RE: If any of you happen to be involved in producing TV shows, Movies, etc... please read this.

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If any of you happen to be involved in producing TV shows, Movies, etc... please read this.

in shakycam •  8 years ago 

Shaky cam footage is supposed to add intensity to a scene and or make it look like it came from an 'organic' source. I was in the industry when this retarded technique came into vogue and just like everything else in the video and movie industry it has become a standard and in my opinion extremely OVER used technique to give a film maker's product look more gritty and authentic. I agree with the author of this post. It really does nothing but give people a headache most of the time.

I mean - unless you are re-enacting some sort of explosion or earthquake or something it is totally retarded. It is an un-motivated and over used STUPID thing to do otherwise.

I have a few more for you to think about...ever notice how in almost every single outdoor shot the roads, sidewalks, parking lots and concrete ground looks like there was just a downpour a few minutes ago? This is another think almost all movie producers do in ANY outdoor scene. You could be in the deserts of Iraq and the roads will be soaking wet at high noon! There actually IS a reason for this that makes sense. A dry road, or concrete has no 3 dimensional look to it when it is dry and filmed in a 2 dimensional medium. The water on top of it gives the scene more depth.

Next time you watch a movie notice how there is water everywhere when the scene is outside - even when there is obviously not a could in sight. Movie makers use water ALL the time to achieve 'stacking' with the camera lens. That is why night scenes or dark alleyways and or anywhere that is supposed to be 'grungy' always has water dripping from imaginary leaking pipes and such...

This is a bit of an over used thing as well, but it does make sense to do because - again - film/video is actually 2 dimensional.

My last pet peeve is the use of huge tribal drums to create dramatic intensity in just about every single minute of every single documentary or slice of life type show on channels like Discovery and the Weather Channel. BOOM BOOM BOOM, "and the chicken is crossing the super- highway"....BAROOM BADDABABOOM! "...will he make it unscathed"....

It gives me a headache. I have a huge sound system attached to my big screen and find myself having an upset stomach half way through every episode of 'Deadliest Catch', or any other reality show...PLEASE for GOD'S SAKE! GIVE THE TRIBAL DRUM OVER USE A REST!!!! My ears hurt...

Find some other way to make your point people! You have literally beaten your techniques to DEATH!!!!

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