They do this on our approval so the CEO's of these agencies can make 127.1 Million Dollars a year, and their program managers can make $126,000 - $160,000 Dollars per year for many programs that we no longer need to keep active. Americans are suffering, and there is poverty all over the United States, and I can tell you where we can take the money from in order to get the people back what's rightfully there's to begin with. Go up to that 800+ Billion Dollars that the deep state and shadow government are taking from the Americans with their tax revenue's and yet they continue to perform unwarranted searches and seizures of property and worse things without the approval of the American people.
Why aren't "we the people" holding congress accountable for these actions that are being taken. They are stunningly using their programs against the people in this country and for foreign wars created with foreign interests? Why aren't we pissed off at all about how these actors in the United States Government being held accountable by the people? Why are we paying taxes every year when they are doing all of what they are doing illegally, and no one wants to get loud anymore for fear that they'll be the next person that get's hurt by their own government. It's sad that when these people come around that you don't feel protected in this context, and instead - you feel fear based on what you've already witnessed happening across the United States. People are getting really irritated by not having enough, and never being able to make their ends meet - and just when they are about the get a break - something happens that comes up that forces you right back down. Then they want to say that you're depressed. Depression comes from being thrown into a system that has no moral value, environments are decrepit and economy is being sabotaged by the people in power who are supposed to do something about it. They will never do anything about it however because they know that if anyone was to speak the truth about what was going on, there'd be a lot of pissed off people. We'd have a war in this country, and there would be people who were running things ending up being killed by the people that are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
No one wants war, but - when it's a war that's happening with your own two faced government and they are playing the cards to hurt you and hurt your ability to live as free as you should be able to - people should be getting mad about it. Not, continuing to "trust" their government.
For them to claim that they don't have the money to fund these programs like, medicare, medicaid, social security, and our infrastructure... it's shameful that we are allowing them to continue to run these programs that we don't need, so that these people in high powerful positions get to sit on the American tax payers revenue and have their nice dream; their cars, their houses and be able to buy just about anything that they want while the American is left desolate and depressed being forced to take pills for God's sake. Doesn't anyone else see the irony here? And, you want me to stop writing, and to stop journalism about it?
Budget - IRS Taxes
The cost of the Shadow Government/Deep State is: Total of $803 Billion Dollars
$50 Billion for the Total Intelligence Agency budget.
$598 Billion for the Total Defense Budget.
$150 Billion for the Overseas Military Bases.
$5.9 Billion for the Military Aid to Foreign Countries.
$4 Billion for Congressional Lobbyists.
And after all of this, what does it amount to for the American people?
Poverty in the United States.
The Cost To Americans Vital Security:
Social Security = Stolen.
Medical Security = Stolen/Defunded.
Medicaid = Defunded.
Healthcare = It Took Decades To Get It - No pre-existing Conditions / Gone!
Infrastructure = Crumbling
Economy = Americans are Suffering / Poverty / Unemployment 20%