Arthur was drenched in perspiration, but his eyes gleamed with his exultation. “I have my own e-car and thought it would be the same! Is it because you projected it and it remains attached to your will that it seems to fight my will?”

“The e-car is made out of an energy formed from your mind and is linked to you, the platform is created out of void energies that are compressed by my will. The energies are not neutral or pacified because of my mind, they still fight to revert to their natural state. If you jump realities and any of that energy escapes you, you and your passengers will instantly be converted into energy.” He grinned as Campbell paled and look up at the shields of Freddie. “When I first created Freddie I did not know what I know now, so I guess you could say we were lucky.”
Freddie stayed in the same reality for five days until Campbell returned with a triumphant glow to him. He’d performed his first inter-reality jump without Robbie holding the platform. He confided to all and sundry that it was the most terrifying experience he’s ever lived through, for he could sense the energies roiling as they crossed over. The idea that even one tiny wisp straying out of control could kill him had excited him!
Campbell asked whether Freddie can take on his material form so Freddie obliged. As soon as Campbell saw him he energetically shook his hand and told him he’d never appreciated what strength and control he has.
Robbie said, “Let’s go home, while Freddie takes us back to Athens, I’m tired of teleporting all over.” We went home and kept on waking as we sensed that Freddie had not moved. By morning we realised that Freddie must have his reasons and became anxious.
Freddie joined us at the taverna as we finished breakfast. “Good morning. Robert, a word?”
“Sure, a coffee?”
“No thanks. I’ve been thinking you should create the platform for Mr Campbell while you are here. For instance, how many passengers is he expected to carry? One hundred and fifty? Then surely it should be capable of carrying at least two hundred and fifty? What about toilets, water and food? If they are not going to jump to their destination on arrival, then they will be living in the platform for anything between five to ten days. I thought of providing some kind of entertainment, but decided you should not. Force them to concentrate on what they are experiencing and they’ll return with memories far more vivid.”
Robbie grinned. “Anything else?”
“Of course. Mr Campbell cannot be expected to stay awake the entire trip, he must have assistants.”
Robbie groaned. “You expect me to go through another training period with more people? I don’t see why he needs assistants, apart from some pretty girls to look after the passengers. The jump only takes hours and the platform won’t fall apart because he’s sleeping.”
Cassie called out. “Don’t forget some handsome young men also - both for the woman and the gays to feel happy.”
Campbell grinned and then turned serious. “I disagree, no stewards or pretty girls Robert. We’ve kept the costs down so as to attract more people, the more staff we employ the faster our expenses shoot up. If we have staff, then they are expected to wear uniforms and those are expensive. They need to be fed and provided with accommodation and knowing our unions, they’ll demand the staff take a break before returning on the next leg of the journey - and, since they’ll have to change to Kabetu, we’ll be expected to pay them for doing so.”
Robbie widened his eyes, laughing inside himself. “Now you see how lucky I was to have Hettie, Eddie, Elias and Alki as my friends? What would I have done if Hettie had not gone to war with me? You do realise that she would then have probably allied herself with you? Thank god Michael has a more practical nature than his father - he must have inherited that from Cherine.”
Campbell did not know it, but Robbie had just given us ammunition for teasing Cherine as she is in some ways even less practical than Robbie. In other ways, which are not always very ‘practical’, she is more practical than all those Robbie mentioned plus Michael and myself all rolled up in one.
Robbie took his time forming the platform and by the time it was finished it was a marvel. Campbell just stared at it glumly and then told Robbie that if he expects him to control all that, then he better spend another day or two training him.
We’ve finally made it back to our Athens home!I don’t know which caused the greatest stir among the Normals. The announcement that tours to an alien world have started, or that Robbie has given Campbell a platform and done the tour business in partnership with him. Knowing human nature only to a limited extent, I’d say that those two facts amazed them, but only for a short time and it was the low cost of touring that surprised them the most. The media asked whether these tours will only be for Talents or will Normals also be able to buy tickets. The representative of ADFI had to explain that there will be tours for everyone, but those tours where the tourist needs to disguise himself as a local will have to be, temporarily, for Talents capable of changing their appearance. Applications flooded the offices of the ADFI and our embassy (people took our announcement that Campbell is a partner with a pinch of salt and preferred contacting us in the belief that we would give preference to those applying through us).
