Hai, Steemian!
Saya percaya bahwa semua orang memiliki kamera, baik itu dari ponsel maupun SLR atau Mirrorrless, dan senang mengambil objek yang diabadikan sesuai selera
Tahukah kalian bahwa dalam fotografi begitu banyak genre yang bisa dieksplor sesuai keinginan
Salah satunya adalah "Frame Photography". Apa itu?
Coba lihat gambar di atas. Saya memotret Sirens River (salah satu wahana kolam renang di wisata air Surabaya) dengan memanfaatkan "frame" jembatan di sekitarnya
Kalian bisa melakukannya dengan frame berbeda asalkan objeknya menarik. Selamat mencoba
Oiya, kalau mau gabung jadi Steemian, bisa tanya ke saya di akun IG @ammachemist (akun Steemit saya @ammachemist juga). Sampai jumpa di angle foto berikutnya 😘
Kalau mau lihat hasil jepretan saya lainnya, cek aja @katalensaku
[English Version]
Hi, Steemian!
I believe that everyone has a camera, whether it's from a cellphone or SLR or Mirrorrless, and likes to take objects that are captured according to taste
Did you know that in photography there are so many genres that can be explored as desired
One of them is "Frame Photography". What is that?
Take a look at the picture above. I take pictures of Sirens River (one of the rides for swimming pools in Surabaya water tourism) by utilizing the "frame" of the bridge around it
You can do it with different frames as long as the object is interesting. good luck
Oh yes, if you want to join Steemian, you can ask me on the IG @ammachemist account (my Steemit account @ammachemist too). See you at the next photo angle 😘
If you want to see my others photos, just check @katalensaku

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