💀SGT: Eliminations💀 just get CLOSER AND CLOSER! 🌠Steemits Got Talent🌠 Season 1 Week#5 has BEGUN!! AND The💰PRIZES!💰 keep GROWING! Week#4 Shoutouts!

in sgt •  8 years ago  (edited)

Whew, Time FLIES when you are having FUN! And thats what we are all about here at SGT!

 Steemits Got Talent Season 1 Week #4 has come to an end!...  But NO fear, week #5 is also beginning.  The end of something EPIC and the beginning of something MAJESTIC!

Dont forget to follow the new SGT account! ALL POSTS WILL SOON BE RELEASED FROM THIS ACCOUNT! 

STEEMITS GOT TALENT  WEEK #4 was a complete success! Thanks to all the entrants, entries, sponsors and the community, who voted for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and fourth places winners for WEEK#4!

Let me start by saying this was an amazing week, and that many of the entries had the same # of votes.  Which led us here at SGT to use vote worth.  Which is something we havent wanted to do, to make it more fair for those getting minnow votes!  But this week was SO dang close!  I applaud the winners! and the only way to break a vote tie... is to get out there and market your entries, get those votes yall! <3

Round of applause to our WEEK#4 winners! 





Make sure to check out the new SGT news and updates!


So come join us here at S.G.T.!  Any TALENT is A TALENT!  Below I have stated the official rules set!  Lets rock and roll! <3 Love from @bambam808and all the sponsors, a GOOD LUCK! No, not good luck... BECAUSE THIS IS TALENT! GOOD TALENT too all!

OFFICIAL RULE SET! (Submission, Judging, Payouts)

Submission Rules: 

  1. Craft a new post w/ the talent video link, Titling it "Steemits Got Talent Entry # (whatever week you are competing in)" (allowing you to curate a payout from your personal post)
  2. Comment upon the S.G.T weekly post with a link to your video (allowing you to curate rewards on the comment as well)
  3. FIRST TAG MUST BE SGT (lowercase of course)
  4. 2 ENTRIES PER PERSON! One entry may be a previously used video (posted to steemit already). The old entry used, must still be recreated to the above submission rules.  The other must be made!
  5. The contest entries will be accepted starting Monday,  although the faster the entry comes in (after Monday) the better, so your entry has more time to accumulate upvotes!

Judging Process 

  1. I am keeping it fairly basic when it comes to judging! The entry with the MOST upvotes on the S.G.T weekly post WINS! (will be counted the 7th day, Monday and payouts will be sent out by Tuesday!)
  2. Which is why it is vital to get your entry in early in the week, allowing for more time to network and promote your entry! (I will be resteeming entries as well.)
  3. There will be a judging panel which will respond to each entry,  ALTHOUGH THIS DOES NOT COUNT TO DECIDE THE WINNER, it is simply for viewing pleasure! 

PAYOUT SCHEDULE - We have gotten many positive responses, and want to do everything we can to empower the entrants, and the community!

  • First Place- 70 whaleshares
  • Second Place- 50 whaleshares
  • Third Place- 30 whaleshares

To collect your prize for STEEMITS GOT TALENT you MUST have a openledger/bitshares wallet.  BELOW are links for all with easy instructions on how download the wallet and how to use them were you to win them! LOVE from the SGT family <3

The best compiled WHALESHARE guide out there! :

Steemit is the Key... and Love is the driver! 

Discord: bambam808#0272 and of course Steemit.chat!

As I have always said, FOR THE STEEMIANS, BY THE STEEMIANS! A huge shoutout to my current sponsors, without you all this contest would not have come to fruition!  I am glad to have a solid foundation, as that is the building blocks to anything in life,  IF THE FOUNDATION is poor, the building itself (this contest) would be weak.  STRONG FOUNDATION + STRONG IDEAS + STRONG COMMUNITY = POTION FOR SUCCESS FOR ALL OF THE STEEMIANS! With Love,    


Current Sponsors:   @ADSactly and the entire ADSactly Community,  They are doing amazing things! Come check out the community!  ADSactly COMMUNITY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7ffeGsA  

@jphenderson, @officialfuzzy , @fuzzyvest , and the entire whaleshares community <3 <3 Always pushing the community upward! Come check it out!  WHALESHARES COMMUNITY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/drMDKgR  

@virtualgrowth Pleased to have you onboard! :) @mckenziegary/ @ftgu From The Ground Up @giftedgaia    I look forward to any advice and comments! Thank you all!  


*logo created by @rubenalexander      

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very useful and useful information for all.
do not just information in btc course, because now people no longer focus on other news except in steemit.
so it's worth it if we threaten the jempot for this platform.
hopefully we can receive other information in steemit.
thank you @bambam808.

