I gave a shiatsu to a person with back problems.

in shiatsu •  8 years ago 

You stock your stress in your body.
Shiatsu is a powerful technic to let the stress going out of your body.

Image source
Doing so, the energy circulate better and you feel better, because your mind and your body makes only one human being.
People do not know shiatsu and a shiatsu should be paid around 50 € in the area where I live.
So I am offering free shiatsu, so people have a better understanding of this therapeutic technic and test the benefit of it.

When you give shiatsu, which takes about one hour, the appearance of the face of the people changes completely. So you immediately know that your practice has been effective.

The website of the school where I learn shiatsu, from Isabelle Laading.
Thank you Isabelle.

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Hehe I could really do with that right now and I haven't even gone into work yet.. anyway upvoted

I'm resteeming this because you captured my idea perfectly - perhaps next time explain a little more? Happy customers? Your thoughts? :)

You are right, I should have explained more... I am not used to describe emotions !
I plan to write a post about shiatsu, but it is difficult to speak about vital energy (ki).
It is easier to practice.
Thank you for upvoting and thank you for the positivity challenge !