Campbell was enjoying himself too much to get upset. He took influential people on tours; some around our planet and some to Venus and Mars. He was also invited to just about every chat show and he talked of a new era for mankind and other such pretentious ideas. I felt like grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him while I remind him that the birth of Cherine was the beginning of a new era, but that he’d fought it from the start. To tell the truth (as much as I dislike to do so) I did not resent what he said as much as I enjoyed seeing him so full of enthusiasm.
As I said, I had no wish to make any comments about his dream, but Cassie did. She announced that she thought the custom the old Chinese man talked about was a good one. That way girls could grow up to a secure and happy adult age while paedophiles would be treasured and not hated. Some of the girls joined her in trying to set out rules of how it should be done…and so on. lol
As I was going to say before Arthur cut in, Cherine asked that she celebrates her birthday this time with everyone. The governments declared it a public holiday and parties were prepared for, at almost all the major cities. On the eve of Cherine’s birthday we stayed at home, relaxing and enjoying being alone. As is usual in our home, the telly was on, even though none of us were watching. We saw they were showing Campbell arriving in his platform. Suddenly the platform wobbled badly and then dived at great speed into the ground. Instantly Robbie and all of us jumped to the scene for Robbie to open the platform. While Sparklers helped the souls, holding them until we could heal or create new bodies for them, we urgently sent our healers into their mangled bodies, attaching our arms to those whose hearts were not beating anymore.
Many Cherinians and Campbellites had seen the accident on the telly and they joined us, some helping, but many only standing by in case they are needed. The media drew in close and showed us healing the smashed bodies. Robbie chose Campbell and he was soon on his feet.
He looked groggy for a moment and then rage distorted his face and he turned on Robbie. “What is she doing here! First she kills us and then comes to heal? Get her out of here before I attack her.”
“Who, Samantha?”
“Yes.” He was trembling with rage and it looked as if he might lose control of himself, so Robbie asked me (in my mind) to leave while he finds out what Campbell is talking about. I jumped home.
“You’re wrong Arthur, she was sitting with us, talking, when we saw the accident on television. It could not have been Samantha.”
“We all felt her, ask them!” He pointed at his guests who were now on their feet. Many nodded in agreement with him.
Robbie asked, “Arthur, will you allow me to share from your mind what you sensed?” Although still very angry, he agreed. Once Robbie was back in his own mind he left his body (which fell to the ground) and as the void he returned in time.
“Sam, he spoke the truth, I sensed from him and directly when I returned in time that it was you. I don’t understand how this could be!”
Numb with shock I only stared at him for a moment. “Dad, I was here and I can’t travel in time…oh, I could jump to another reality and return in time but…how did I do it, we would have sensed me arrive. What about my body? Where could it have been? More importantly, I have no reason for causing the accident.”
“He claims you did it because all his guests were Campbellites and because you’ve only been hiding the fact that you still hate him.”
My loves and all those who love me stood by me, but I found it depressing and that afternoon I jumped to Freddie to be alone. After walking on my own for a couple of hours, Freddie asked to join me.
“Sam, you know you did not do it so stop feeling so down.”
“I might do it in the future, how do I know? Could I really sink that low Freddie?”
“I don’t see that happening love. However angry you are with him you are first of all a creature of logic. You’d know that you’d all jump to save them…”
“Perhaps that would make it possible for me to do it?”
He put his hand on my shoulder to stop me and turned me so that I faced him. “Sam, perhaps you are not ready to face the truth yet, but I think you should. Sam, you like Campbell, I think you always have liked his direct ways, the way he confronts life and his enemies without resorting to violence. You won’t do it in the future - unless he asks you to and you see he has good reasons.”
I sat on the grass and snuck my hand under his arm, holding it tightly to prevent him from leaving and leaning my head against his shoulder I lost myself in my thoughts. Strangely, my thoughts were not of Campbell, they were about Freddie. I thought of how much of a Robert he is. After I came out of my cerebration I called for Cherine and asked her to share. Even as she was about to answer me, Robbie appeared, followed by all our loves.
“Sam, I’ve warned you to be careful…”
“No Dad, it is time we face the idea directly and Freddie should hear. We were afraid of Vincent finding his own love and having a family of his own. He did and wasn’t it worth the small differences in our lives to feel him so happy? We can all help run the ship if Freddie needs to visit elsewhere at times. Dad, he’s stood by us for over a century of his time, we can’t keep him shackled to our needs forever - he is a Robert and needs love to be complete. Cherine?”