Thanks, but make sure your comment is related to SGT... 01011010110

Here is my submission for Week 5!

Man you have some serious skill!

thanks my friend!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great entry! Good luck this week buddy! Change the title to THE APPROPRIATE WEEK (#5) PLEASE

Thank you so much for the 3rd place win!
Unfortunately, I'm really struggling to understand what I'm supposed to do next to open a wallet.. I did read the post that is linked.. however, I still don't understand which link on that post I am to click next?

I'm sorry - if anyone can help clear this up for me, I'd really appreciate it. Also , I'm from Canada if that makes difference.. would prefer it not to be a US type wallet? Cheers :)

ok ok.. i got it I think.. bitshare.org right?
My account name is trilli-life
I hope that's how its done??

go to https://bitshares.openledger..info and sign up through there.!

ok yup, did that - the account name is trilli-life ! thank you :)

Whaleshares sent!

thank you kindly <3

Nice helpful post vote,resteem

Follow u , u r helpful information full package.

helpfull information for all who participate.

I'm very sorry to answer you after so long. I had a job and I could not log in on iphone yet, and my laptop was not with me.
Talking about https://steemit.com/whaleshares/@jphenderson/steemits-got-talent-logo-contest-phase-1-submit-your-logo-for-a-chance-to-win-whaleshares
Here's an acc antoniokarteli93

This is the gold that always escapes the top information in the magnificence. I draw the information from here, so I will follow you. Thank you for this article.

Nice post bro.
I just follow and upvote you. hope that you will also do the same.Let's help eachother.
Thank you.

I would like to say huge thanks to you beause I was not really aware about this steemit talent quize. Now I will have to come to know that what should I do.

nice Post .. :)
follow me up


AWESOME !!! , great post buddy,, keep it @bambam808
if you like about cryptocurrency, visit my post and please help be upvote and resteem please.

Thanks for keeping this awesome contest rocking!
Here is my openledger for last weeks prize: acro-mott
Thanks! @bambam808

whaleshares sent! Should have already received them!

Now thats awesome :)

thank you

How is the person with more votes declared third and less votes declared second ?

what do you mean?

Acromott has 47 votes and fotoflares has 96. but acromot is 2nd and fotoflares is 3rd?

You may have misread the directions. The winner is currently chosen by the COMMENT with the most votes. Which is why entrants comment their post. We dont count the upvotes on entrants individual posts. We allow a new post creation so the entrants can benefit more and curate those author rewards. People come, are happy to share their talents and win prizes. Lack of understanding of the rules is something we want to avoid, and will help you in any way by explaining them more thoroughly. BUT, it seems as though you havent fully read the rules. PLEASE do so before creating comments/posts that are not correct, because this could cause "imaginary" problems/unrest amongst the other contestants.. Thank you! :) Good LUCK this week!

Oh my god !! Whole week I was busy promoting to upvote my post. LOL. I misunderstood it. Thank you for your generous, kind and detailed feedback. I am sorry for this misinterpretation.

No problem! We area here anytime! Good luck next time you enter!

good useful and useful information for all.
do not just information in btc course, because now people no longer focus on other news except in steemit.
so it's worth it if we threaten the jempot for this platform.
hopefully we can receive other information in steemit.

In Russia, they will create a "green" crypto currency in contrast to the "energy-intensive" bitcoin

great post

I havent posted to SGT in a little while but I wanted to ask about whaleshares again. I've asked at least twice on discord and got to response or help (that I saw). So I'll ask in here in the hope of a reply.

I have twice now tried using my won whaleshares in the exact way that all the guides tell you. However the whaleshares page does not work so I was left with just using the OpenLedger page as directed and still both seem to have been wasted. What makes this even worse is that each request for whaleshares charges an extra whaleshare as a processing cost.

So now I've used 4 whaleshares to get 2 whale upvotes and still nothing had happened. Is there anyone here who can help???

I realise what I've done wrong now and have seemingly now wasted 6 whaleshares by both using whaleshares.net wrongly and sending to the incorrect account in the OpenLedger. Aw well lesson learnt.

I can help you later today if you are available. I will reach out via discord :)

Thanks @bambam808. I finally got it figured, sadly ot was just a bit too late to save me from wasting 6 whaleshares. By both not adding the correct URL in to OpenLedger and also sending to the wrong recipient anyway. I sent them all to whaleshare not whaleshares.

We here at SGT are sorry to hear that :( But you sure? Check your wallet again! ;)

@bambam808 waoo nice post amazing steemit got talent

Hey buddy can you message me on Discord. I can't find you for whatever reason. My fault.