A poem about capialism.

in sharing •  7 years ago  (edited)

Sharing vs Piracy

First lets looks at common sense:

Children and toys

Put few children in a room with shitload of toys, say look toys, play and have fun! And they soon will start to play. Then, with a little bit of bad luck there is one kid from a greedy corporate background who is not allowing other kids to play with the same toys. The other kids will not be able to compute why there is a mountain of toys, a promise of play and one kid that takes ownership of stuff that is essentially from nobody. Toy is toy play is play. So the other kids will use common sense and just take a toy anyway, since they where told that they could play with the toys.
At this point the greedy kid will experience what some people call 'theft'. The little bastard will start crying like there is no tomorrow, and it will be VERY HARD to explain to the little shit that he (or she) was the very 'thief' IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Why is there a virtual inequality in the room?
Greedy DNA? Don't think so.

How do most parents solve this?

Locigal answer:

SHARE MOTHERFUCKER you don't own shit you little snot-nose! Pick one toy and shut the fuck up. All other toys are shared again. And the greedy kid is not allowed to have 2 toys at the same time, to get the message across. And it actually works, lesson learned, don't make war, share, there is enough for all of us. And the other kids are happy to share the toys that they are not playing with. And if you ask nice, and you have not behaved like a dipshit then they may even give the toy they where playing with. This is also known as a form of compassion. (Psychology 101)

For the next 18 years this works perfect.

Then the children have grown up. They get a job, buy stuff, CD's, etc., and as good children they share their stuff.

All of a sudden the copyright police that resulted from growing up without the concept of sharing, sues the crap out of them.

For some reason, the stuff they bought and payed for with money they worked for like slaves, is not theirs. And they are now 'PIRATES'?

Just because some greedy person decided you may not copy a CD that is a copy of a master in the first place. Nothing is stolen, the record company still owns the master. The teens buy t-shirts, go to concerts, listen to radio.
The radio station, who received a gratis copy from the record company, may play it at will. Even when you DON"T EVEN WANT TO HEAR IT, but you may not share a CD that you PAYED FOR and OWN? But since that did not really fly, they invented a vague term like: fair use. And now you can see what kind of BULLSHIT it is. To come up with vague terms to justify THEIR theft. Since they SOLD a COPY to you. And from that moment on you OWN that copy. They still have the master.
But why do you need to pay, when a radio station gets the music for free. The radio station is funded with TAX money, and they pay that tax money to the record company. AND ALL OF THIS WITHOUT GIVING YOU THE CHOICE TO WHAT MUSIC THEY SHOULD PLAY!

And this is why 'PIRATE' / 'ALTERNATIVE' radio came into existence.
This is where people go to who don't want to listen to pre-chewed bullshit, and empty music without any message.

The mainstream radio takes away the choice of people to play the music they like best. The owner of the radio station together with the record company decide what THEY WANT for you to hear. And you chew whatever shit they serve. You are just lucky if they play one song per hour that you actually like.

Kids are way more adventurous and will search for music wherever they can. And they will find new music, and different music, and horrible streams of trash. Yet it's their choice their taste and what makes them tick. FREEDOM!

Yet kids are being criminalized as 'pirates' simply for sharing the very music they enjoy best. And thus do free marketing FOR that music.

As i said before the 'pirate' radio stations, these exist for the very reason of mainstream radio stations that REFUSE to play the music that a certain group of people want to listen to. Those people tune in to be able to hear that AWESOME tune that mainstream radio simply does not have.

These 'Pirate' radio stations also BUY music! Yet THEY too get criminalised for playing the music that people REALLY want to listen to.

So only a hand full of BIG name artists are allowed to make SOME money, while the real BIG money ends up in greedy hands of record company CEO's.

Now lets have a look at sharing again.

When you share music, then word of mouth makes the BEST marketing tool in the world.
When you share music, then you do gratis distribution.
When you share music, then you reach the people who really like your music.

