Sargon of Akkad loses his Patreon, the left wing political sphere and corporations have gone off the deep end. Inb4 someone gets butthurt, my grandmother survived the holocaust, has a number on her forearm. She remembers Hitler's rise to power. She attributes the left today with the Nazis of the past. Stop the bullshit.
Transcript Below:
Hello guys, my name is Glenn.
It turns out this morning, Carl Benjamin more commonly known as Sargon of Akkad on YouTube has been kicked from Patreon. Sargon is not a controversial speaker but rather a classical liberal and free speech advocate. The only time he's around violence is when hate mobs literally come to attack him personally as we've seen in the past with the likes of the domestic terrorist group Antifa.
If you make political content, you have to follow along the corporatist line, which is pro-censorship or anti-free speech, anti guns, anti-Americanism, anti-Christianity.
The reason I cannot support this kind of action is because my grandmother. I remember the numerical tattoo on her arm from her having survived the holocaust. The likes of the modern left scares her. She insists that it's how Adolf Hitler rose to power is exactly like the actions of the left.
This kind of thing has to stop. I'm just not sure what to do, I hold no power to make the change that needs to happen.