Little Cherine Book 02 - BPost068

in sfandf-fiction •  6 years ago 
The day we spent on the beach with Dommi mostly lying in the sun, taking a run into the waves and so on. I sat in the shade sketching. We returned home for a shower and to change and returned to the hotel for supper.

Previous Post 067


Tonight was a night for romance, a slightly dreamy feel to it. There is nothing that does more for the ego than to have a beautiful woman sitting with you (and obviously in love with you) and to have all the men staring at her. Women were less obvious, but the looks they gave were in their own way complimentary also. Dommi stared me in the eyes and our conversation was mostly slightly teasing. We returned home early and sat on the lawn enjoying the bright stars and the nearness of each other.

When we moved to our bed, she came into my arms and her lips were soft and warm. She had forgotten to change herself back to her own looks and it was strange but exciting. At least her body, the scents and tastes were all the familiar and loved ones. It was strange not having the rest of the girls in the background participating in our feelings.

Afterwards when we lay entwined but fully satiated, Dommi spoke softly. “Would you mind if I got pregnant again?”

“You want to?”

“Very much. I know we said once every ten years…”

“I said at the time that it does not apply to you.”

“Hmm, can we make her tomorrow?”

“Make her? Sounds like a factory production.”

“But I am a factory, a baby factory.”

“You are far more than that to me.”

“How come you love me so much after so long?”

“I could ask the same question, but I won’t. You might try to analyse it and find out there is no reason to love me.”

“You are silly but sweet.”

“I sometimes wonder if you would have loved me if Cherine had not manipulated you. I like to think you would have anyway.”

“And Cherine wonders if you would have loved her if you had not been heartbroken over me. It all evens out.”

“I suppose what really matters is how we feel, not why. Dominique Teller, you are a jewel in my heart.”

“Mmm.” Darned if she wasn’t falling asleep.

Three days later at breakfast she asked if we could make our baby that night. I was glad she’d asked from before as it gave my healer all the time it needed to ensure what I sent to her had the best of all I had to offer.

After she felt the conception had taken, the mood changed. Not playful anymore, but passionate and loving.

We decided to take a few days trip to a game park, hiring a car with driver. I’d thought it was nearby, but we drove most of the day. We drove around a hill and came to the buildings. We dropped off our luggage at our room and armed with a camera we walked around.

Near the kitchens we came across the ugliest birds I’d ever seen. They were not the typical vultures, they were gaudy in colours but almost disgusting to look at. They were scavengers and must have been of the same family as vultures.

We walked to the front and took the road around the hill. To the downhill side there was a small brick wall, about a foot in height. We saw an elephant with only one tusk, the other broken off, about thirty metres away. Dommi had been going crazy taking pictures so I thought to try and give her an original picture or two.


“Dommi, you stay up here on the road. I will approach the elephant, let’s see how close it will let me get to it. You take the pictures. If it comes after me, take as many pictures as you can and then run back to the hotel.”

“You’re crazy. Don’t do it Robert.”

“Just make sure you get some good pictures. You might get one good enough to win you a prize.”

I stepped over the foot high wall and slowly approached. It pretended to not notice me for a while. When I was about halfway there it twitched its ears. I know nothing about elephants and their behaviour patterns, but I surmised that this was some kind of warning. I stopped for a couple of minutes and took a few steps forward. It lifted its trunk and came charging at me. I scrambled up the slope screaming at Dommi to take her photos. I did not know if I would get away as it was catching up with me. By the time I stepped over the wall it was almost within touching distance. The elephant stopped at the tiny wall. I ran on another ten metres or more and turned, saw it was no longer chasing me and looked for Dommi. She was nowhere in sight. I trudged all the way back to the hotel before I saw her.

“Did you get pictures of it chasing me?” She stared at me without speaking. “Don’t tell me you didn’t, not after I risked my life to get you some unique shots!”

“I wasn’t there. I left while you were getting close to it. I got scared.”

“You took no pictures at all?”


I moaned with head in hands, deliberately being over-dramatic, “I’m not doing that again. I’d never realised how enormous an elephant looks when it is chasing you. God but those things can move fast!” I tried to hide my disappointment, I’d looked forward to having those pictures for my sake also.

We hired a game park guide for the next morning.

He drove past some buffalo, refusing to stop. “They are the most dangerous animal in the park. More dangerous than lions, elephants or rhinos. They are stupid and stubborn and attack without warning.”