“She’s right Robert.” She hugged Freddie with joy. Our Cherine knows and understands our Freddie better than any of us, even Robbie. She has spent far too many hours alone with him on ledges, his warm presence freeing her to sink into her dark thoughts and find the love she needs when she returns. A love that just is, that makes no demands, not even that there be love in return.
Robbie shook his head, capitulating as he groaned, “Sam…” I threw myself into his arms.
Solace asked Cherine, “Will you split yourself for him?”
“I…I don’t know, maybe another Cherine should?”
I pulled my face away from Robbie’s shirt and grinned. “Why not have the boxee Cherine split for him? She’d be glad to and we’d have a Cherine with different talents to us. She’s also strange and I love ‘strange’. Freddie, would you like such a Cherine?”
He just stared at us, so Cherine answered for him, “Yes, she would be a good Cherine for him - especially if they are going to spend most of their time in here - I nearly said in Freddie, but that would have sounded funny.” We all giggled. “Do we change the name of the ship or does Freddie become a Robert?”
Still not believing what he was hearing, he replied, “I’m used to my name, keep it for both, I won’t mind the jokes the imps think up.”
With it being Cherine’s birthday next day I was worried about the anger being directed at me as it could spoil Cherine’s parties. I offered to leave for another reality. Cherine was amongst the first to disagree and Robbie almost sounded angry when he told me I’m not going anywhere. Just to be my usual contrary self, I cheekily told him I am, that we all are.
“Cherine, wouldn’t it be special to have Freddie with his Cherine at your party? Maybe they could get married at the party - after midnight so that they have their own wedding anniversary.” I giggled, “Maybe you are not splitting for him to have a Cherine, but Robbie did and now he’ll have to give some cells for our healers to create his body. I bet all of us want our healers to be part of creating his body.” All the girls shouted they did, so Robbie gave in.
Just as a joke, Jade asked whether we really are leaving on a trip without Campbell and I reacted. Calling to them to hold it a few minutes, I jumped to Campbell’s office, since it was still daytime in Canada. He instantly flared with anger, but perhaps because he sensed Robbie had followed as the void, he controlled himself. His guests quickly stood up and suggested they leave. He nodded at them, but kept his eyes on me.
“We are leaving on a trip to the boxee Cherine. I think you should come with to meet your alternate. If you come with, I promise to spend time with you to work out how a Samantha could have attacked you. Arthur, I don’t think it was an alternate, they are less capable of doing something like that than I am and I know that I am not able to act that way.”
“What is the point? Are you hoping that by my coming with you the whole world will think we are friends and stop being angry with you?”
“I’d say that politically you have to gain whichever way it goes, not me. I will not object to you announcing you are coming with us so as to prove, one way or another, that I was the attacker. You can also tell them that Cherine has promised that if I really am the attacker you will be authorised by us to say so.”
“What kind of trick have you thought up this time? Why should I fall for it again?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know, it can’t be because I’m cute, so maybe you’ll see it as a challenge and come?”
“I’ll come if you undertake to stand beside me when I announce to the world that it was you.”
“Agreed. I’ll also stand beside you if you are to announce it was not me?” He nodded and called his secretary and told her to announce he is leaving on a trip with us. Privately I wondered why he’d agreed, I would never have agreed in his place. Of course he told his secretary to announce it as if he is doing us a favour and because he wants to get to the real reason I attacked him.
He sat stiffly as Maria served him his drink and then asked Robbie, “What is the real reason she wants me here? Are you going to allow her to attack me again?”
“I promise you will not be attacked by anyone. Did Sam tell you why we are going on this visit?” He grinned. “We are going so as to reap another Cherine - a Cherine for our Freddie. Samantha decided that it is time we free him and I decided that if he is to have a body, then he must have a Cherine or else he could end up fighting me for mine. He just might be more powerful than I am by now, so I don’t want to risk it.”
Campbell actually took his teasing seriously and stared at us with shock. “He would have the same powers as you?”
“We did split a long time ago, but I already had most of my powers at that time. Since then he’s had to learn how to protect the ship he’s been was running, which has given him different new powers.”
“He could destroy Earth? This is madness!”
“He would not.”
I explained, “Freddie will continue to run the ship and in some ways you could say that Freddie is similar to us girls in this one way - we all depend on Robert protecting us. If the ship is attacked he would protect it, but exterior threats he would leave to Robert. Arthur, Freddie’s personality is gentler than that of Robert, he cannot harm anyone, he has spend his entire life only protecting all lifeforms.”
