism in many countries has led to pollution, loss of natural resources, conflicts with local people, sexual exploitation, and so forth.
Fortunately we have avoided many of these thanks to a quite sanguine understanding of who we are as a nation and how we stand in the world community. We are one of the smallest countries in the world with very few resources in the middle of an ocean a “thousand miles from anywhere” as the first tourism tagline said.
Back in the 1970s ... For the full "Good Tourism" Insight, please visit