Further on we saw a herd of elephants, females with their babies. Dommi was delighted and took many pictures. When they decided to cross the road right in front of us she was nervous but trusted the guide and continued to take photos. I was rather piqued about that.

I told him about being chased by the elephant.

“The old one-tusk? It lives close to the buildings for safety. Once an elephant breaks a tusk it usually does not live long. It is easily attacked by lions.”

We saw vultures in the distance so the guide apologised, but said he had to see what had died. It was a very young elephant. The tusks could not have been more than a foot in length, the tusks that were missing that is. What was particularly horrifying was that they had been gauged out before the poor thing had died. The guide pointed out to us the signs that led him to this conclusion and it became obvious - and our empathy made Dommi and I suffer.

“We cannot keep up with them. The government cannot supply us with communication equipment or guns as good as those that the poachers have. If we find them it is far more likely we will die.”

“What about foreign organisations, don’t they help?”

“I’ve never had anything from them. This is one of the most dangerous jobs in this country, more game wardens die than policemen.”

I could see he was genuinely distressed by the death of this young elephant, he really cared. I could not help wondering what all those organisations that so effectively advertise for our contributions do with the money they collect. I decided it is understandable, they probably only collect enough millions to pay their fat directors fees and take care of a few pet projects to enable them to say they have done some good. Okay, I’m being deliberately cynical, but I still feel that the money does not get used efficiently, with a lot of it disappearing into the pockets of local politicians and for pet projects that do little to save animals.


Dommi cried all the way back to our hotel and asked to leave. I found our driver and warned him to be ready early the next morning. On our way back to Dar we were stopped and our vehicle searched for ivory. That did not endear them to me. They were all heavily armed with modern weapons while the men in the park, those in the line of fire have to rely on antiquated single-shot rifles, without even something as basic as a scope.

Dommi stayed moody for another day, but was soon back to being my sweet girl that I love so much. She apologised for spoiling it for me, but I reassured her that I had also been upset.

“You’ll never forgive me for running away and not taking photos of you, will you?”

“Forget about me forgiving you, I am going to tease you about it for years.”

“I thought so. I would have been better off staying and watching you get trampled to a bloody pulp. At least I would have had a few unique photos and won some prizes. Did you have your protector ready to save you?”

“Protector! What protector? I was so scared I just ran - heck, I even forgot I could teleport.” Of course the protector was with the girls.

During our last evening of supper and dancing, a thought crossed my mind and I got the laughing fits. I hugged her to me.

“What now?”

“I bet you did not think of this. Yours is going to be the longest pregnancy ever - from date of conception to date of birth will be about two years.”

“I didn’t think of that. I did think of something else though.”

She waited as I tried to guess. “Okay, what?”

“I want our daughter to be born on the world of Rob. She will then be the first Cherinian, or human being of our world to be born on another world.”

“I like that! Rob and Cherine can then be her godparents.”

“No! Rob and Dominique.”

“What makes you think she would, we have not even met her.”

“I’m going to. I know myself Robert, she will be fascinated meeting me.”

I pretended to give her a cold appraising look. “She’ll probably run for the hills.” She in turn pretended to hit my arm and I pretended it did not hurt. I guess lots of pretending goes on when two people love each other that much.

We returned and I had to adjust myself. For Dommi and I, time was different, for the girls it was only half an hour since we had left. Deciding where to sleep was for me a problem from long ago. First I had to wait as the girls screamed with joy and hugged Dommi, all of them doing their utmost to sense the foetus forming within her.

“How do you girls feel about sleeping at our favourite Paphos hotel? You’ve all seen that strange restaurant, the one that looks more like a museum from outside with old Greek paintings and statues, we can have supper there. Rob, the lot of you must come with.”

“We’ll come after tomorrow. I have to meet the builders tomorrow.”

We got our rooms and had our supper. None of us I think can remark on the food, we all drank too much wine and told too many bad jokes and just plain enjoyed ourselves.

The next morning I hired a minibus with driver. I gave him the name of the village and we drove off. I could not see any differences in the village, everything looked the same. I asked for Socrati.


“The old crazy one? You will have a long walk to find him” The old man pointed with his stick. “He is up there somewhere with his goats.”

We walked for four hours before we heard the tinkling bells of a small herd of goats. Slowly now, to give Socrati time to adjust, we followed the sound. As we followed a vague path we found the old guy suddenly blocking us.

“Ahh, ksenei!! No locals would be crazy enough to walk around here.”