When you share music, then the BIG record companies loose ground.
When you share music, then the BIG record companies have a fierce competitor.
When you share music, then the BIG record companies are no longer in control of manipulating you.

So if you care,

I hope you liked my quirky poetry.

Image source: Google image search
Guggleepoop the biggest motherfucker on the interwebs shows ALL these images without mentioning ANY source, so how should I know? And I must jump trough hoops to name sources to earn a few lousy virtual cents while a multi billion multinational can display ALL THE FUCKIN IMAGES ON THE WEB without ever naming ONE source? REALLY?

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This is great biffy! I’ve not thought about the piracy aspect much. Got me thinking.

I have however, been pondering socialism as it pertains to sharing. I love that you used the toy analogy. I often end up at this point... as an American, a progressive American, I see so much disdain for the big Ism... socialism. It’s nasty, it’s naughty, it makes people lazy and it’s steals my money to pay for the lazy. That’s what we hear from mainstream. The way we are raised is completely counter productive to that! We teach our kids it’s the right thing to do, to share their toys. If my kid has 3 toys, and yours has none, we share! If we followed the adult stigma of socialism, I would tell you and your child, tough shit! Get your own toys! And we’d watch your child cry while mine had all the fun! 🤨Also, at my children’s previous school they were not only expected to share, but even expected to play with kids they don’t like! I’m cool with sharing, sharing is what you do! But forcing kids to play together was too much for me. Especially when it’s just not how society functions. Anywho... went off on a ramble there... thanks for getting my brain going! 😀

You're welcome!

The toy example is how parents all over the world teach their children to share. These lessons are very old, and most parents seem to know this naturally. Regardless of political views.

Then capitalism comes along.... children under 18 are still allowed to be fair. But once you are an adult, THEN all of a sudden you are criminalised for sharing. The very thing your parents taught you to be the right thing to do.

i'm repeating us... It's just so damn silly that we must explain common sense, to people who for some reason assume that capitalism is just fine.

Every political system is flawed, since the opposition in every system will just oppose everything. and the people voted in power will just lie to begin with to outwit the opposition.
And there we have it - BULLSHIT! :-)

Politics make war, people make peace.


more examples here: https://www.everythingisaremix.com

I disagree with you...not because I disagree with you, but because I just feel like disagreeing with you today. Let's take it into the argument room:)

Now, you say that the lessons of sharing are old, right? Why are there such old lessons of sharing? Because, they were spread and made part of the social fabric of society, before copyright laws were even created.

As far as political philosophies and ism's go...I think it's less relevant to copyright or even general laws themselves. It matters not what actual system or political ism rules over humanity, but rather WHO is in control and in charge of creating the structural systems and laws. Power hungry controllers can implement the same laws under any structure or ism. That's why they love using propaganda as their weapon of choice. It crosses party lines and can be bent into any shape that serves their own self interest, while keeping the general public in the dark about what the true intentions are behind the scenes.

BTW, that is some serious nasal bubbling happening with that child....Great photo.

'It matters not what actual system or political ism rules over humanity, but rather WHO is in control'

That is absolutely right. I'm in Canada. We have an NDP leader provincially who is working everyday to do the best she can for the people. Yet our federal NDP are trollops of the worst sort - the kind that have everyone convinced that they are egalitarian, yet when you look at their legislative voting record they are little different from the fascists.
If we look at UK politics, the Labour party used to be for, well, labor. Now look at them. Same thing in the US. If you look back, the Republicans appeared reasonably well intentioned. More recently the two parties swapped roles. And currently, there's no difference between them - they all are warmongers.
So it's as you say - the party is merely a device to get power, and they will use that power according to the leader elected. Except when you get a maverick who gets in against all odds and a stacked deck - then rolls over with his butt in the air when he finds out he's playing with the big boys (and girls).
So I'm saying...what. It's like quicksand.


Poeple also seem to alway vote on the leas important cliche party's.

for instance:
When there is a lot of unemployment then the ring of the word Labour makes people lean over very easy.

