Why you need a website for your business

in shopify •  2 years ago 

A website (also written as a web site) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server. Websites are typically dedicated to a particular topic or purpose, such as news, education, commerce, entertainment or social networking. Https://bit.ly/3lu4gvg

Websites can be divided into two broad categories—static and interactive. Interactive sites are part of the Web 2.0 community of sites and allow for interactivity between the site owner and site visitors or users. Static sites serve or capture information but do not allow engagement with the audience or users directly. Some websites are informational or produced by enthusiasts or for personal use or entertainment. Many websites do aim to make money using one or more business models, including:

Posting interesting content and selling contextual advertising either through direct sales or through an advertising network.
E-commerce: products or services are purchased directly through the website
Advertising products or services available at a brick-and-mortar business
Freemium: basic content is available for free, but premium content requires a payment (e.g., WordPress website, it is an open-source platform to build a blog or website.)
Some websites require user registration or subscription to access the content. Examples of subscription websites include many business sites, news websites, academic journal websites, gaming websites, file-sharing websites, message boards, Web-based email, social networking websites, websites providing real-time stock market data, as well as sites providing various other services.


  1. Your Customers Expect It
    Taking upon the previous point, your tech-savvy customers expect you to have a website to find more information about your business. As for you, your website can help you generate business, increase brand recall value, promote goodwill in front of customers and target audience, as well as deliver strong marketing messages. Having a website is not just about having an online presence. By carefully crafting your website, you can make it a powerful asset for your business. It’s like having a storefront; it’s just expected. If you don’t have a website, customers will think you’re either too small-time for them or you’re not tech-savvy enough to keep up with the times. They might even question whether you’re legitimate. Sure, you could put up a website yourself. But would you really want to?

A website is more than just throwing some words up on a page and calling it good; it’s an important part of your branding and marketing strategy. It needs to be well-designed and user-friendly, with clear calls to action. It needs to be updated regularly with fresh content. And it needs to be optimized for search engines so potential customers can actually find it. In other words, it’s a lot of work. But the good news is, there are people who can do all that for you. So if you don’t have a website, what are you waiting for? Get one! Your customers will thank you for it.

Think of it this way, your website delivers your marketing message 24 hours, 365 days a year! Apart from e-commerce websites, most professional websites are information-oriented and try to solve visitors’ pain points.

  1. Offers Social Proof
    Without a website, how will people know that you’re a real business? How will they know that you’re not just some random person operating out of their mom’s basement? A website is essential for offering social proof and establishing your credibility as a business. It shows potential customers that you’re serious about what you’re doing and that you have something to offer. Just think about it: would you be more likely to buy from a company with a website or one without? The answer is obvious. So if you want to succeed in business, invest in a website. It’s the best way to offer social proof and build trust with potential customers.

If you don’t have a website, in a way you’re not really in business. That’s because people expect businesses to have a website where they can learn more about what you do, read customer reviews, and get some social proof that you’re a reputable business. If you don’t have a website, you’re effectively saying to potential customers that you’re not worth their time or money.

Customer behavior is driven mostly by what others have to say about your business. No matter, if your brand is rated 5-star on review sites like FourSquare or Yelp, people expect to see your website to get more information about the brand. Since prospective buyers are already looking for you online, including customer testimonials on your site is a great way to impress potential buyers and provide social proof.

  1. Control the Narrative
    While it is difficult to control what people say about you, you can influence your brand perception by writing your own story on the website. A website is a far more efficient way than print ads or snail mail brochures when it comes to helping brands spread their message, vision, and mission.

Today, it’s more important than ever to control the narrative about your website. There are so many ways for people to find out about your website, and if you’re not careful, you can end up with a lot of false information floating around. The best way to control the narrative is to make sure that your website is up-to-date and accurate. Keep your content fresh and relevant, and make sure that all of your contact information is up-to-date. If people can’t find what they’re looking for on your website, they’ll quickly move on to someone else’s. So ensure that you’re always providing the most accurate and up-to-date information about your website. According to SEOTribunal, there are 5.6 billion searches on Google per day, and 63,000 searches per second on any given day. Imagine, with that kind of search volume, there might be someone online right now looking for your exact service.