“Yes Socrati, ksenei but we are crazier than the usual tourists. I’ve brought you some bread and cheese and a bottle of beer, I hope it is still as cold as you like it.”

“How do you know my name?” He was not trying to sense us because he was so relaxed.

“You have half an hour to guess.”

“You have walked all this way to play games with me?”

“I told you we are crazy. If I remember right, there is a small stream with delicious cool water nearby. I think the girls want to drink and wash their faces. Socrati, look at this one closely. Feel her, feel what picture you get of her in your mind - just keep your hands off her, I did not mean feel her in that way. I know you are just as horny as your goats are.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Diana, come to me love.” She came and I sent her a strong flood of my love for her and she sent it back. Socrati turned pale.

“You want us to do it again?”

“Who are you?” he whispered in fear.

“Friends. Real friends Socrati. Come, let us sit and eat, drink and talk. I promise you will be fascinated.”

I told him the story of our beginning and our growth in as close a manner to the way I’d told our Socrati as I could. He pleased me by asking very similar questions. Once the story reached the part where we met our Socrati, I explained first about alternate worlds and that we come from the other where we have our own Socrati.

“Why have you come to me then?”

“Let me finish the story and if you have not understood I will explain.”

Dusk came and we still sat talking. He recollected himself and looked around.

“Ach Panagia mou. It is getting dark and we have all these young ladies with us. It can be dangerous climbing down to the village in the dark.”

“Don’t worry about it, we won’t. Do you want light? Wendy?”

She spun a golden ball of light within her hands and sent it to float over us, illuminating us all clearly. He was awed but not afraid. I sensed this Socrati had handled his life in a slightly different way and told him so.

“Yes, I was not made to fear as you say the other Socrati was. I kept my curse to myself, never showed anyone I had powers as a child. I did help EOKA, but I was not thanked for it. Nobody thought I did anything special. I have been satisfied to live my life this way.”

“Are you still?”

“Are you crazy? (Eisai trellos;) Of course not. To find others who understand me without my telling them, others who would share with me. It is a gift I could not walk away from.”

“Have you understood why we came?”

“I will be a bit poniros (cunning) and say yes. I think you want me for the one who is you in this world.”


“Bravo Socrati. May I call him and his Cherine to meet you?”

“Could we do so tomorrow? The village will be worried about me, I have never returned so late.”

“I see you have the same good heart our Socrati has. We will return tomorrow. You want us to climb up here again?”

He laughed. “No. I will arrange for someone else to look after the goats. I will take a taxi and come to Paphos. I will meet you where you met your Socrati.”

“Can you leave the goats here for the night or must you take them back?”

“They will think I abandoned them, I must take them back. You go, I will be alright.”

“You damn well better be. I don’t want to lose you now that we found you.”

The girls all had to use their healers as they were tired when we got back to the hotel. Once they had showered and dressed again we went out for a meal and some music. The girls are quite used to the effect they have on everyone, but I still take pride in being seen with them. It only made them walk taller and love me even more.

Cherine grabbed my arm and took me closer to Dommi. “The two of you did not think of something. When your baby is born and returns to our world, on her first birthday she will be three years old.”

“I’m going to have the most wonderful baby in this world.”

“In any world Dommi.”

“No, I will not say that. Our other babies were just as wonderful.” She got a number of hugs and kisses for that.

“She will have a birth certificate here and there. Here she will be a British citizen and there a Greek. The first citizen of two worlds.”

“She will not! You are Robbie.”

“Sam, you are thinking of the Sparklers and the Anadir? That’s not the same, there I am an honorary citizen. She will be a citizen by birth.”

“A lot of firsts for a little baby girl.” Cherine was pleased as punch about it. I thought to myself, I do not think she could have been prouder or happier if the child had been hers.

She grinned back at me. “She will be mine you ninny.”

Candy asked, “Dommi, have you got a name for her yet?”

“Not yet Candy mou, have you thought of one?”

Her heart pattered real fast. “You would let me choose?”

“Of course my love. How about we do that Robert? Candy chooses the name.”

I could hardly answer, my heart swelled up with so much love for her. She blushed and looked at her feet as she sent it back to me augmented by her own love.

Luckily there were a number of tables free, we had them joined together and sat down. We are not a quiet bunch and I listened to my girls chattering away while I studied the menu. I looked up to ask something and saw at the other end of the table two young girls, one of them talking to Meli. I groaned and put my hands over my eyes. They all looked and Sam shot up.

