Nikolas Cruz and the Children's Crusade, pt 1
The so called shooting at Stoneman was nothing more than the latest government and media propaganda operation (totally legal by the way).
Having established this fact--within a week thanks to auto-hoaxers and other free thinkers and skeptics---we can now look closer at the cast of characters and see what hints or clues there are to be found within a subtextual analysis of the main storyline.
By now, we have all seen the obvious scripting involved in framing the dialectic with OLD right wing gun-owners (i.e. the "bitter clingers") against the YOUNG idealistic students who, by and large, major in media, acting, and environmental studies. This polarization was further enhanced by having daddy Trump and daddy Hogg on opposite sides of a political feud involving the President and the FBI, with daddy Hogg being a retired FBI agent.
The gun debate is a red herring to cover up the bi-partisan agreement on weaponizing psychiatry in order to crack down on thought criminals. This is evident in the heated rhetoric used by the Crisis Actors against mentally ill or unstable people, people with Autism, and outsiders who don't fit in, even with the "freaks" on campus. This psyop is being used to advance both left and right wing agendas.
Several themes being pushed aggressively by the MSM:
- Youth must take control from bickering partisans who are all talk no action.
- Prayers are not enough. Government is needed.
- Pre-crime Minority Report type snitching measures are needed to prevent these tragedies.
- Immediate action is needed before emotions cool.
But what is going on beneath the obvious left versus right professional wrestling spectacle? What I see here is a push to make the real victims--the targets of Active Shooter Drills--into the vanguard of a youth led movement. Ostensibly, this movement is nothing more than another iteration of Occupy Wallstreet or any number of Leftist street mobs agitated by the government-media-entertainment compex. But beneath the surface there's more to the story, and I use the word "story" advisedly. Specifically with regards to the group being branded as a "Children's Crusade" as well as a "Civil Rights" movement.
Consider the following: the person playing Nickolas Cruz is part of the movement. His role as villian catalyzed a movement in which the vulnerable youth are demanding government protection from insane individuals who are so evidentally identifiable as threats by those around them, yet consistently slip beneath the radar of the protectors.
I would contend that all the crisis actors, including the villians, are in on the movement or political agenda being advanced by the psychological operation. And the scripting makes it clear that this is intended to fit a pattern. The BEATLES shirt and shaved head of the most prominent female "survivor" is meant to recall the 1960's youth movements. Oprah Winfrey has even likened this growing student led anti-gun "movement" to the Freedom Riders of that time.
In particular, I find Nickolas Cruz of interest in that his name, CRUZ, would make Nickolas' CROSS, the CROSS we all bear according to the story, that of GUN VIOLENCE IN SOCIETY.
The MARTYRS for whom they take up the CROSS are the innocent victims of gun violence. The shooting on Valentine's Day, a martyr, also coincided with ASH WEDNESDAY, and many in the media that day along with many of the victims were MARKED by a CROSS on the forehead.
This is to say, they have TAKEN UP THE CROSS.
Now this would not be the first time a Nickolas took up the CRUZ and led a youth movement:
According to a 13th century source, the Chronica regia Coloniensis (‘Royal Chronicle of Cologne’), the Children’s Crusade began around Easter or Pentecost of 1212:
"Many thousands of boys, ranging in age from six years to full maturity, left the plows or carts they were driving, the flocks which they were pasturing, and anything else which they were doing. This they did despite the wishes of their parents, relatives, and friends who sought to make them draw back. Suddenly one ran after another to take the cross. Thus, by groups of twenty, or fifty, or a hundred, they put up banners and began to journey to Jerusalem."
"...The ‘army’ of child crusaders was gathering in Germany. Their leader was a boy from Cologne called Nicholas, and he is reported to have attracted about 50,000 followers.
. Rather it was a popular movement whose details remain obscure and hard to trace, which was spurred on by religious fervour and fanaticism that sadly resulted in thousands of deaths."
(To be continued)
Tim Ozman
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