Cherine grinned, knowing she would discomfort me with her suggestion. “Arthur, why don’t you share from Samantha how and why she made the decision?” She knew he’d hear the conversation I’d had with Freddie and wanted him to, but I was not that certain I wanted it. Unfortunately he agreed.
Campbell shook his head, glaring at me. “The more I come to know you the less I understand you!” For some reason he was even angrier than he’d been and abruptly excusing himself went home to his usual apartment. Later in the evening Maria sent him a nice supper and he has lots of booze in his personal bar so I’m certain he must have drunk quite a lot.
In the morning, when we arrived at the taverna he was already there drinking coffee. I knew he wanted to speak to me, but was waiting for me to eat first, so I quickly had some fruit and toast. Coming to my feet I called to him, “Let’s go for a walk to talk on our own.”
He almost grabbed my arm as we walked towards the beach. Once we were well out of earshot he turned to me. “I’m convinced that you do not know anything about the attack, as you claimed. I felt it was you and so did the others, even Robert confirmed it was you, how do we find which alternate it was? None of it makes any sense!”
“I promise you this, if it was any Samantha, including myself, I’ll tell you and give you whatever proof I have. I don’t think it was a Samantha, there are too many Talents we do not know about, it could be someone with a chameleon kind of talent. If it is, I promise you I’ll find him or her - they made a big mistake in using me; to me it feels as if I was attacked and you were only the way they used to attack me.”
He paused to think about it. “It does make sense. The attack against me by you does not.”
I stuck out my hand, “Truce for now then?” He shook my hand.
He frowned as he looked back at the taverna and saw Freddie sitting with the family. “I still don’t understand how you could even think of making Freddie an equal of Robert. Whatever you say, he still does pose a threat to all of mankind. Who knows how being without a body for so many years has affected him.”
“I find it difficult to understand how it is we waited so long to do the right thing. Talk to him Arthur, you’ll easily sense what a gentle soul he has.”
They did take walks on their own and Freddie confided that he felt Campbell probing his mind a number of times, but did not resist him. If he’d been a Cherinian we’d have reported him to the council, but it does not seem to bother Freddie and they’ve even become friendly.
We arrived at the boxee reality and Robbie called to us to jump before they come to us, wanting us to go to their Athens, knowing how much it will please them. We arrived about a hundred metres above the remains of Kefalari Square and were instantly drenched. There was an awesome thunderstorm covering the area and we had not checked. Robbie instantly put up a shield, afraid lightning would strike us, and called for us to land. The shield made quite a sight as it seemed to attract the lightning and anyone not seeing the glare would have to be blind.
Cherine, Robert, Arthur and Bobby arrived, suitably ensconced within a shield and dry. We laughed at the looks on their faces when they saw how wet we were and we felt their feelings of guilt - as if they were responsible for our stupidity. We jumped with them to their home and were instantly dried by our gifts.
Everyone pretended to ignore Robbie as he hugged Bobby and chatted with him about all Bobby has seen and done since we’ve last seen him. He definitely is understanding and remembering more details than he used to, so it seems we better visit the entity of their World for a few pointers (for our healers of course, I would not understand any of it).
Boxee Cherine knows us too well. She asked, “Are you here on a social visit, or is there some other purpose?”
Her Samantha answered for us, “They want something.”
“We do?” I asked her. She grinned, but refused to reply.
“Cherine, Sam wants half of you.” Robbie said.
As he’d hoped, his dramatic way of answering made their excitement flare and we teased them for a while. Finally I was told I have to be the one to explain. Boxee Cherine was excited by the idea, but her Robert and Arthur were more cautious, not convinced Freddie would be a good Robert for her. I noticed that Sam kept quiet, only looking interested. Gently I probed at her mind, requesting permission to enter. When I did I was surprised to see that she does not have an opinion, she was not just being a wallflower. I told her I’ve never met a Samantha before who does not have an opinion about everything and the silly girl promptly shared with her family and soon everyone was laughing at me.
One of us mentioned that Campbell is in Freddie (should I now differentiate and call it FTS for ‘Freddie the ship’?). Arthur turned beet red and asked to go to Freddie to confront (he said ‘talk to’ in an aggressive way) Campbell. Robbie refused and told him we will be bringing Campbell to their house in a few minutes. He then went on to tell them about how Campbell has changed and asked Arthur to be nice to him.