“Sam, you sit down right now.”

“But she…”


“So what! This is not the same one and even if it were the other one, you owe her, I expect you to thank her for hitting you.”

“I owe her! I must thank her!”

“If she had not stopped you and you had caught me, is it possible that things might have worked out differently?”

She sat silently, her sweet face pale. “I guess I do owe her - it just doesn’t feel right to have to thank her.”

I raised my voice. “Estella, why don’t you come over and say hello?”

“How do you know who I am?”

“How did you know who we are? I think we have been reading the same book.”

She played innocent, her voice shy and hardly audible. “What book?”

I laughed. “I think I am going to like you in any world I meet you.”

She grinned and whispered something to her friend. Her puzzled friend was obviously unhappy to comply but she left.

“So, which one is Sam?”

“This lovely girl right here.”

“You’re not allowed to hit me. It was the other one that hit you - anyway, you deserved it.”

Sam swallowed hard and gamely replied, “You’ve got guts.”

“Which one of you is Cherine, I think she is wonderful.”

Cherine stood up and went over to her. They whispered to each other and Cherine gave her a hug. She brought her over to me.

“So, you are the Robert. You look different than I expected.”

“I’m in disguise.”

She has quite an infectious grin, though it was rather disconcerting the way she kept on looking away, as if forgetting she was talking to us. “I bet you look more handsome in disguise than you do normally.” She suddenly looked away, waved at someone and walked off. My girls looked perplexed, only Claudia laughing.

“Don’t worry, that’s how she is, she does not say goodbye, she just walks off.”

“Robert, this means there is a Mr ‘A’ here also. I’d thought it was Rob.”

“Who knows. It is nice to have a bit of mystery in our lives. Don’t worry so, we will find out one day who he is.”

The rest of the evening was very enjoyable and that night Theresa came to my bed. She was shy and held back a while.

“Something is on your mind princess?”

“Don’t call me that!!!”

“I’m sorry, I forgot. It was not meant in a bad way.”

“I’m sorry Robert.”

“Tell me then, what is bothering you?”

“You asked Candy and Irene to marry you. Why don’t you want me?”


“I was waiting for a sign from you, something to show you wanted me too, as a husband I mean. Are you ready for such a big step?”

“I’ll never love anyone else, so I think so.”

“Then how about we do it in a different way. Why don’t you ask me to marry you?”

She found it very difficult. Her voice could hardly be heard as she asked. “Robert, will you marry me and take my daughter for your daughter.”

I knelt in front of her and held her hands. “I would be deeply honoured my love. I swear I will try to make your whole life a happy one.”

“I know you will. Robert, will you also marry my daughter one day?”

I was taken aback, not expecting it from her yet. “That is up to her. She may love someone else.”

“Not if she grows up with you.”

“What do you suggest then?”

“I’d like her to, you would never hurt her and you would love her, I know you would.”

“Before this goes any further, Theresa, the Ulya part of you might not like this. I have to be open about it, I would not want you to find out later in some other way. By the way, I have not discussed this with the other girls. I sometimes surf through the Lolita sites. I enjoy looking at the pretty girls.”

“That’s okay, I knew you did, you told me before. I know you don’t look at them and wish you could hurt them as others do.”

“I will not answer ‘of course’ not. That is not a fair answer, it presumes you know how I am. My love, most of the men, especially those who refuse to pay to see the pictures, they also would not. Most of them love without expecting to find love. They only dream of being loved by a girl.”

“They must be very sad people then.”

“I think most of them have their friends and family. They are not able to love a woman they could make a home with so that part of their lives is sad and lonely. Even if they get to know a girl they want to love, they are afraid of hurting her and often do nothing. Their imagination has to suffice for them. They are the true lovers of little girls. Those who abuse little girls, they are not, they are just animals.

Over the years I’ve come to realise that many of them spend almost every night of their lives at their computer surfing for pictures or to chat with others who feel the same way as them. That only proves what I say. Men who go to porn sites with adult women, they may spend a few hours each week but they also have relationships with women, so they do not become obsessed the way paedophiles do. If they were having sex with children, they also would not be devoting all their free time in a search that can never be satisfied.

It must be terrible for them to know that society thinks of them as monsters and to know that they do not have the normal human rights everyone else has. All others have the right to read, write and see whatever they want to, however sickening it is. These people though, if they are found to have even looked at a picture of a little girl fully dressed, but in a sexy pose, as determined by some prosecutor, they go to jail. Once in jail they get beaten up and sometimes raped by the other prisoners also.

