Performance of India in ISSF world cup.

in shooting •  6 years ago 



In the last ISSF world cup, young Manu Bhakar and saurabh chaudhary won gold medal in 10 meter air pistol contest. India did awesome performance in this competition. Indian Abhishek verma and yeshaswani Deswal also won silver medal in 10 meter air pistol contest.

Last day india got highest medal . After this result in ISSF world cup india was in top on all stage, Including junior world cup. Totally India won 5 gold medals out of 9 medals, 2 silver medals and two bronze medals. Other country could not win more than medals, so india's score was best.

World No. 1 female shooter 10 meter air rifle, Apurwi Chandela and deepak kumar won forth gold medal in 10 meter air rifle contest. Another player Anjum and diwyansh could win bronze madal.

Manu bhakar and saurabh chaudhary both are seventeen year old. They defeat Abhishek and yashaswani and won bronze medal from thier's by 17-15.

Before anu and deepak defeated china's Yang Kiyan and u haonan in final by 16-6. It was like one sided. Both got top place in second qualifications. Total score was 419.1 and with score they could enter directly in the final. Anjum and Diwyansh score was 418.1 so they could get forth place . They defeat Hungry's Aster and peter by 16.10 and won the bronze medal.

This year In four stage of ISSF totaly India won 22 medal , there is 16 gold medal.


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