Shadow Update! May 25, 2018

in shadowbot •  6 years ago  (edited)

We are excited to announce today a few things. We are rolling out this weekend some big backend upgrades that will increase our voting efficiency exponentially! This will allow us to continue to expand while we get ready for our next few updates.

Shadow Support

If you have not seen already we rolled out a Ticket Support system for all our users:

This will greatly aid in tracking down bugs as well as communication between our team and our great community!

Shadow Mail

We are currently testing our own email service as well. All Shadow Members will be given an unlimited free (and soon coming decentralized) email account. We will not harvest data, collect data, or otherwise monitor your account other than SPAM filtering. We refuse to sell ads or use your data and are moving to decentralize AND encrypt it, which would make that IMPOSSIBLE. For now Shadow Mail is running on our own mail servers and we are working hard to decentralize the process.

Shadow Net

As many know already, ShadowBot is becoming just a single feature of a much bigger system, Shadow Book. And we are excited to announce today the beginning phase of our testing of Shadow Net.

What is Shadow Net?

Shadow Net is a decentralized Peer-to-Peer (p2p) network that will integrate with not only the STEEM blockchain but many other coins as well. All our DAPPS, such as Shadow Book, Shadow Chat, Shadow Market, and more will run on the Shadow Net.

Shadow Net is a revolutionary approach to solving the decentralized needs we all want and have. We have realized that in order to create a true decentralized internet we ALL must begin doing out part. That is why we are excited to announce the beginning test phase of Shadow Net.

How will Shadow Net be Different than any other ICO or Coin?

Well Shadow Net is NOT a coin. It is NOT a blockchain, at least in the sense that you are used to. Shadow Net is much closer to TOR than a Cryptocurrency. It is designed to link us all together with out the need for a centralized corporation, such as facebook or google.

Will Shadow Net be Free and Open Source?

YES! All our code will be published on github and we encourage everyone to join the project as we get it ready for the first public commit!

Why do this?

We all desire a way to communicate in an open and free matter. But the ability to do so is inhibited currently by the way we have our internet configured and the software built to run on it. Our vision is to fix that and make sure the OPEN internet is the ONLY internet in the future!

How do I keep up to date?

Be sure to follow @shadowbook @shadowchat and @shadowbot

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Can't wait to see it all

I got dropped from a Pool Priority of 19.6 to 3.2.

Is this some kind of error as I have way more SP than others who are way above me. Could someone explain this to me.

Shadow Update! May 25, 2018 has been resteemed by the @resteemmuse!

Very Excited

Im going to tell other people about this, this is SO NICE!

This is impressive. So impressive, especially the ShadowNet

Request: Can you make a tool that can unfollow many people at once?

All requests for new features please submit as a ticket to our support system:

Sumbit a ticket for request. This is so that we can keep track of the request and not lose it in the past post.

Amazing work deej and team!

@shadowbot this is not fair on my part, you upvote with my account and don't upvote me, and even if you do it will be an expired post Or the post thats over 6days, i think i will have to stop using your service, if no adjustment

I will really love to contribute since it is open source, though I hope the project is done with contributors in mind i. e. use of standard practice.

Everything is using standardized practices and FOSS mindset.

The excitement is brewing!