My Tomato painting

in sfp-tomato •  8 months ago 


Hello guys, I want to share with you a painting I did, but before I go on I will like to discuss some thing’s about the subject matter (tomato). In this part of the world where I live in, tomato is one fruit/vegetable which is consumed so often and it’s considered as one of the favorite ingredients for cooking most meals. Tomato has a botanical name which is Solanum lycopersicum, Growing up as a kid in Nigeria, I got used to tomato stew because that was one of our favourite ingredients we use in making stew. Aside just eating it, it has a lot of

health benefits like:

  1. improve skin health
  2. Good for hypertension
  3. diabetes
  4. prevent cancer
  5. rich in calcium
  6. improves vision etc.

These are some of the benefits why we should consume this vegetable.
But presently as I write this, the rate of inflation in my country has made a huge increase in the price of tomato’s, a lot of homes can’t afford to buy such vegetable because of how expensive it is here in Nigeria.

A Basket of Tomato is around 37 STEEM equivalent to N20,000 In my country.

However, Let me take you through my entry art for this comepetition, let’s starts with the materials first
This materials are some of the key items I used in painting this work, the liquin serves as a solvent when painting, it’s helps in the administering a paints.
The type of paint I used for this work is an oil paint.
This work took me some hours to finish because when using oil paint, it take time to dry and my painting requires me working layer by layer



Progress shot 1
I started off with a blank canvas


Shot 2
I did an outline sketch of what I want to create one this image

Step 3
I added a burnt sienna paint used a liquin with it, the liquin helps in the distribution of paint, it helps in lighting a paint.


Step 4
In this stage I spread the paint evenly on the surface i want to paint.

5 step 5
6 . Progress 5


  1. Progress 6


  1. Progress 7


  1. Progress 8
    In this part I added blue to the background to pop out the image in between.


9 progress 9

  1. Progress 10


Final post

Thanks guys going through my work.

I invite @ebene06 @asoefe @danyj to this challenge.

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Greetings friends,,
Your art skills are really amazing. But you have not made your post in our community. So your participation is not accepted. Best of luck for the next time. 💖