If you don’t have a website, guess who will get the business? Definitely, not you! But that competitor next door, who has a great-looking search-optimized website. https://bit.ly/3lu4gvg

  1. Maximize ROI
    If you’re running a business, one of your top priorities is probably maximizing return on investment (ROI). And if you have a website, you’re in luck, because there are a number of ways to ensure that your website is working hard to bring in maximum ROI. Here are just a few:

First, make sure that your website is designed with your target customer in mind. What do they want to see? What will make them stay on your site and keep coming back? Answering these questions will help you design a website that’s geared towards generating leads and sales.
Second, invest in search engine optimization (SEO) so that your website comes up high in search engine results pages (SERPs). The higher you rank, the more likely people are to click through to your site. And once they’re on your site, you have a better chance of converting them into customers or clients.
Third, use effective calls to action (CTAs) on your website. A CTA is basically an instruction telling website visitors what you want them to do next. For example, if you want them to sign up for your newsletter, include a CTA that says “Click here to subscribe.”Make sure your CTAs are clear and placed prominently on your website so that visitors can’t miss them.
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your website is contributing to maximum ROI for your business. Creating a website on free tools such as WordPress.com and Elementor doesn’t cost a lot of money, but provides more bang for your buck. A search-engine-optimized website lets you be in front of thousands of more potential consumers without spending much. It can help you reach a wider target audience for promoting your services or products. The content on the website also influences buying decisions and commercial transactions, no matter which industry you are in.

  1. Website Adds To Company’s Credibility
    Back in the day, when a company wanted to be seen as credible, they would buy a TV ad or put up a billboard. But these days, people are much more likely to research a company online before making a purchase – and that means having a website is essential.

A website is like a virtual business card for a company. It’s one of the first things that potential customers will look at when they’re considering doing business with you. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that your website is professional and adds to your company’s credibility.

But just having any website won’t do – it needs to be well-designed and full of useful information. A website that is poorly designed or hasn’t been updated in years gives visitors the impression that the company is out-of-touch or unprofessional. On the other hand, a website that is sleek and up-to-date conveys that the company is modern and on top of trends. In addition, a website should be packed with information about the company’s products or services, as well as customer testimonials and reviews. This helps potential customers feel confident that they are making a purchase from a reputable source. So if you want your company to be seen as credible, make sure you have a website that reflects your commitment to quality.

If you want to show the world that you take your business seriously, then it is time to invest in a professional website.
( https://bit.ly/3lu4gvg ) In an age when more than 50% of smartphone users discover a new company or product while searching on their smartphones, not having a website can damage your credibility. According to a study, 75% of online users accepted to judge a company’s credibility based on its website’s design. In the end, people are likely to engage with a company they can trust, and the website is the stepping stone towards building that relationship.

  1. Have More Constructive Conversations
    Too often, conversations devolve into pointless arguments. But if you have a website, you can avoid these pitfalls by having more constructive conversations. After all, a website is simply a platform for sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world. By taking the time to craft a well-thought-out website, you’re effectively forcing yourself to have more constructive conversations. This is because you’re forced to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. A website allows you to have more constructive conversations with your clients, customers, and colleagues.

It provides a central location for all your information. No longer do you have to rely on scattered files and emails. On top of that, a website allows you to share information more easily. You can post articles, white papers, and other documents that can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. This makes it easy to have constructive conversations about complex topics.

Overall, having a website is essential for constructive conversations. It provides a central location for information, makes it easy to share documents, and gives you a professional image. Invest in your website today and start having better conversations tomorrow!

In addition, a website provides a permanent record of your thoughts and ideas. This means that you can always refer back to your website when having future conversations. So if you’re looking to have more constructive conversations, consider creating a website today.

The website is your platform to answer all basic questions your potential customers may have about your business and brand. This is especially true for B2B marketing agencies. When people visit your website, they seek answers to basic questions like what you do, your products/solutions, your location, contact details, etc. Once they are satisfied with all that, they decide to either follow up or not. Just remember, when you provide such information, keep it simple and short since consumers these days expect immediate gratification.

Compete With Other Industry Goliaths
Did you know that having a website gives you a fair chance to compete with the giants of your industry? When an optimized website is created, it can rank higher and be at the right place at the right time.

Not only does it give you a platform to sell your products or services, but it also allows you to reach a wider audience. And, perhaps most importantly, it enables you to compete with other industry giants – even if they have significantly more resources than you. By leveling the playing field, a website allows small businesses to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

At times, it’s all about website ranking. How does your website rank on Google? Are you on the first page? The second? The third? You can compete with the big boys if you have a website that is ranking high. Bidding for the right keywords can increase your website traffic and influence your consumer’s journey, which typically begins with research, recommendations, and reviews. Having a prominent position on the search results page is one of the many ways to challenge your industry Goliaths. Therefore, if you don’t dominate the Internet, you are giving your customers a reason to buy from the competition.

