Shadow Government That Runs Illegally To Control The Nation - Just Look Inside! (Proof!) part 17

in shadowgovernment •  7 years ago 

More Constitutional Violations: Felonies & More Crimes

Consistently created by your own government there are secret operations involving human rights violations.  In Chile, Pino Shay supported and paid for the execution of 40,000 civilians and 200,000 other civilians disappear.  That was all supported by the CIA.

They have silenced whistle-blowers and eliminated their right to a trial, and people and intelligence offers don't realize that they have no right to trial when they signed up with the shadow government.  There are secret prisons, rendition and torture, if you go all the way back to the original creation of the CIA with Allen Dulles, guess what Allen Dulles was involved in?  Secret Renditions; prisons and torture.  And, the organization hasn't changed in the least.  

The National Defense Authorization Act, which includes the indefinite detention of American citizens, without  Habeas corpus, (BOOM!!) Just lock them up with no constitutional rights what-so-ever.  FBI National Security Letters, we know about that, where someone working with the FBI can go into somebodies employer and ask for all their information, and then advise that employer that they're going to prison for doing so.  Warrantless searches that the FBI has been engaged in on multiple thousands of occasions within the United States, the Drone Assassination Program, we now know that the President has a "Presidential Kill List."  This is where the President decides who's going to get droned out, and as I've mentioned earlier, they've hit several other people in which they call collateral damage, which is a SHAMEFUL term they use claiming that these people shouldn't have been there when they performed the hit, including things like wedding parties where there are lots of collateral damage to be had, they've bombed entire cafe's where they were going after a supposed one person - and in that case it was 34 people dead.  

And, low and behold we have 9-11, which is a whole different story altogether, but nonetheless 9-11 was an inside job that has us in a continual state of emergency.  Remember the war on terror, and war will place the United States in a state of emergency - overwriting the United States Constitution, meaning the government can supersede the constitution at any time and we are still in that continued state of emergency, and Barack Obama re-instituted that state of emergency.  We'll see what Donald Trump will do.  

Ladies and gentlemen, these are felonies and violations of the constitution and your human rights being done by government officials and agencies without your consent of approval in doing so.  And, I just want to take that point and make it hit home.  They continually put people in grave danger by the things that they are willing to do to extend their violations on you - the American citizens, because - in my opinion, they don't want people to learn the truth about what they are doing and keep covering it up with fake news and controlling the press.  They do this in a secret attempt to assassinate the character of others who are coming out to tell people the truth about what is really going on, and these people for the most part are the same people that end up killed, and essentially are snuffed out and telling you that these people commit suicide.  They are suicided or they are disappeared which still goes on today.

What would you do if someone that you love mysteriously disappeared without a trace?  Would you be okay with that?  

This is what your government is working on, getting everyone to look to the left and see what's going on over here, while essentially placing your heads in the wrong direction to do something else on the right.  This is why there is surveillance and covert operations in America and this is also why they are creating psychological operations against Americans everywhere - because, they don't want people to wake up to hear the truth or to be able to do anything about it when they do.  They, then will create problems for your life over the smallest things where other people get away with doing larger crimes and have zero consequences for performing their criminal art.  It's a most assuredly sad when people can't even talk among each other about the truth about what's going on.

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