I’m telling you this because I know you carry a hatred for all those who have seen your photos. I would prefer you think about it and hate those who truly deserve your hatred.”

“Can I get in bed now?” I realised she needed more time for her empathy to be extended to those I’d just talked about.

“Without me?”

“You are teasing?”

“Yes my sweet Theresa, I am teasing. I hate sleeping on the floor.”


She giggled and my heart rejoiced. That she could have had this conversation and taken my teasing showed she is changing, opening, blossoming. Love still has the power to work miracles and it made me happy.

I lay by her and she cuddled up to me. I held her, my hand caressing her back.

“Theresa, you don’t have to guess, you know for certain that I love you. Can you feel how good I feel to be holding you like this?”


“So you know that I am happy. I feel in you the need for me to make you my woman. Will you be upset if I do not? Could you wait for our week alone? I want to take my time, make it special for me also, something to remember forever.”

“If I must wait then I will do so. Robert, I may be a virgin but it is only my body that is. I know what it is like to make love and I need to do so with someone I love so that it is no longer something to think of with fear and horror and shame that I allowed them make me want it.”

“There is no reason for you to feel shame, your reactions were normal.” I tickled her and she squirmed. “Baby, whoever had tickled you, the feeling would have been the same. If someone you hated tickled you, your body would not stop being ticklish. You can hate what is being done to you, but your body would still feel ticklish. It is the same as what happened when they abused you.

I think you are going to give me a strange kind of joy. You look so pure and innocent, to have you react to me, to feel the fires of lust in you is so much the opposite of how you look, that it will be a big turn on for me. I suppose you could say it is as if you make me feel there must be something special about me for you to feel that way. I know it is an illusion because of the way you look, but I am going to enjoy my illusion.”

She pressed herself to me and murmured, “There is something special about you, I love you.”

My fiery Theresa, she still holds back a little, perhaps still afraid I will think badly of her if she enjoys herself. I am nit-picking, searching hidden depths within her, her passion and orgasms could not be said to be lacking in any way, but I can feel there are depths to her passion smouldering, waiting for her to release them. I think she will soon abandon herself totally to our lovemaking and that will mean she trusts me to love her as she is and that will be the biggest compliment she could give me.

To her it is strange for her that she finds enjoyment in touching me, examining the tactile sensations of feeling different parts of my body. She emits not only passion but a sense of wonder as she explores my body and finds it beautiful (for her), she is still trying to adjust to the fact that it is not the male body that is disgusting, but that it is the minds of those who abused her that were ugly.

Next morning I sent Aganthi to our own world to collect Socrati - a chance for her to see her friend also. I thought he might like to meet himself. Soon as they heard the reason for him jumping, his whole family (that included Britta and Andrea) also wanted to come. I was glad, their presence would do more for this Socrati than my words could, for him to see the other so well liked and loved would be a promise of things to come.

Socrati arrived a little late, not having his own transport means he has to depend on the public taxis so we did not mind. As he walked towards us I could already sense a new spring to his step. He had reached our table when he realised who the other Socrati is. He looked stunned, even a little afraid. Our Socrati got up and hugged him. “Think of me as your brother. It works for the others, so it may help us too.”

“But you are so much younger than I am!”

“Actually I am older than you by three years. Within a year you will look as I do. Come, I want you to meet my family.”

We let them talk and enjoyed the feelings he was emoting. He could not believe a woman so lovely and young could love him. Little Katie sat on his lap and made him also feel loved. Andrea treated him as if they were already friends and showed him respect, as if he were his father. It needed a lot of adjusting on his behalf, but there was no pressure, he was welcome to take as long as he needed. I made my girls get up and I leant over towards Rob.


“We are going to leave you. He must become part of your group, not ours. You are lucky, this is a good man to have with you.”

“I’ll never forget this Robert, what you and your girls have done for us.”

“Don’t you start now! Anyway, we have not finished. Don’t forget by the way that you have to save Britta and Andrea in three years time. I will come here so that you can use the protector. My healer tells me that your healer has been learning from mine. We’ll see you later Rob.”

“You are leaving?”

“Yes. Socrati, these are the ones you need to join. This little girl, there may be times you feel like taking her over your lap and spanking her, but remember, it is from her that all your gifts will grow. Little Cherine is just as powerful as my Cherine is. Trust her heart, but do not forget she is still a child. We have to go now, I have a few things to take care of. We’ll meet again soon.”

