My Judges Top 5 Selections For Week 7 of SGL!

in sgl •  5 years ago 

Well here we are at week 7 of SGL! Firstly we had a a little spike in the number of entries this week, so that was a nice surprise. Were still working on getting the word out, not only on steem but to the world in general too.

This week again we had some absolutely fantastic entries, I must say at this point most of our entrants could win any given week. We have such a fantastic talent pool, but it really comes down to personal preference's to be honest. So in saying that a massive thanks and congratulations to all of our entrants, you guys kick ass!

But I am running a little behind today, getting the post out here that is - all judges again had selections in on time so no stress there. We just sometimes need a little longer to write reviews that do you guys justice, but I can assure you judges have a specific reporting room in discord and when their selections come through its locked in baby!

Well now that's done, on with this weeks top 5 judges selection for week 7 of SGL!

First Place:

@eugelys - Sonic Groove Live | Week #7 | Nada (Original song) by Eugelys

Well I had absolutely no option this week, you were first from the instant I heard you. This is just such an unbelievable original entry, I was shocked last week to learn you did originals (still not sure if I just missed this over ages, or you are branching out and sharing your own music is new). But either way I am just absolutely delighted to hear you entries of late, they are truly incredible on every level.

Your entries over the past few weeks have been absolutely brilliant, but these last two you took things to a whole new level. Your vocal control is just phenomenal, you display such an intense vocal range and the best part is how you choose to implement it.

Those high notes.... wow well ok they are stunning, there is such a beauty to the composition and implementation of the melody you have created. I want to sing along with you but feel like my atrocious attempts at mimicking Spanish would tarnish the beauty of this song.

Your playing is the perfect accompaniment, you never overpower your vocals and it is there to highlight the melody - but also has unique and interesting elements of its own. This is just a nice sound for the ear, if that makes sense - its just enjoyable on a base level without dissecting and analysing it.

The lyrics being translated, I always assume there will be some clunky-ness in the message that's lost in translation. But I was entranced by the melancholy lyrics, that so perfectly suited the sweet sadness of the music and melody.

I am not sure which bits were taken, but it came together as a fully formed cohesive piece - that fit together just beautifully and I am again thrilled to hear of steemians collaborating, this is what music does it brings people together so I just love seeing it happen here.

This was just such an amazing performance, I have listened to it countless times and each time I find more I want to comment on - but if I do we will be here all day and I am already late with this post lol. But a performance of this calibre deserves at list a little rant from me :D

You have really just been kicking ass of late and I am loving every second of it, I truly cannot wait to hear and see more from you and hopefully very soon <3

Second Place:

@minuetoacademy - Sonic Groove Live | Week 7 | Kyrie (Cover Song) by @minuetoacademy

Well this is just truly incredible on every level, I was captivated by the choral feel to the music and then you started singing and well I was just absolutely blown away. You have some seriously incredible talents here, being able to play and sing like this is difficult enough - but you just sound absolutely amazing.

Your playing is perfection, no missed notes or moments, it honestly feels like a professional recording. Your vocals just steal the show for me though, you really have a phenomenal voice and you display it with such brilliant control.

You display simply amazing vocals in this entry, your control and power at the forefront - I am a little intrigued to figure out your vocal range, I have a feeling you not only have amazing control but a rather incredible range as well...

It took my breath away to hear this entry, I was shocked last week (I think it was last week anyways). But this week you did it again, just shockingly perfect on every level - something I am incapable of faulting on any level really.

I am thrilled to have heard this and to see you enter again, your sheer talent is clear and I am really excited to see what else you would have for us in the coming weeks and months.

Third Place:

@barski - Sonic Groove Live - Week 7 - COVER - BTS 방탄 소년단 - '봄날 Spring Day - Peter Barski

Peter you have some serious talent here my friend, I am honestly blown away by the skill being displayed at such a young age here. Your playing is simply put incredible, you really just smash this out and it's all so effortless as well.

Just amazing to see someone, when it appears the instrument they play is just an extension of themselves. The playing is just perfection, you never miss a note, you create an amazing flow through all of the tempo changes, you have a great mix of volume to emphasize specific moments more.

Really an incredible performance that is only more amazing when you take your age into consideration, I was absolutely enthralled by your performance. I just couldn't get enough, your engaged with the song on an emotional level and you actually perform it - even though at times it all just looks to easy for you.

I love the percussive elements you add through playing, its not just strumming and plucking there is full use of the acoustics of the guitar and moments where there is a beat being highlighted on top of the music.

I am fast becoming a massive fan of your music, you really do have an incredible gift. It's really just a breathtaking performance and I loved every second of it, I really look forward to seeing and hearing more in the coming weeks.

Fourth Place:

@edmundocentenor - Sonic Groove Live Music Contest semana 7 Vergin Tutto Amor por @edmundocentenor / Sonic Groove Live Music Contest week 7 Vergin Tutto Love for @edmundocentenor

Wow from the instant you started I was blown away by the power of the music, this piece is so full of emotional power it really packs a punch. You performed it so bloody well, I was honestly not expecting the vocals at first so was pleasantly surprised when they kicked in.

You also have incredible vocal power, like some serious projection abilities there - to be heard so clearly above the piano when it is going hard as well, is really impressive. Your vocals are absolutely spot on I couldn't find a single mistake on several listens through's and all whilst playing too, just incredible and something I am completely in awe of (I have exactly zero skill when I try to play and sing together).

I love the power, the vocal control, the tone, the delivery, pretty much everything about this is just perfect. You really have an amazing performance here and I just can't wait to hear more!

Fifth Place:

@origen1618 - Sonic Groove Live Week #7 "La Escalera" -Cover-

I am just loving your entries of late @origen1618, you have such an amazing voice it always captures my attention. Your playing is always precise and on point, not to mention you create a great mix so your vocals are always well heard.

It for me as always was your vocals that stole the show, you have such an amazing tonality to your voice. It is so beautiful, there is this gorgeous depth and the emotion conveyed its like a mix of velvet and honey.

But when you hit those damned high notes man you give me chills up the spine, it was absolutely breathtakingly stunning. Then contrasted with the power in your lower register was just amazing and I couldn't get enough of it!

I have become a massive fan of your work and I really do look forward to seeing and hearing more entries from you in the coming weeks!

There you have it another brilliant week of kick ass entries, I spent way to long juggling entries again this week - you guys don't make this easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hope you all have a fantastic week, a massive congratulations to all the finalists and winners of week 7 - not to mention all of our amazing entrants without you guys none of this would be possible so big thanks to you too.

The winners will be announced shortly on the main SGL account @sonicgroovelive, I would also like to take a moment to thank our amazing judges @isaria, @zipporah, @pechichemena, @joseacabrerav!

As well as a quick shutout to our brilliant sponsors @ausbitbank, @helpie, @sonicgroove and @creativecoin and of course our amazing @paintingangels for her endless work <3

You guys are amazing and until next week keep grooven!


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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your nice words! Composing songs is something I've only been doing for a short time and was born from my experience on Steem blockhain. A hug!

No worries at all, it's been really easy to find fantastic things in your music to talk about :D

Also its kinda amazing that you are new to writing and composing, your work has been brilliant to date! <3