The moment Campbell arrived, we sensed that the two of them have taken an instant dislike to each other. They remained polite, but we had the feeling that if one of them said the wrong thing the other would become verbally abusive, turning them into eternal enemies. Softly I told Arthur about the attack on Campbell and how even Robbie had confirmed that I was the attacker. He promptly took my side and declared it was impossible for me to be the attacker. I put their backs up by asking whether it had been their Samantha. Robbie privately asked me to take a trip for him to calm them down, so I asked Campbell to come with and jumped us to Cyprus. It was also raining there with strong gusts that made a shield pointless, so I jumped us to the beach in Dar. For a planet that has been destroyed, the vegetation is amazing. I was glad to see coconut trees as I had been told they are sensitive and would not likely be among the plants revived.
“Sorry, there are no bars here, all I can offer you is coconut milk.” We sat on some rocks and Campbell stared at the ocean without trying to initiate a conversation. I gave him a few minutes. “Arthur, do you think Freddie was right?”
“About what?”
“You know, what he said about me and you?”
“Only you can answer that. After the way you’ve behaved, I would be very surprised if you decide he was.
“So would I.” I grinned. “Somehow Freddie always sees deeper, so I’ll have to take his word for now. Do you know what is the one thing forcing me to hold back even now?”
“You’ve sensed I don’t like my local alternate.”
“That will be resolved by the two of you. Arthur, I can’t be your friend while you hate my son Michael. I love him more than my own life.”
He turned to look at me. “Why would you want us to be friends? I thought you said I must remain your enemy?”
“Not enemy - I never asked that of our relationship. Arthur, I asked you to remain a policeman, ensuring we never step over the line.”
“Where I come from the police are our enemies.”
“I’ve never checked. Where do you come from? Were you born to a poor family?”
“Does it show? The answer is yes.” As he talked it was like listening to an alien describe his life. I wondered at how money can change a man to such an extent. For, as he described it, he was strong and fast with his fists and made his early start towards riches by intimidating with his size and strength. As he grew wealthier he met people who were different from him and he wanted to be accepted by them, so he gradually changed. The most important change came about when the Cherinians became public knowledge. He wondered why they should have powers and not him. He believed he did and so he did. Later on others were to help open him to other powers within his mind, but the powers he wanted were those of domination and so it was mostly those he opened.
He talked of when he first met Michael and I sensed a vague yearning within him for those days. Michael treated him as an equal and showed respect when he voiced an opinion and yet he also tactfully groomed him so that he would fit in with the wealthy and powerful. The rest, as we know, is history - and yet, from his viewpoint it was not exactly as I’d thought. He showed me how and why he changed and tried to hide his bitterness and anger. When he stopped talking, I left him without uttering a word and walked for nearly half an hour.
“I think you’ve shown me a side of yourself you did not intend to let me see. How do I handle it?”
“What I told you was of my own free will, I knew you would share with your family. I trust it will not go any further than that?”
I made a dismissive gesture. “I wasn’t talking about that. Arthur, I admit I have been very puzzled by the fact that you did not directly attack us at moments that we were vulnerable. Not even Michael, and yet you are quick to admit you hate him. What I’ve seen, which is what I think you did not wish me to see, is that you cannot bear to make anyone suffer physical pain. Mental or emotional anguish does not seem to touch you so sharply, but physical pain - let’s just say you are squeamish about hurting or wounding others.”
“It was that obvious to you?”
I gave a slight smile. “Not really, not from emoting or anything else like that. I saw it from the words you spoke. There were times in the early days when you could have used your fists to get rid of your opposition and yet you did not.”
“I believed the mind is superior.”
“You believed that from then?”
He looked away. “No, you are right. I’ll fight if I have to, but I do not enjoy it.”
“I’m glad, now I can see how it is we will accept your offer to fight alongside us.”
“You told the truth? I’m sorry, I felt Michael, you did.”
I cried out, “Damn Arthur! If he could tell me that Michael would not fight at our side, I think he could have told me why! He’ll never love me again as he used to.”
He looked embarrassed at my showing him my pain and then he said, “Perhaps he did tell you, but you were not listening. It is well known that Michael loves Hettie’s son like a brother. There have been rumours and if he is the one who’ll declare war on all Cherinians, how could Michael fight him?”
