Exuma the Bahamas

in sharks •  7 years ago 


Can’t decide if I liked swimming with sharks better than swimming with pigs 🤔 I’ll go with the sharks! 🦈

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your soo brave for that i ones touched a nurse shark

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Nurse shark

The nurse shark is an elasmobranch fish within the family Ginglymostomatidae. They are directly targeted in some fisheries for food https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=A4a047df58ea3326d01022430c310872c&w=299&h=197&c=7&o=5&dpr=1.5&pid=1.7

but never with a pig ??? where do people do that iam from ny city so no pigs on this island lol well lol maybe some lol.//

I swim with pigs in exuma really like sharks but that is little dangrous

you mean real pigs or perverts :p

Yh of course real pigs

then you are brave :p


are you on facebook or whatsapp ??