Aguila Minishells Review: Bigger Isn't Always Better

in shootingstatistic •  last year 

Gun-Free School Zones & Shootings Statistic (2023 Updated).jpg

So, the Aguila Minishells caught your eye, and you're trying to decide if these are just a gimmick round or something you could actually use.

In this Aquila Mini Shells review, I'm gonna shoot ya straight about the performance and uses of these rounds. So by the end of this article, you'll know whether you should grab a few boxes or keep searching for more shotgun ammunition.

Continue reading Aguila Minishells Review: Bigger Isn't Always Better here:

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The most fun I've had recently with a shotgun is with a double barreled 20 ga black powder shotgun. You can custom each load, and even have different load in each barrel. The phrase 'buck and ball' is a good example where one side is a shotgun load, with the other barrel carrying heavy buckshot.

It's addictive to shoot, and surprisingly accurate.

The small shells would work well in a pump, but I'm not sure about a semi-automatic. It would be fun to try though. Shotguns are more of a secondary firearm for me, although I've thought about a circuit judge!

Be blessed!