  1. Fading Social Media Reach
    If you think having a page on social media is enough to attract new customers, think again. It is not enough to have a Facebook page, because every other business has one. Facebook claims that in 2018 people spent 50 million fewer hours on Facebook than they did the year before.

As the reach of social media continues to decline, having a website is more important than ever. A website is a great way to control your own content and ensure that your audience can always find you. It’s also a much more reliable platform – while social media platforms come and go, your website will always be there as long as you keep it up.

It also allows you to track analytics and see who is visiting your site and interacting with your content. Plus, with website design becoming more user-friendly, it’s easier than ever to create a beautiful website that reflects your brand. So if you’re looking to have more control over your online presence, a website is the way to go.

Therefore, many companies are now switching to building websites instead of relying only on social media networks. While social media networks have the potential to increase business, banking just on them can be a huge mistake that can cost in the years to come.

Expand Your Working Hours
Let’s face it: most of us are not morning people. The alarm goes off, we hit snooze a few times, and before we know it, we’ve overslept and have to rush to get ready for work. For many of us, the thought of starting our day any earlier than we have to is simply unthinkable. But what if we didn’t have to start our day any earlier? What if we could work on our own schedule, without having to be at the office by 9 am?

Thanks to the internet, that scenario is now a reality for many people. With a website, you can reach a global audience 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whether you’re selling products or services, your website will be working for you even when you’re asleep. And best of all, you can set up your website once and let it run itself; there’s no need to constantly be putting in new hours or working late nights.

Having a website means that your content is available to users anytime during the day, at their convenience. So whether someone visits your website in the dead of the night or during the day, in some way you’re always interacting with them, and can say goodbye to that ‘closed for business’ sign. Being accessible at all times supports marketing and increases sales dramatically, and this is especially true for e-commerce companies. It also is a step towards effective customer service and relationship building, especially if you have AI-powered chatbots enabled on your website that can solve the basic problems of your customers when they need it the most.

  1. Showcase Your Offers
    It cannot be stressed enough that a website is the first interaction of your target audience with your brand. How you position your business is totally in your control.

In addition to providing detailed information about your offerings, a website can also be used to generate leads and sales. By including prominent calls to action, businesses can encourage website visitors to contact them or make a purchase. In addition, a website can be used to build brand awareness and establish credibility. By including testimonials, case studies, and customer reviews, businesses can show potential customers that they are reputable and trustworthy. When used effectively, a website can be a powerful asset in any marketing strategy.

By featuring product information and images on your website, you can give visitors an overview of what you have to offer without bombarding them with too much information at once. A website provides a convenient platform for customers to purchase your products or services directly, without having to visit your premises in person. As such, a website can be an invaluable tool for promoting and selling your offerings.

Add to it, you can not only display your offerings with features but also provide short video tutorials or downloadable PDF instructions. You can also highlight your awards, testimonials, and all the features that can alleviate your visitors’ pain points. This increases the average time your customers spend on the website and perhaps influences their decision to contact you.

Tips to Getting Started
So you want to get a website, huh? Well, now that you’ve understood why have a website, let’s look at some ways to get started. There are a few things you need to do before you’re ready to put up your website on the internet for the world to see.

First things first, choose a web hosting service. There are several companies that provide both domain and hosting services.

Choose a Domain Name
Ideally, your domain name should be that of your company name. In case, it is not available, you can choose a domain name that reflects your business line. Make the domain name catchy and distinctive. The domain name is a powerful marketing tool that you should fully utilize.

Web Hosting Service
Opt for a web hosting service that is credible with a strong reputation. Choose a service provider that can accommodate changes quickly and economically. This will come in handy especially when your business expands, downsizes, or has other important updates.

CMS platform
You’d want to be able to easily publish new content, allow new users, and make changes and updates to your website. And it’ll be ideal if you can do all that without having to code everything each time or work with a developer. You can use something like WordPress, an open-source CMS platform, to build and modify your website.

Website Design
Website designing has to be a product of several brainstorming sessions as building it is not as simple as you may think. Make sure your website template is easy to navigate and doesn’t resemble your competitors. After all, you don’t want your business to look similar to your competition.

The Price of Being Left behind Is A Lot More Than Having a Website
Having a professionally designed, brand-differentiating website is critical to increasing sales, boosting the bottom line, and growing your business. It gives you a chance to be in front of the right target audience with your brand’s story. Moreover, having a basic website costs some pennies and can provide huge returns over the long run.

So instead of asking why your business needs a website, ask why not!

Click on the link below to design or redesign your website, we all market stores for you to make more sale....
Facebook ads, Instagram ads, google ads and email marketing

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