When however small companies go out of business then those people start voting on empty promises of Liberal party's that promore 'free market economy'

Where it would make more sense to vote on more social-mnded parties.

But whatever you vote they always do the opposite of what they promised.

This industrial-system needs an upgrade. It's just all affected with rule-rot

the copyright issue is where thing get messy.
every country has different laws for different situations
movie industry vs music industry
not to speak about the use of music in a movie
music on the radio, or on tv, or in a pub, or 'other media', etc.
then on internet things become very vague, when the author is in Malasia creating content under Malai law. publishing it on a server somewhere in lets say Europe under European law, and being read by someone in Brazil under Brazillian law. And then someone in the USA comes along and forces US law down everyones throat...

This becomes even more messy when a platform is decentralised, where the hosting is scattered across the globe under a plethora of laws that are all up against each other.

this needs a new approach from a humane point of view, as people consume the data from economies with very different dynamics. You then should not think from a capitalist angle but from an ethical angle. Do what is right for everyone. Not simpley do what is conveinient for a Wallet for someone living in 'the west'

And myself living in the west makes me feel silly to NOT take advantage as that rubs my fellow westerners in the wrong way. But ethics is the future of the net.
Since we all need to live on this tiny rock drifting trough space.

I think the question should be something like:
Do we really need to monetize at the cost of others just because old backwards rules pretend we can?

I am taking you to international internets court for stealing my patented copyrighted thoughts, on these talking points. I was going to write a post on this, but now you have stolen it from my future self, denying me a future income which will enslave me and push me into poverty.

feel free to remix my thoughts elaborate on them and get to the bottom of things. It may not make you rich, but it will reveal other values.

Please remix, or just plagiarise it and feed on it like a whale this idea has more value to me then money. The more people know about it the better.

hmmm what if I do a whale order on this post?

feel free to remix my thoughts elaborate on them and get to the bottom of things. It may not make you rich, but it will reveal other values.

Please remix, or just plagiarise it and feed on it like a whale this idea has more value to me then money. The more people know about it the better.

hmmm what if I do a whale order on this post?

You know I'm only trolling you now:) Thanks for replying twice. Is this what they call double speak?

no, double speak would have been a Clintonian kizzo opposite of the very same.
I'm not sure how Steemit managed to clone my comment with an hour delay. I hope i'm not going to get punished for this

Love your disclaimer on sourcing!!!! Absolutely how I feel!

Would be interesting to see more people write about this and find more examples how backwards things are. I'm slowly becoming trained to put this to words, and it is a huge effort to put it in words. To find that very example and the english words.

English is not my native language and the grammar sometimes messes with me and makes me loose my toughts in the middle of an important explanation. Discussing these things on discord helps me a lot to assemble certain thought trains.

So If you ever think of something that hits the nail on the head.... Share it before you forget it.
Even it it is a oneliner. :-)

I couldn't agree more lol but you know that already! On the subject of internet music and piracy I just never understood how that was even a thing. I think back in the early 2000's or was it the 90's when Napster and that other one? green line or ohh lime wire ? I think LOL i dont know but back then music sharing was HUGE and I think all this was just the IRS and other abc's trying to gain an early hold on freedom - they saw how big sharing was and hated it. Too many "potential losses" - yet again countries running their people like business expenses instead of human beings.. it's crazy - I had fun reading your post as always. You bring the humor every time!

there also was imesh.

Sharing is a thing of humanity. They can try to forbid it, but when budgets get tight then people will share.
So if the Elite don't like Sharing they should stop being greedy. Their greed pushes people into sharing as a tool to survive. And this is how greedy bullshitters CREATE piracy. And then criminalise the poor people who don't have another choice.

Robin hood was right. He enforced sharing of the 1% like a good policeman should do.

This is the real father of equality in a capitalist world.

Reminds me of @SamD or @samueldouglas's distribution of wealth idea.

Hip-hop is a robin hood of the music industry.

