Want to see 10 of the world's most bizarre tourist attractions?

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Take you to see: 1 in Seattle gum wall 2 Kansas ball jack bone 3 largest churches in the world of four Japanese wine spring five Virginia natural arch 6 Chinese fengjing town upside down house 7 British 8 huge Australian lobster dwarfs garden 9 Nebraska traffic 10 South Africa pineapple!

A gum wall in Seattle, USA.
The wall of chewing gum on the back lane of pike place market in Seattle is one of the world's most bacteria-friendly tourist attractions. In the 90 s, tourists started waiting in line to get their chewing gum stuck on the wall, form a colorful since ten years ago but a bit of a unique scenery let people nausea. Some intrepid travelers have even pinched their chewing gum.

The world's largest ball in Kansas, USA.
The line ball located in Kansas city, from 1953 began to intermittent, four years the line ball has 5000 pounds (2268 kilograms), 8 feet (2.4 meters) high. Since the 1960s, the August wrapping ball has become an important interactive project for local residents. Now, the ball has become a famous tourist attraction in the city of cork, where many tourists come to wrap the ball every year.

3 jack bone church.
The bone church in Prague, Czech republic, is one of the wonders you can't miss. The church is built in the 13th century, is located in the suburbs of Prague, estimated according to relevant personage inside receive 4000 to more than 4000 bones, most of them died in the plague of 1318 and jan 15th century war. On the floor of the church, the ceiling was covered with dead heads and bones, eerie.

Japanese red wine hot spring.
The Japanese hakone hot spring resort offers a 12-day wine spa each year. According to the introduction, the wine spa can relax the blood circulation, after the bath can be refreshing, so it is popular with tourists. If you don't like a wine spa, there are green tea baths, coffee baths and other flavors.

Virginia sky bridge, USA.
The tiansheng bridge in Virginia is a full-size replica of Stonehenge in England. Made of polystyrene foam, Mark Cline has attracted a lot of visitors since its debut in 2014.

  1. Inverted house in fengjing ancient town, China.
    Shanghai jinshan district fengjing town of farmers painting village "upside down house", because of the peculiar structure of the building, the roof down foundation up, internal all furniture also suspended from the top, since opening in 2014, attracted many tourists to visit.
    English dwarf garden.
    If you like front lawns, flower beds in the lovely sculpture, that you can't fault many British brad worthy of the little garden, it received more than 1000 dwarves sculpture, and 250 different types of wild flowers.

    Australian giant lobster statue.
    The giant lobster statue, located in Kingston, Australia, was built in 1979 and is about 56 feet high. In recent decades, the giant lobster statue has been surrounded by restaurants and recreational facilities, making it a landmark in the seaside town.

    9 the Nebraska car fleet.
    Another replica of Stonehenge, the us state of Nebraska. The car is located in the dunes of the western edge of the United States. Jim Reinders used 38 old cars to commemorate his late father.

    Pineapples are held in South Africa.
    The giant pineapple sculpture of a pineapple plantation in east cape, South Africa, is 55 feet tall and was built in 1990 and was made of fiberglass for two years. Local residents have built the giant pineapple statue to commemorate the history of a pineapple that has flourished on the land. Visitors can view the pineapple sculptures and buy local produce.
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