I burst into tears and fell to my knees. I felt his fingertips softly touch the top of my head and then he sent for Robbie. Robbie knelt before me and pulled me into his mind, softly asking me to share. I did.
Robbie was quiet for a long time and then he raised his tear stained face to Campbell. “Thank you. Her pain has been our pain also.” Cherine appeared and she too was crying. She put out her arms and Campbell was too embarrassed to pull away and he knelt for her to hug him when she tugged at his hands. She also thanked him and her emoting, the emoting of a mother who’s beloved son has been returned to her overwhelmed him and Campbell did not utter one more word.
To return to the scene on the beach. I did something that is not allowed amongst us. The moment was emotional and I took advantage of it, knowing what I was doing. I waited until Robbie held Cherine in his arms and the others were trying to show how happy they were and taking Campbell’s hand in mine I drew him apart from the others.
“I want to ask that you allow me one exemption. I’m not doing this for you or me, but for one man who is a good man and is hurting. Will you allow me to share with your alternate - up to there where I showed you I’d guessed your weakness? I’ll skip that and carry on to the end.” As I’d guessed, he could not refuse me anything at that moment and he agreed, albeit reluctantly. As I’d reasoned, their dislike of each other was mostly caused by the boxee Arthur and once I’d shared with him they gradually began loosening up and started to talk to each other without posturing.
Our conversation with boxee Cherine was shelved for the day, we returned to Freddie for a meal and they left early for they could sense we needed to be alone. Bernie came to me as I was undressing.
“Why don’t you ask Arthur to write and make what you said be true. Let it be a Talent with the gift you called chameleon.” I sensed Robbie slightly tense as he waited for my reply, but I tried to ignore him.
“I can’t do that. If I did and he wrote as you suggest, I would then always wonder whether it was supposed to actually be me for some reason, so I would still have the guilt towards Campbell, but now I’d also be guilty for another attack. The person who would be the chameleon, either Arthur would be creating him or her so as to rid me of the responsibility or he would use an existing person and cause that person to attack Campbell. Without it being that person’s fault - regardless of what would seem to be the motive, he or she would be made guilty of the attack. It would not be fair Bernie. One more point, if Arthur writes, it will be the same as my admitting guilt, for Campbell knows that Arthur is my friend and he’ll guess he wrote to save me.”
She gave me a funny look, but it was Cherine who said, “Your mind is a real labyrinth, how do you find your way around in it?” That cracked up Robbie and he laughed as if it was the funniest thing he’s heard for years. I guess the others will soon find jokes to make about my mind. I liked what Cherine said, I just wish I’d thought of it first.
The next morning the boxees had pre-arranged some work with a tribe so we relaxed until afternoon when they arrived.
Robert told us, “Cherine wants to split for Freddie and we’ve all agreed it is her decision to make.”
Robbie shook his head. “You should know us better than that by now. Either you all want it, or we find another Cherine.”
They felt guilty because they’d asked for a Samantha and I’d helped them, but Robbie is right, we have to sense they all want it to happen. I asked about Fiera and Birshima and I was told that Fiera keeps herself busy studying at night and helping various smaller tribes that are having difficulties adjusting to the new world they’ve found themselves in. Birshima helps whoever needs her, but keeps some time free for studying with Bobby. They promised to bring them with the next day, so we changed the subject.
Bobby stayed with us that night so that he could start playing with his Akiard friends from early in the morning. As they were playing, Hilmar arrived by himself, his two girls, Erica and Valerie were spending the morning with Hilda their mother. He stood watching them until Bobby noticed him. Hilmar knows about Bobby so he did not react to the hate Bobby showed and they talked for a while. Hilmar invited Bobby to his home and he taught him a computer game that only needs sharp reflexes to win. Bobby won a few games and returned to us at the taverna filled with enthusiasm about his new friend. Robbie, as ever, was right, Hilmar is a really sweet boy with a big heart.
When the boxees arrived, they had to listen to Bobby enthuse about his new friend and we sensed how touched Cherine was. She knows how difficult it is for others to ignore the hate they see, so she asked to meet Hilmar. He arrived with his girls and their mother. Maria had their food ready for them as they arrived, so they joined us for supper.
“Can Bobby come tomorrow? I miss not having any boys to play with.” Almost tearfully, Cherine promised she will bring him. Bobby felt he has to reciprocate so he invited Hilmar, and as an afterthought, the girls, to visit with him at their Sparkler World.