From our hotel room we jumped to Greece.

“I don’t know about you girls, but for me this is even better than a holiday. This is one of the loveliest jobs we have ever undertaken.”

“Maybe, but I still am a little scared.”

“Dommi, relax my love. If you like, you can stay out of this at the start.”

“No. I want to be here. There is nothing bad about me being scared Robert.”

I phoned from a kiosk. “Kyria Claire, this is Robert Teller…yes, I’m in Greece…thank you, I’d love to come and see you and your husband again. I think of you often with fond memories. Are Niko and Dominique there?”

“Niko! Great to hear your voice again…yes, I’m actually at the plateia, Kefalari of course, can you come over?”

“I have a girl waiting for me to pick her up. It will take me about half an hour.”

“That is fine. Is Dominique there?”

“No. She should be at one of the coffee shops in the plateia. Why don’t you find her and give her a surprise?”

“I’ll do that, thanks and I’m looking forward to meeting you.”

Dommi and I took a walk around and we found her. She was sitting with the group of ‘friends’ I’d met before.

“Dommi, you better go back to the others. Can you imagine the reaction if the others see you?”

I went in and stood by her side. She was talking and did not look up for a while until her friend nudged her. I smiled at her and waited for her to recognise me.

“What is it?” she asked in Greek, her tone hostile.

“You do not recognise me Dominique?”

“No. Hold on, is it you Robert?”

I looked around, saw a mirror and looked at it. “Yes, it still is me!”

“I see you have not grown up - you still have that same silly sense of humour. What are you doing here?”

“I came to Greece to meet you, I have something important to tell you and Niko. He will be here in twenty minutes. Could I ask you to leave these lovely ladies and join us?”


I saw Natalie staring at me and gave her a warm smile. She looked puzzled. “Natalie? I’m pleased to meet you.”

“How do you know who I am?”

“Dominique will explain later. Will you excuse us please?”

Reluctantly Dominique got up.

“You better tell us what this is all about afterwards Dominique. We are all dying of curiosity.”

She laughed in reply and we walked off.

“So, tell me, what is this all about. Why would you need to meet me, after all these years you suddenly want to talk to me?”

“You are going to have a shock Dominique. Things are never exactly as they appear. You see that table with all those girls, they are all with me.”

She looked at me quizzically, slightly amused at my effort to show off. “Have you become a Muslim? Are you starting your own harem?”

I laughed but did not answer. We came to the table and Dommi stood up with a welcoming smile. “Gia sou. Do you recognise me?”

She screamed. I used the protector to cut off her scream.

“Sit down please. There is no need to scream, nothing bad is to happen to you. Yes, she is you, another Dominique but she is from another world. Sit quietly and let us explain.”

I did not give her a choice. My healer saw to it that she felt too weak to stand up.

“I know it must be a shock, Roberto is telling you the truth. By the way, this is not the Roberto of your world. Let him first explain to you about alternate dimensions and worlds.”

“Robert, Jesus man, you look younger!”

“Niko.” I gave him a hug. “This is your lovely lady friend?”

It took no special powers to see that they were in love. I vaguely recalled that our Niko had also been in love with her. She had walked out on him after they had been together for only three months. She had fallen for some smooth playboy type.

“Yes, Maria, this is my old school friend from England.” She shook my hand.

“Maria, pleased to meet you. Niko, you never told me you had such lovely friends.” I smiled at her. “I have the ability to see things others do not. Let me see, your family own a factory that makes biscuits? You met Niko at a disco and the two of you fell in love?”

“How do you know? Niko, you are playing a trick on me?”

He looked genuinely puzzled. “I haven’t seen him for nearly two years. How the fuck do you know all this Robert?”

“I know a lot about you Niko. Maria, I need to ask you a very big favour. I know you were looking forward to being with Niko. Could I ask you to sit at another table for a while, I have some confidential things to discuss with Niko and his sister.”

She looked over at Dominique and saw her face was as white as a sheet.

“What is wrong Dominique? Are you in trouble?”

I forced her to reply ( I just knew I would end up breaking my own rules and use one of the new gifts of my girls).

“No, everything is fine. Please do as he says.”

Next [Book 02] - Post 069

I hope you enjoy reading this story of fantasy, adventure and love.

Αλέξανδρος Ζήνον Ευσταθίου
(Alexander Zenon Eustace)
13th July, 2019

* posted on Steemit: 13th July, 2019

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