Napster and limewire are the radio of the internet. The biggest marketing tool the industry ever had.
I used iMesh back then to find new interesting music. And the artists i liked best i then looked up their websites. And bought their music.

I have a record collection that fills an entire wall top to bottom.... more then 50% of that music i found trough file sharing maybe even closer to 80%.

But is NOT the shitstream music that the mainstream is pushing out each day.
I like my shit in a more colorful flavour.

yess I totally agree - I found so much music through sharing and it is so much better than the mainstream crap put out. This is definitely a product of capitalism.. which in itself is like anything.. it tends towards entropy - it was our duty to manage it and keep it from getting out of hand.. well someone dropped the ball (on purpose no doubt) because this has gotten WAY out of hand and it's only picking up speed .. its physics man! LOL

hehe physics...

is it really that bad?

hahaha I don't know if it's really that bad lol maybe it's nonexistent and it's just the same it seems but capitalism definitely has the tendency to grow out of control if not managed (which obv it hasn't been lol)

Spams keep on spamming
Whales keep on whaling
At some point the whales become obese?

makes me wonder if it would be sustainable for whales to live in a bathtub.

greedy bastards definitely would, I think lol

We try to raise awareness for their health but McCoinalds seems to taste better to them.

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I no longer have words, I am now embodied in music.

My invitation to you:


Overcome the matrix or be absorbed. PLUR

It's good i don't have a cat. My curiosity may kill it..
WIll listen when i get home.


o my, that was intense.

Wasn't it great though? :) Don't worry about the cats, they have 9 lives ;)

I'm not very familiar with this style, so i needed some time to adjust.
after 3 tracks i started to get the idea, then my heart rate stabilised a bit.
the cat survived
i was trying to write a dutch article and i failed miserably, not due to the music but lack of sleep.. This music was an interesting distraction. Something that mainstream radio just may refuse to play alltogether

Took me a good few years to adjust, I am a diehard 80s alternative fan, big shift in perception, perseverance, preservation, persistence...perspective. But when it happens, eureka! Living on the fringes of society again, old, comfortable familiarity. I hope you find your sleep abundance soon, and the Dutch article flows like a calm, soothing river gliding over smooth, glistening rocks <3

The alternative 80's sure had an extra gear in the box. I was in yet another alternative scene at the time that was in a somewhat lower tempo. Always hunting for for new music, and i still do, just can't collect at the same rate anymore, the room is just to small...

I sure could enjoy a little mountain stream with water 'on the rocks'. :-)
My brain is refusing Dutch language at the moment, in real life i'm bombarded with bureaucratic madness and when i start to write I soon digress in that shitstream and completely loose the plot of what I was trying to write.

Yep, the gearbox of the future, so many songs still relevant today and still on some radio playlists, albeit obscurely tucked between the shit sandwiches of copyrighted, mandatory drivel.

Please excuse my manners, I didn't compliment you on your post, which was highly entertaining and a reflection of my similar sentiments of mainstream life, beauracracy, societal rules, incomprehensible and harmful laws in general. I also like the ending / entreaty to take the subject further no matter the cost, the ironic asides too! The only plot you lost was the one that doesn't matter - not losing the plot. What an interesting journey this life would be if there were more like you!

If this world was a rainbow and we had to choose a colour, I would choose them all.


Image source : goofuckingle

:-) there are a few more like me, but less vocal. so a different shade of my color?

once everyone starts to become more vocal about it then things may change a bit but that will take some time. I really like the feedback that i get. This to me has more value then upvotes. Because it seems that the very people who see what i see, are for some reason, not getting the same appreciation from the platform itself.

I also hear people being positive about reading my shit, and having the opinion that this itself will lead to a change as it slowly forms a snowball.

All you need is to copy some of me, improve it with some of you and release it. And encourage others to remix your idea's.

The very thing that copyright is trying to stop.

And that probably scares them a little.

This article and my comments are Public Domain so it is impossible to plagiarise it, as i do not claim ownership of these idea's. I give these ideas away.


The occasional $0.02 cents are still welcome.