I’m amazed at how much good has come out of this trip that was not planned for or expected. I chose a couple of Cherines I thought we should visit next and my loves agreed with me, adding one more and then we told Cherine. She only gave that infuriating smile of hers and told us not to be so hasty (infuriating because we can’t guess why she thinks we are wrong). At least we had the comfort of sensing that Robbie and everyone else also could not see why Cherine wants us to wait. Robbie pestered her, but she only gave Campbell a wink and told us to wait and see. Her wink left poor Campbell straining his brain as he tried to guess what it was she thought he understood.
Fisiti is friends with Erica and Valerie so although she is no longer comfortable around Bobby, she joined them. The rest of us enjoyed sharing and watching the kids play. It was funny how nervous the Akiard kids make Fisiti, and yet she ended up becoming friends with two of the Akiard girls. They gently corrected her when she said a couple of selfish things, but they know about her and make allowances. We were told later on that they think it is cruel of us to leave her on her own so much of the time. Our problem is that our empathy does extend to her, but we don’t like her and she doesn’t like us either. I guess we’ll have to find a way to overcome the problem.
For these last few years, the Muyzith are hardly ever seen as they work hard and then prefer their own company in the evenings. It was therefore a pleasant surprise when a small group of them joined us. We thought they must want something from Robbie, probably a visit to some galaxy or reality for an experiment, but they spent a couple of hours socialising and left without asking for anything.
Robert and Arthur came to visit the next morning on their own, bringing Bobby to play with his friends. It was only an excuse for as soon as Bobby was gone, Robert turned to Robbie. “Help!”
Robbie grinned. “Your Cherine making life hell for you?” They both nodded and he rudely laughed. They explained that she is determined to split for Freddie and is blaming them for our refusal. She insisted they both grow up and stop thinking so parochially. Everything they said only made Robbie chortle so I’m surprised they managed to say what was on their minds without either of them trying to strangle him.
Empathia asked Freddie to join us and she shared with him. He frowned. “I’m sorry, I did not know and I regret to hear I’ve caused you problems.” They started off by refusing to allow him to take the blame and slowly their conversation drifted onto other subjects. Freddie asked some questions about their dreams of us and then addressed himself to me. “Arthur could not have assumed their reactions, they are too natural. I think his assuming left them freewill to be their own selves.”
His comment excited both of them and soon their Cherine joined them as they argued the point. It became obvious they’d all felt like puppets and it had depressed them. What Freddie did was not surprising to most of us, for, as I’ve said, he does look deeper than we do. By the time Freddie left us, the two men had thawed and were beginning to think of Freddie as a friend - and, a Robert.
That night, as we had our Milo before going to bed, Cherine said, “I think we’ll have to give them a few days to plan for their absence as they’ll all want to come with - I mean all the Cherinians of this world. It is too special a moment for them to be absent.”
Dommi laughed, “You are that confident they’ll agree?”
She grinned. “They knew why Empathia brought Freddie to us, but they could not help responding to his warm nature. They’ll change their minds very soon.” We all felt her love and pride for Empathia and knew that she will be our special of the night. Mmm, makes her sound like a lovely dish - which she is .
Arthur has spent too many years being a politician for him to forget certain rules. He invited Campbell to visit and took him to various places he knew the story would have made important to us. Campbell, probably not giving the knowledge he imparted any importance, told them about the video we’ve made of their lives. That soon brought them all back to FTS, pleading for a copy. Robbie said yes, of course, and I said, no.
“I only ask that you wait for your copy until after our special presentation.” I grinned at the thought of how it would blow their minds. I jumped to a ledge and in private with Freddie I outlined my idea. Since Cherine never blocks me, I never block her when I ask for privacy - well, I rarely do. The others felt her reaction and the complaints from my family stopped.
What Freddie did was to splice into the video, according to the chapters written in our diary by Arthur and he then added scenes to show the reaction of people from our reality. As I’d hoped, it touched all of them deeply, especially when they saw children wearing t-shirts demanding or pleading with Arthur to bring Bobby back to life. Each and every local Cherinian was given a copy (with the equipment for viewing them) plus about fifty for their libraries and so on. I’ve kept a couple for Arthur as I’m certain he’ll want to post them for his readers.
Just in case you did not see the warning in the above post, here it is again:
The photos are from an article in the OMNI magazine (which no longer is in print)
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